
Emperor Null

Reincarnation and Regression are one of the most powerful concepts in a fantasy world. Having the makings to lead one from basically nothing to unfathomable power. What happens when reincarnator meets regressor? Oliphant and Zakia respectively find themselves in this situation and start digging pitfalls for each other as only one of them can survive. Who will come on top between these two individuals?

Placid_Ink · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Ruthless Zakia

Oliphant was not planning on climbing the ladder to power in the past three months as he had thought that in his previous life he had been a person who had lived his life in the most proper way possible and has gone through a fair share of hardships but that doesn't mean that he should accept everything in this new world and forget about his previous one like it's nothing because this one can offer him a feeling of individual strength and power over all life. He was having a feeling of being out of place. 

He missed home. 

Being sent to another world really didn't bring joy to him, the first thing is that he almost died upon just arriving and had to endure pain, the second thing is he was also worried if his family in his previous world are even doing well after his untimely death afterall he was their pillar of support and strength, so he figured if he raised his strength in this world to a high level, he may even be able to go back home.Just as he got here he may find a way out of here maybe even this Zakia kid would be feeling the same thing if he did not die. 

Oliphant was now expelled and living a normal life on his village just outside the academy, he was out fishing and had pretty much adjusted to living this normal life while also inwardly thinking of a way to undergo an awakening without getting noticed and accumulate his power quietly. But why would things go so easy for him? No matter how much you plan trouble will always come knocking on your door no matter how quietly you want to live. 

The pair that was observing Zakia reached a point in their conversation where they started talking about why this prodigy had be expelled and reduced to such a state of a mere mortal. 

The well proportioned Shadow Corp disciple spoke with a feminine voice and says. "If he was as great as you say then he must surely know and have a lot of things why don't we force him to spill the beans, maybe we can also climb up in ranks like him and become influencial figures in the future. "

The man with the three colored mask replied. " I'm a man who practices caution what if this is all his ruse, that guy is too insidious, someone who can casually eliminate his own fellow disciples and get away with it as being an accident is not someone we can provoke even in the state he may be in."

"Was he really that terrifying?" 

"Like you wouldn't know, you saw the movement ability, it is not an easy task to fly you know." 

"Be that as it may, let me show you that this guy is just really a cripple who got cast aside by the academy as he has no further use!" 

The the three colored masked man had a bad feeling all of a sudden and the female disciple had already turned into a shadowy figure and approaching the boy with a rod in his hand. 

No something's wrong....get away from him!!!! " The masked man screamed. The girl had already extended out her hand in a palm towards Zakia's back. 


The blow delivered to Zakia landed on his back as he fell into the pond he was sitting next to. "See I told you there's nothing to worry about." 

"Was my judgement wrong?"

"I told you he's nothing." the hooded famale said as she used some kind of power to attract Zakia's neck to her hand. 

"Damn it! what's going on, these people are relentless after the old hag its these guys?" 

"Don't even try to waste time with me tell me everything about why you were expelled, and your wide range area of effect spell you used to take down your own fellow disciples I also want to know about it." The female demanded an answer with a slight smirk on her face. 

"And..why would I do that, you can kill me for all I care....this world has been nothing but suffering for me."Zakia says as he forces words out while being chokeheld. 

"Chausiku, I don't think this is a good idea, this guy has even given up on living." the masked man voiced out his opinion as he takes a stance of vigilance since he never dared to underestimate this guy. 

In the next moment a chilling aura descended in the area the female disciple named Chausiku felt like the hand on Zakia's neck was starting to feel like it was holding nothing when she looked at her hand it seemed like it had been bitten of by the neck she was holding, blood suddenly gushed out everywhere and some of it fell on Zakia's face as he was in a different state right now he was suspended in mid air and his eyes showing whites as they are rolled backwards as if he was possessed. 

"You.. What is up with your body!!!" Chausiku screamed as she backed up. 

The masked man backed up even more as he already had a bad feeling from the get go. 

Zakia's body released a suction force around a fifty meter radius of the pond area. 

The two disciples got swept up by a storm and got pulled towards Zakia as the upper soil and along with the trees and the small animal life in the vicinity, got pulled towards him like a maelstrom.The Shadow Corp disciples were forcedly dragged towards him as they also have to defend against the debris and some of the trees nearby coming towards them, the disciples each use their methods to try and escape one turned into the a shadowy figure and quickly slithered out the range of the suction force, the man with the mask had the three colors of his mask melt off of it and covered his body in the three colored liquid as his muscles bulged and gleamed out of his slightly torn uniform even more than they are used to. He uses all the accumulated strength brought by him being swathed in three colors from his mask to dash out of the suction zone with a single leap. 

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO PROVOKE HIM NOW OUR MISSION IS COMPROMISED!!!!" the three colored bulky humanoid figure shouts at Chausiku with rage. Before Chausiku could even try and apologizing on how stupid her action was she saw a figure behind the man gleaming with three colors.She saw the figure raise it's index finger to poke right behind the burly man's skull. 

Before she could scream to warn her companion. 


The head of the gleaming man is swept off his neck as it is quickly absorbed into the finger. His lifeless and headless body goes down on its knees as it falls to the ground and starts bleeding out the headless neck, it was at this point when Chausiku snapped out of her daze and mumbles. 

"..... Bwana... BWANNAAAA!!!" she realizes that her fellow disciple brother has been killed off in one move. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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