
Emperor Null

Reincarnation and Regression are one of the most powerful concepts in a fantasy world. Having the makings to lead one from basically nothing to unfathomable power. What happens when reincarnator meets regressor? Oliphant and Zakia respectively find themselves in this situation and start digging pitfalls for each other as only one of them can survive. Who will come on top between these two individuals?

Placid_Ink · Fantasy
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27 Chs


"Zakia was out fishing as usual then he suddenly appeared before us and absorbed Bwana into himself."Chausiku said. 


"What do you mean absorbed him? " the three men asked in unison.

"I actually don't understand it either it was like his body was a swamp that just takes in everything before it's path, before I sacrificed my arm I had lost my hand first to his ability." Chausiku said as strength from her body started draining out as she fainted.

"What is this? Looks like that kid is a lot of trouble isn't he? " the sanctum guardian remarked.

"He indeed is, I guess we should report this to our own Corps higher ups and find out where we go from here, oh, and take the girl with you once she reaches full recovery at you Corp we'll send someone to fetch her. " the hooded man stated as he turned to leave.

" Wait wait wait wait you're not actually going to leave this girl lying here right? Aren't you going to at least play your part and help with carrying her... Hey! " the dreaded man shouted at the end as he saw the hooded man showing no regard in helping and directly leaving.

The sanctum guardian remarked" What are you looking at me for? You're surely not expecting me to help you right?". The dreaded man clicked his tongue as he picked up the girl and hung her on his shoulder and he too left using a skateboard shaped wooden glider as he glided through the air to quickly  report to his Corp. Only the sanctum guardian was left in the room as he turned around and went behind the alter in the sanctum and towards a wall facing the alter, he took out a paper talisman and plastered it on the wall in a horizontal position and said softly "Open."

The talisman faded as if being rubbed out and the wall turned into a liquid like substance and the sanctum guardian walked through this liquid wall as seven doors appeared in front of the guardian, after completely walking through the liquid wall, the guardian did not bother with the other doors and went to the one in the middle and went down on one knee.

"High Elder a situation has occurred regarding Zakia and it may require your opinion on a way forward we should take as the Talisman and Enchantment Corp." 

A raspy voice came from beyond the door in the middle.

" Ja IL, how many times must I tell you not to report crap to me? What happens to that Zakia kid is of no concern to me or our Corp but I can see that you're interested in something he has so just go there and do what you must my disciple."the raspy voice from beyond the door said.

" Yes Master!!! "Ja IL got up with excitement as he walked out of the hidden room, to go find another replacement for his post and quickly go to investigate Zakia. 

In another Corp in the academy in an area that had mist all around it a hooded man made his way around the mist as if searching for a specific path to reach there, after a while he saw a cave and entered it. A conversation was taking place inside. 

" Lord two of our warriors were incapacitated by that Zakia boy we should set out immediately and apprehend this heinous villain who has no regard for his fellow academy people." a hooded male in all black was voicing out his opinion at this moment.

A man with a wooden leg was sitting on a cushion and was holding a portion bottle in his hand and softly twirling it, he turned his gaze away from the bottle and faced the hooded man, a face that was far from it's prime but was also not old was revealed.

The man had a scar running across his face as one of his eyes had a white pupil indicating that the may have been cut across the face, thus his eye not being spared making it white.

"Still as righteous and straight forward as ever eh, Saka?, Well since you feel this way, why don't you go and hunt him down eh?, Won't that be a show?, go Saka, go hunt down the one who killed one of ours." the man declared in a manner that made one not figure out what the man was thinking.

"Yes Lord." Saka showed an excited look on his face as he had took off his mask in the presence of the scar faced man.

In the Healing Corp 

In a rondavel-like building, inside one would see all kind of bottles, containers, gords, dried beast skins and plants that looked exotic planted in sacks filled with soil, giving a feeling of being full in the room. An elderly woman with wrinkles all over her body  and a cane in her hand was in this room with a dreadlocked man, the man was sitting on the floor in a subservient manner as he clapped his hands twice.

"High Elder Zakia has been reported to have killed a Shadow Corp disciple and wounded another so a course of action is being taken, so what stance should we of the Healing Corp take?" the dreaded man inquired. 

" *sigh* That boy I wonder how he escaped detection from me though, others will now even say I'm incompetent but no worries, that's for me to deal with, what I want from you, is for you to go after him and try by all means to bring him to me, if you can't, try and help him escape in any possible way you can, I have to leave now to meet some people I'm counting on you Zane. "

" You can count on me High Elder."the dreaded man stood up to leave.

" Yes, I know which is why I'm giving you this task." said the High Elder.

Zane bowed and left and headed to were Zakia's village is located and were the girl had reported to have been attacked.

These three men Zane, Ja IL,and Saka met along the way and decided to head there together but what they found at their destination was an unusually quiet village it seemed like it had been abandoned for decades. The sanctum guardian didn't waste time and used an investigative method, Ja IL mumbled a word "Bird" and a half transparent bird manifested from the tattoo on his arm. He used this bird to investigate the unusual state of the village. The first thing he saw were deep circular pits at the edges of the village forming a perimeter around it.

When the bird vision investigated further one could see man made carvings in the interior of the village all the way to it's center. One would see that a high level Spell had been cast by inscribing it's Spell Array on the ground in the village, Ja IL had a half transparent screen hovering in the air so that the men accompanying him could also see what he sees, all villagers had vanished not even one person could be found as a matter of fact nothing with vitality could be found even the environment was affected the trees around the village were dry like having lost all moisture. 

"This.. this is the Soul Taker Spell!!!" Ja IL shouted.

"What! It actually is, so you're telling me that such a spell was used on ordinary citizens by Zakia..... that boy is vile he's insidious, he deserves death by the most horrible way how could he do this! " the hooded man called Saka shouted. 

"It even looks like he modified it, at first he could only dissipate the souls of those in certain range of him but now it looks like not only the soul gets dissipated now even the fleshly body can be dissipated and even the surroundings too, so this is what the girl meant when she said she saw her companion get swallow into his body can it even be called a Soul Taker Spell at this point? "Zane came with his own theory.

" It looks like the boy was improving whilst everyone was thinking he was a cripple, even though he has gotten stronger, so what? what can he do against three Rank 3 Practitioners like us." Ja il said as he looked at his two companions.

" Did Zakia really do this?I don't believe this. Massacring a whole village of hundreds? For what? No something's wrong.,maybe the High Elder really did not cleanse him properly. Dammit, Zakia really went too far this time, even l, won't be able to defend him, I may even be deemed a traitor and be taken down with him by those two,no I have to find clues before they do and find him first and take him to the High Elder. " Zane thought he started to secretly use an investigative method of his own as he thought. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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