
Enchanted by You

Meeting under unnecessary condition, they fell for each other charms. And just like that, their life begin. Both were an heir to a corporate family. Living under the same roof because of some complication, will they know what true love really mean?

Noneeoni · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Jiang Ran go down stair after she take a bath and changed into casual attire as she is not going to leave the house. She made up her mind and decided to stay for the time being. It was not like she has somewhere else to go and he asked her to stay.

Looking around, she cannot find a single soul and suddenly curious. In a big house like that, there should be a lot of maid but why didn't she see anyone since last night? Walking closer to the kitchen, she can smell something delicious.

"Good morning miss." Butler Hu who is serving a pancake on the table greet her with a wide smile. Jiang Ran can only smile back and stay at her place. Meeting new person is really something she wanted to prevent. As for last night, she actually desperate to stay alive.

"Come here and have some breakfast. This might be not much but it can still fill you." Butler Hu said with a welcoming tone. It's obvious that he is happy to have her there. Although he knows that his master never have any woman before, seeing the obedient woman in front of him, he can be at ease.

"Thank you." Sitting obediently, Jiang Ran started to feel comfortable around the man. She eat peacefully with Butler Hu watching her from beside. Seeing her attitude, Butler Hu smile widely. She sure is a noble woman. Then, he can only be assured after he interrogate her later.

Sitting on the sofa after breakfast, Jiang Ran don't know what to do. Butler Hu is gone after he asked her a few question. Her name, age and relationship history. After she answered honestly, he smile and asked for a leave immediately. Which made Jiang Ran somewhat puzzled.

Being so bored, Jiang Ran walk around and amazed to the home decoration. It was as if she was in an empty museum. It sure is. The living room is too empty, with only a big sofa , a television set, with a high quality gray wool carpet and a set of coffee table in the middle. What a boring house.

The wall is also painted in white which made it feel as if being in a hospital room sometimes. Not to say about the gray curtain, it sure made the living room look like an old classic movie. Desperate to see some colorful things, Jiang Ran get out from the house by the back door and found a mini garden which planted only lavender. It filled around 1 over 10 of the backyard that look like a golf course for her.

She sigh hardly. How can there be such a boring house like that? Why bother having a big house then. He can move into a cozy apartment if he is not going to do anything with his big and wide surrounding. Feeling disappointed, she can only rest on the bench beside the mini lavender garden. It's not so small, the same size as the guest room she had been sleeping last night maybe. Which is actually, quite big.

Inhaling the lavender fragrance, she feel calmness filling her and made her smile widely. As if yesterday had never existed when she chased out from home, she feel like she has nothing to fear at the moment and maybe for the future, as long as she stay.