
Emperor Null

Reincarnation and Regression are one of the most powerful concepts in a fantasy world. Having the makings to lead one from basically nothing to unfathomable power. What happens when reincarnator meets regressor? Oliphant and Zakia respectively find themselves in this situation and start digging pitfalls for each other as only one of them can survive. Who will come on top between these two individuals?

Placid_Ink · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Unbeknownst to Oliphant the soul of the 'deceased' Zakia is that of a regressor from this world and Oliphant transmigrated to occupying the same body as the regressor Zakia now the original body's owner has taken over and is now about to kill his own disciple sister and has already rid himself of his disciple brother. 

Chausiku screamed her companions name while fleeing for her life, under such circumstances if it were someone else they would have broken down and accepted their fate, but not her, she was a woman of strong will and resolve, even though she had been blinded by greed and attacked Zakia she had come to witness the terror that is Zakia. 

Without wasting time she screamed. 


Her right arm which had already lost its hand was pulled out by her as blood started gushing out.As she suppresses the pain the blood and flesh from her arm got sucked into the pendant on her neck. 

At that instant her body started looking like a puddle of black water seeming as if, if her whole body was turned into that substance she would escape from this place. A detached voice rang in her ears. 

" Don't think you can come and go as you please." 

The suction force from earlier manifested once again, everything in the vicinity got sucked into the figure once again, this time including the corpse and the mask shards of the man named Bwana. All the substances sucked into the figure got processed inside its body. After this process the suction force became even stronger some of the puddle of black water that Chausiku had turned into also had some of its water get sucked into Zakia's body. 

A pained scream could be heard coming from the puddle, at the next moment the puddle sipped into the soil and vanished from sight. 

"Mhm she escaped huh, it would have been better to have absorbed the both of them, that way my power would have increased even more." 

One might ask themselves what is going on here, it turns out the boy Zakia the original owner of the body didn't actually have his soul dissipate due to his spell but it was just in slumber to heal, he had planned that after he had healed then he would then devour this invader who had taken over his body but this can no longer happen as he was awoken prematurely and had to dispatch enemies that had put his physical body in danger. 

"The village is no longer a safe place anymore, since that female disciple has already escaped the Shadow Corp will be here soon to investigate I should clean up this mess and leave." original Zakia thought to himself. 

Seed Nurturing Academy 

In a sanctum in the Academy with tens of talismans hung up by strings, one of the talismans had already been broken into pieces, this is a talisman belonging to the Shadow Corp disciple named Bwana while the another has cracks all over it as black water is seeps out of it. After a while the water that seeped out turned into a mangled body of the other female disciple that escaped by a hairs breath on the floor. 

The guardian stationed in the sanctum notices this change and his expression changes into one of disbelief because the Shadow Corp specializes in tailings, gathering of clues and most importantly concealment, death of disciples from this Corp is very unlikely.Now for two of them to come back in such states one dead and another barely alive, it truly shocked him. He then proceeds to investigate as to which disciples these talismans belong to, and realizes that these talismans are in the middle tiered section of the people from the Shadow Corp these people can be said to hold significant power on their own and can survive outside the academy. 

He then proceeds to shout "Go and request for a healer in the Healing Corp we need a healer right now and go to the Shadow Corp and report that one of their disciples life saving talisman has shattered while another is heavily injured!!" One of the two guards who were right outside the entrance of the sanctum heard this shout and immediately followed orders and headed to the Healing Corp headquarters while the other headed to the Shadow Corp to convey orders. 

After a few minutes four people made their way into the sanctum, two of them remained by the door, while two of them went through the door to meet the man who had requested for their presence. 

A middle aged man with a dark shade of skin and dreadlocks adorned with beads of all kinds of shades of green, and was wearing a green vest and covering his lower body with a cloth depicting different kinds of plants on it and he was walking barefooted, he walked into the sanctum carrying a beast skin bag with the other male whose features cannot be seen due to his attire of wearing all black and his head covered in a hood. 

"It is rare for the Talisman and Enchantment Corp to request for any kind of medical help since you specialize in defense and of course, 'running away' what kind of mishap could have happened for you to request help from us?" the man with the dreadlocks asked in a way that was clearly looking down on the man from the Talisman and Enchantment Corp.

" Well I'll have you know this has nothing to do with my Corp, instead of yapping on you should do your duty and quickly save the girl in critical condition so we know what happened out there." the man from the talisman corp said flatly. 

"Oh, well then I better get to work and do what I do best." the man with dreadlocks said with a bit of pride. 

The man from the Shadow Corp just stood there quietly and observed as the man with dreadlocks opened his beast skin bag to take out a bottle with a powder like substance and started sprinkling it on the mangled body of the girl, as soon as the powder touched her body the remaining three limbs started to twist in a fashion that they slowly regained their form along with her twisted torso. 

"Mhm, why isn't her other arm recovering?" the dreadlocked man asked in a low voice. 

"Ha! I always knew the so called healing powders and concoctions from your Corp were impotent." the sanctum guardian said in a tone of ridicule. 

The Shadow Corp representative spoke for the first time and said "It is not that his powder is impotent, this disciple here used her own arm as sacrifice, so it cannot be recovered no matter what anyone does, so let's listen to she has to say, and quit with your bickering its unbecoming of you guys." 

"You're right let's hear what she has to say." the dreaded man said as he looked at the sanctum guardian with a look of saying 'yes stop being childish and take the matter at hand seriously'. 

"Mhph, as if we don't know that." said the sanctum guardian. 

At this point Chausiku had already regained consciousness and was looking at her surroundings only to see three men standing before her.

"What happened?" the hooded man questioned. 

Chausiku felt like a bucket of water of cold water had been poured on her head as she started shivering, thinking about how she had escaped death.She then said a name with difficulty. 


The expression of the three men changed immediately. 

"What about him? Speak now girl!" the dreaded man asked in a tone of unease. 

" Don't rush her the girl is in shock can't you tell? "the sanctum guardian said as he looked at the dreaded man with disdain. 

" We were monitoring Zakia as usual and suddenly...He... he killed Bwana and caused me to sacrifice my arm while escaping for my life." Chausiku explained in sobbing voice. 

" How could that be possible the boy is a cripple, the High Elder of our Corp was in charge of his situation and deemed him incapable of harnessing any sort of power. "the dreaded man gave his opinion. 

" Clearly the High Elder of your Corp is incompetent why would the girl lie for no reason. " the sanctum guardian interjected. 

"What did you say?!" the dreaded men looked at the sanctum guardian with anger. 

"Stop it you two, this is really not the time for this." the hooded man said as he shifts his gaze from the two men to the girl. 

"What was the situation when you used the life saving talisman, and where was he when all this unfolded." the hooded man asked

"He was out fishing when he suddenly appeared right before us and absorbed Bwana into his own body." Chausiku said as tears fill her face.

The three men said in unison. 

"What do you mean by absorbed him into his own body?" 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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