
Enchanted You Are

Archer Bates has a huge crush on beautiful and sexy Hazel Gabriella since they were in third grade. Ever since he never had the chance to tell her how he feels about her mainly because she was rich, famous and had the entire school crawling at her feet. She was also dating the cutest, coolest guy in school. And him? He was just seen as the quiet, nobody from nowhere. It continues this way until everything takes a huge turn and Hazel is seen struggling to maintain her popularity which is about to crumble with the fact that she's associating with Archer. How is she going to keep up? And will Archer accept the fact that Hazel can never be his? Watch out in this heart warming suspense packed filled book.

The_old_Venus · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 11


Donny was in his rogue mode. This was the time when I knew stopping him would include me getting beat up.

I held him nevertheless and tried to stop him from hurting Archer more but he tossed me away and continued with his assault on him. This was the part I hated about him. I've warned him about this but he doesn't listen. I fell to the ground when he tossed me and Declan picked me up.

"Hey sweetie. Let me help you out of this. This ain't your fight okay. It's none of your concern." He said trying to lift me up. I glared at him. I pushed him away and stood up myself. I hated this dude with every fabric of my life. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone and stop pressurizing me. Can't he see I've got a boyfriend. And a ruthless one at that as he can see.

I turned to Donny just as he slammed Archer against the table. Archer was struggling to breath as he became limp and laid helplessly on the floor. If Donny tries anything else to him he was gonna die. I knew it. I used all the strength in me to run forward and push Donny away. Donny staggered and stopped when he saw it was me.

"What the hell Hazel?" He requested.

"Do you wanna end his life?! Is it when you've succeeded in rendering him dead that you'll know you've got to stop?! For hell's sake, he's struggling to breath right now someone should go get the school nurse!!!"

It was at that time everyone came back to their senses and those that were cheering hurried towards Archer to confirm.

"Oh man. What have you done Donny? There's no pulse. He's lifeless man. Get the nurse quick."

Someone rushed off to fetch the nurse.

" I wasn't part of this. I was never here." A girl said and stylishly walked out.

Donny walked over."He's just bluffing." He knelt beside Archer's sprawled body and began slapping his face."Wake up." I felt my anger take possession of me and I slapped him hard in the face. Donny held his face and looked at me shocked.

"Don't you have compassion for once? You've nearly killed him and you are still hitting him!!" I said to him.

Donny stared at me for sometime seriously angry. I glared back at him. I knew he couldn't touch me. He wouldn't dare knowing my family background. He got up and walked out cursing and swearing.

Soon, the nurse arrived with a stretcher and we all helped to place Archer on it. She wheeled him away just as Ruby came rushing in. She gasped when she saw Archer on the stretcher and began to sob. I walked up to her to comfort her but she withdrew when she saw it was me. I raised my eyebrows. She followed the nurse to the school clinic. I watched as they left. What was wrong with her? What did I do wrong?

I sighed and turned to go. I still have an unsettled business with Donny.