
Emperor was a systemholder.

David was systems holder. Yes, he was. Using cheat systems he finally created his empire, having a harem and using his modern knowledge to build the paradise on earth for his kingdom. However, he meets god again and God gives David a shocking revelation. "The open server will start soon, the planet shape will change, the monster will become aggressive, monsters and demihuman will become smarter." "It does not look like the world will end, I will manage somehow." "The other gods will bestow their favorite race, they will also send some otherworlders here." "You mean I may have a chance to met another reincarnator! That's great. I'm really wondering about the pirate king, I still want to know the ending" "My role as a leader in the god executive board will end and your empire may won't be treated with preference." "My life surely will end by the time my country was decline. 300-500 years of living in glory are enough for my descendants. I'm fine with that. Is there anything else?" ".......Your cheat systems, skill, stats will be removed." "Fu...!!!!!" ***************************** Each chapter will be 900 - 1200 words around 21.30 utc+7 ****************************** This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

patsahas · Fantasy
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57 Chs

An unlucky boy

13 B.C. central plain.

While people called it central plain, they mean the place was a large area of flat land but there was still some mountain and hill not a grass steppe like a plateau in the north. While most inhabitants in central plain prefer the area around the river or land trade route, various sect preferred the area with mountains and often build their sect on the mountain vicinity.

Akkee clan, the family that controlled one of the great sect found by their ancestor, was the clan that controlled over the mountain Vesu. The clan was not allowed the outsider to learn their art thus their clan was their sect at the same time.

The current patriarch of Akkee clan was a famous archwizard, just like his ancestor. He should succeed his father legacy by becoming a grand master of the fire tower by now if it was not for extraordinary existant like David. He did not dare enough to ask for a duel with someone like David. David killed his father fair and square in a duel, if he wanted to revenge, it must be the same way by the magician's tradition.

The man had three sons who were famed for their power and bad personality, it would be fine if the world was the same, before David came to power everything could be solved with money and influence but now even magician and noble were judged by the same law.

At Akkee clan, in 4th concubine of third young master's room, the young concubine age around 15-16 gave birth to a boy alone in the room without any servant but an old woman as her midwife, the girl herself did not even have a maid to look after her.

Before she came here she was just a lowly village girl who just unlucky to catch a glimpsed of the womanizer third son of the sect master. After she was raped, the girl became concubine but was neglected by most people in the sect, some did not want problems, some did not care and some did plainly hate this unfortunate girl without reason.

Life was something unpredictable, even the young concubine did not know whether she was lucky or unlucky. The young king declared that all people under his rule had to obey the same law, even a noble or magician, crime was a crime. That why she was lucky to become the concubine of a young master from a famous clan, her parents did not hesitate to compromise after they received money from Akkee clan.

However, the same king was the one who killed the older master of Akkee sect, the former grand master of the fire tower, and the reason for Akkee sect declined state now. Some core disciple also killed during the sacred duel lowering the power of the sect at least by half, thus no gift or tribute could be collected from the surrounding town or states. With the current state of Akkee sect, the third young master who loved to frequenting courtesan was denied more allowances as the sect could not divert their remaining funds for a stupid reason, he then turned into attacked the lowly village girl to satisfy his carnal desire.

Since rape was a criminal case, the current patriarch arranged her into a quick marriage with his son and confined her in this quarter without anything that fitted her status. If he did not properly address this matter carefully, the same thing with Varee sect could happen. If David could singlehandedly kill their sect elder one after another during the duel of 10 versus 1, who would stupid enough to give David a reason to deliver justice upon them. Well, his son did.

She was treated like a maid and need to even service her so-called husband's friends. Frankly speaking, her time as a normal village girl was a lot better, she was in despair so much that she wanted to suicide but the girl could not suicide as she was pregnant.

No one was happy with her, her friend could only pity her but they too afraid to do anything, at most they could only bribe the servants of Akkee clan to bring more food into her living place.

Her husband did not care for her at all, before pregnant she was nothing more than sex slave and after she was pregnant she was not his son's mother but a simple slave.

During her pregnancy, she saw him less than a dozen of time, also the reason was vile and vulgar, he and his friends just wanted to taste a pregnant woman. But the girl endured everything for her child.

The child she cared for was safely delivered without any handicapped.

The child was a boy, strange things always happened around him like when he was born the boy did not cry, at that time his mother cried thinking that her child was already dead.

In fact, he was not cried because he was not a simple boy as he looks.

The years passed by, although, no money no good food and education, the boy grew up with the talent that never seen before.

At the age of 3, he could speak fluently, simple calculating was not a problem, he had no problem with four basic operations of arithmetic; addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It seemed the boy was capable of harder question like an equation and some geometry without a teacher to teach him. A prodigy by birth, he knew many things too hard for an adult to understand and calm unlike normal children, it was like he was an adult in toddler form. The story about the boy later reached to his grandfather, after that the boy get the magic book as a present but nothing more than that. It would change the fate of the clan if the patriarch did a better job but he did not, the boy grew up watching his mother been tormented by his own biological father and his friends, the boy also the victim of bullying by the other children in the clan.

At the age of 7, he could start using attack magic, that normally children unable to cast. Enable him to hunt wildlife around the mountain, providing him with good food filled with nutrients need for his body growth. It was around this time that he was taken into the custody of the patriarch and nobody could bully him anymore even his father was banned from forcefully assaulted this mother.

At the age of 12, he alone could run away from the clan and become full-fledged adventurer if he decided to do so but he planned to leave this disgusting place in the near future with his mother. Since he had a talent, the clan's patriarch who was his grandfather took a liking to him. But the wound was too deep and the boy did not care about the clan at all, he just wanted to learn from the patriarch as much as possible. A few more years and it would be enough, he thought. Perhaps he would run away as fast as he can if he knew the future.