
Enchanted by You

Meeting under unnecessary condition, they fell for each other charms. And just like that, their life begin. Both were an heir to a corporate family. Living under the same roof because of some complication, will they know what true love really mean?

Noneeoni · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 11

Sitting on the president chair, he didn't give attention as always. All the other director in the room is listening carefully to the CEO presenting his project for the company end year festival.

Aware of the president being not focuse, Jing Shen stop his presentation and volume up his voice.

"Mr President, how do you think about it? " He ask him carefully not to mention that he is not giving attention to him. Gu Lian was taken aback with the sudden question. He look into the presentation by LCD and give Jin Sheng a nod.

"I think it's great. You just need to revise the cost for the project more. As for this year event, keep it low profile. If that's all, I dismiss this meeting here. " Sighing in relief, everybody start to pack their things up. Not even a single second they wanted to stay in the meeting room after hours been there.

"What happen to you? You seem like you lost something precious today." Jin Sheng who is Gu Lian bestfriend from high school ask curiously. It's rare to see the president lost in the moment. Walking side by side, Gu Lian put his hand on Jin Sheng shoulder.

"How does is feel like when you first met your wife? " Hearing that, Jin Shen break into laugh. So it's about a woman. Finally that anti woman friend of him is interested in woman. Staring into each others eyes, where one is seeking for an answer and one is searching for a words to say, they stuck at their place for a few minutes.

"Well, I forgot. It's been years since we first met." Hearing that, Gu Lian let me sigh and walk away without words anymore. Jin Sheng can't believe it, is he sulking? What a rare side of him! He walk faster to get to him.

"So tell me, who is this lucky woman? " Jin Aheng tried to pick a hole. Gu Lian ignore him and get into his office without any more words. Jin Sheng can only smile in terror. How rare. What happen to the preseident?

Getting a call from his wife, he answer it quickly before he left to his office to get his bag. They will be having lunch together that day. As for Gu Lian, he always ask his secretary to buy it for him.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, Gu Lian mind fly to the woman in his house. He doesn't even know her name, but she is likely familiar to him. For the past 10 years of his life, he have never been so close to woman anymore. His life is completely only work and home.

Even in his office, the whole floor which he was in is only occupied by male worker. That is for a reason that he is also aware of. It's already quarter past one o'clock and Gu Lian is still in his office, revising the project report from Jin Sheng until he hear a knock on the door.

"Mr President, " his secretary get into his office with a box of lunch. Seem in pain, he put the food on the table and ask for leave immediately. His hand is touching his stomach.

"Sorry for being late, I have an urgent matters calling by the washroom. " Li Zhang Er smile warily. "It's okay. Go on. " Li Zhang Er left in hurry. Gu Lian almost forgot about lunch. That remind him of the woman at his house. Have she eaten?

Dialling Butler Hu number, Gu Lian stare at the lunch box. Getting an answer, he asked immediately, "Have she eaten? " Butler Hu who just served lunch for Jiang Ran almost chuckle.

"Well, she is eating right now. " Looking at Jiang Ran eating happily, butler Hu can help but smile. "Okay. " Gu Lian cut the call made butler Hu shocked. What a rare phone call from him.

"Don't you eat too, grandpa? " Jiang Ran look at butler Hu. Butler Hu just smile and shake his head. "I will eat at my house later. " That's how he work. If Gu Lian is home at lunch hour, he will stay to serve him first and only have lunch at home later. He won't skip his wife meal.

"Hm. How about you go home first. I can manage to clean later. " Jiang Ran give a nice plan. Cleaning up dishes is not a hard thing for her although she always let the maid do it.

"If that so, I will take my leave. " Butler Hu happiky retreat and get ready to go home. "Bye grandpa!" Jiang Ran send him out before continue eating. She also calk their butler at home as grandpa because they are already old. As for the maid, she call them either sister or aunt because she don't have one for herself.

Finished her food, she start to clean up. Carefully she did everything on her own. She is not a spoiled daughter like they said. She only knows how to use everything she own in a good ways for how it should be used. At least that's what she knows.