
Enchanted by You

Meeting under unnecessary condition, they fell for each other charms. And just like that, their life begin. Both were an heir to a corporate family. Living under the same roof because of some complication, will they know what true love really mean?

Noneeoni · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Being in a good mood, Gu Chenyu can finally relax since his brother Gu Lian is back to the office. Which means, he is free to enjoy his youth again. Walking around the store, he take all his favorite chips and put it in the basket.

For him, the first thing to do in a free day is to eat his favorite food. Of course his favorite food is junk food. He called it 3C of life which stand for chocolate, candy and chips. Found all the thing he want he move to the counter.

"Sorry miss, your money is not enough. " A woman with a freezy pony tailed long hair, a long sleeved shirt and black pant is searching inside her wallet. She seems familiar to him.

"What if I take out the milk? " After hesitating for a while, she finally give up on a thing to pay the enough amount. The cashier understandingly put the banana milk aside and minus the total.

"Now you have enough chance. Thank you. " The freexy haired woman walk away with a sad face. She turned around and almost bump into Gu Chenyu who is lining behind her.

"I'm sorry, " right at that moment, their eyes locked to each other. "Mei Lan? " Gu Chenyu can't believe that they could meet each other again. Mei Lan eyes get wider behind her big glasses.

Staring at the blue sky, she let a hard sigh. She can't feel calm at all after seeing him again. She move her head to the other side of the sky. There's a plenty shape of the clouds and one the she can spot is that clear heart shaped cloud.

"Mei Lan! " The voice of the man make her eyes fall to the ground. She stay at her place staring into her pair of blue sneakers. Gu Chenyu walk towards her with a bright smile on his face. In his hand is a bottle of banana milk he bought from the store.

"Didn't I asked you to wait for me?" He sit beside Mei Lan and give her the milk. Banana milk has always been Mei Lan favorite drink since high school. A day without it made her day incomplete.

"You have always been like this. When will you talk to me? " Mei Lan didn't answer him as. She just take the milk and drink it in hurry. She just want to be away from him immediately. She cannot face him for so long or else she's going to die of heart attack.

"It's been a long time right? How have you been? " Gu Chenyu suddenly being serious. His posture also change. Looking at her from the right side of her face, his smile get wider. She hasn't change a bit. Still the cute and shy Mei Lan he know.

"I'm fine. Then, I should go now. Thank you. " Trying to escape in hurry, she stand up and start to walk away. At the same time, Gu Chenyu pull he bag string preventing her from leaving. His smile change from a normal smile to a somehow psycho smile.

"Still trying to escape? It's been years now. Do you still have feeling for me? " Mei Lan freeze upon hearing that. She should have just leave earlier. Why would she still wait for him?

"At least have lunch with me today. We never have the chance to eat lunch together, please? " Gu Chenyu heart still hurt remembering their past . Four years ago, it's also the same wish he had on their last meeting as a lover and the day she asked for a break.

"I'm sorry, but I already have a date today. " Letting her go, he let a hard sigh. Watching her walk away has always been the hardest thing he try to forget in his life. She is the only one who can hurt him that way.

No ideas. Just posting because I was wondering everything is real, or fake? This sudden things is making me doubtful.

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