
Emperor Null

Reincarnation and Regression are one of the most powerful concepts in a fantasy world. Having the makings to lead one from basically nothing to unfathomable power. What happens when reincarnator meets regressor? Oliphant and Zakia respectively find themselves in this situation and start digging pitfalls for each other as only one of them can survive. Who will come on top between these two individuals?

Placid_Ink · Fantasy
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Underwhelming Chase

Oliphant had never experienced such pain in his life as he is being propelled through the air the limbs that had been close to being ripped off his body are further damaged as he experiences high wind pressure it is at this time his memories and the original body's start to merge and he gets a clear view of the world he's been transported into. Here humans are able to perform feats that are impossible to perform in the real world, like now, two arcs of light are flying in the air one seeming to be behind the other. "Arghhh I'm running out of juice this High Elder is still after me is she toying with me, no that doesn't seem to be the case it looks like she does not want to do something reckless but this body is just one of their tools even if I'm eliminated there won't be much consequence for her, *sigh* am I really going to die again. "

" The old hag has been maintaining a certain distance from me what is she relying on? "

" Reinforcements? No, if that was the case they would have come a long time ago, so what is it? "

At the next moment 


Oliphant is scattered around into pieces as if he was wet tissue paper thrown against a wall. 

" Whaat!! I actually..... again... "

This is the last thing Oliphant thought of as he welcomes darkness in his vision. 

"Well I guess it could not be helped the boy was indeed a once in a lifetime talent, he just had to be arrogant, now his future is ruined, he may no longer be tainted but he will never climb the ranks of power again, he'll definitely die like a lowly mortal. "

The High Elder mumbles under her breath then she shouts. " Healing Corp, take his body and reassemble it and send him back to his village, he has been expelled from the Seed Nurturing Academy for putting his own life in jeopardy and those around him and bringing unknown dangers to the clan with his Soul Taker spell. "

" From now on use and study of the Soul Taker spell is forbidden, anyone found to be using or studying it will face immediate execution, this is a message from High Authority if one is found associated with the spell in anyway High Authority will make sure you do not see the light of day again, Shadow Corp spread the message to all the steadheads and those who are eligible to know of what has transpired here and what has been declared. "

At the next moment men clad in black uniform with hoods over their heads showed themselves nearby as they gave a slight bow to the Elder. " As you command Elder. " They then vanished from sight.

"Oh Zakia this is all I can do for you, I think your life will be far better now as a mortal unlike people like us who face danger at every turn because of the power we possess, *sigh* I failed to raise your child even though you entrusted him to me the least I could do was preserve his life."

" I've been cleansing his soul for the past half month he should be clear of all corruption, with his body being blown to smithereens time and time again all invaders have no choice but to leave, he should live a normal, stable life from now on." The High Elder mumbled to herself. 

Three months later 

Two people are observing someone from a distance who has his fishing line in the pond. 

"Come on we've been here for months that guy hasn't shown any suspicious behavior since then what's the big idea?" a young woman in her early twenties who has a well proportioned body structure clad in uniform from the Shadow Corp complains to her partner. 

"You say that because you have not seen the terror that guy can bring it's just that he was simply outmatched when he tried to run from the High Elder, even with the High Elder having took action herself our Corp is not at ease since the boy can conjure all type of new spells from his head which pose great danger, like that soul taker spell he used where a large scale dissipation of souls of his disciple mates occurred while they were in a training exercise, that guy is not to be underestimated.Even though he is younger than me and you, he had enough strength to stand his ground against people like us. "said a young looking man with a three colored painted mask on his face and a slightly burly build. 

" Okay okay okay I hear you but no matter how many ideas he can come up with he's already crippled he won't be able to put anything he thinks of to good use. "

"Yeah, you're probably right we should atleast report what we've observed maybe we'll be pardoned of this duty so we can get better missions with higher contribution points."

As the pair is discussing on their next step on their journey to attain strength the teenager next to the pond with a fishing rod is also thinking of his own journey from here on out. 

" I've been reincarnated for three months already and I can't seem to be able to connect with the world anymore like I did last time when I used one of the so called spells, I guess that means I've become a cripple *sigh* what a way for my hopes to be dashed as I arrive in a new world but this all happened in the first place because this Zakia kid was really too reckless but atleast it is not without cause because if I were truly the original Zakia my life would be very miserable but since I have occupied this body I can awaken one of The Ways of the World for a second time to obtain power again, but this cannot be known since I may draw unnecessary suspicion towards myself."

"Since everyone knows I'm a cripple it won't be an easy task to awaken a second time under the watchful gaze of everyone, I'm sure they even have some people monitoring me from the background but it doesn't seem like they know their cleansing didn't work since I'm not locked up in some kind of dungeon. " Zakia ponders. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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