
Enchanted You Are

Archer Bates has a huge crush on beautiful and sexy Hazel Gabriella since they were in third grade. Ever since he never had the chance to tell her how he feels about her mainly because she was rich, famous and had the entire school crawling at her feet. She was also dating the cutest, coolest guy in school. And him? He was just seen as the quiet, nobody from nowhere. It continues this way until everything takes a huge turn and Hazel is seen struggling to maintain her popularity which is about to crumble with the fact that she's associating with Archer. How is she going to keep up? And will Archer accept the fact that Hazel can never be his? Watch out in this heart warming suspense packed filled book.

The_old_Venus · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 12


The rays of the sun was harsh against my eyes, I jerked my arms to obstruct it but winced in pain.

"Hey. Easy. You're gonna hurt yourself." I heard a soft voice say and opened my eyes. I was in the school clinic. What happened? My right arm was wrapped around the elbow with a bandage. I looked around and saw Hazel seated on a chair not too far from the bed. She looked concerned. I frowned as everything that happened replayed in my head. What does she have to be concerned about? Isn't she happy with the handiwork of her illustrious boyfriend? I looked away and folded my arms but winced again at the bone ripping pain tearing at it.

"Easy. You're hurt." She said and made to adjust my arm. I moved it out of her reach. She looked at me for sometime and sighed. She stood up and walked up to the window. "Ruby's gonna be here soon. She went to get some food for you. "

She didn't have to tell me that. I knew Ruby wouldn't leave me alone in this condition. I just laid in bed staring at the cieling fuming and acting like I was the only one in the room. She turned to me and folded her arms scrutinizing me.

"I honestly don't know what I did to you to make you hate me like this now but... I mean, can't you be grateful at least? If I wasn't there, Donny would have done more than what you're going through right now."

"Says the queen of the beast." I said and turned to her. "As far as I am concerned, any act of kindness you've shown to me is worthless. You're just like him. That's why they say birds of the same feather flock together." I said and looked away. I didn't care what she thought. I was really angry at this moment and wanted to vent my anger on something. Or someone as the case may be.

"You should have been wise enough to know a weakling like you is nothing to attack someone like him before making that foolish move of yours." She said and walked to the door swinging it open to see Ruby in front of it bearing a flask with her hand in the air like she was about knocking. She looked at Hazel and smiled.

"Thanks for helping me stay with him. I'll take it from here."

"It's fine I was about leaving. But can you tell your boyfriend to at least have some manners. It seems that's what got him into all these." She said sharply and stormed out slamming the door. Ruby looked at the door wide eyed and turned to me.

"What happened?" She asked. I looked away. I wasn't ready to entertain her questions.

"Nothing." I muttered. She stared at me quite not satisfied with my answer but brushed the matter away.

"I got food from Grandma for you. She was at the elders charity meeting and couldn't come so she sent this for you." She said and dropped the food flask by the table beside my bed. She stood with her hands against her waists and examined me. "What really happened between you and Hazel just now?" She asked and I groaned. Doesn't she give up?