
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Clashing Personalities: Navigating Arguments

Aqua and Kazuma made their way to the registration desk. The bustling atmosphere of the guild hall surrounded them as they approached the desk.

As Aqua and Kazuma completed their registration, the atmosphere in the guild hall was filled with anticipation. Aqua confidently declared her class choice, Arch Priest, which immediately garnered cheers and applause from the guild members. Her selection of an advanced class was met with admiration and excitement, as it showcased her immense magical potential.

Meanwhile, Kazuma, his expression displaying a mix of determination and contemplation, took his turn at the desk. He considered the various options before him, knowing that his average stats limited his choices. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded to himself and declared, "I choose Adventurer."

The room fell momentarily silent, and some guild members exchanged curious glances. Kazuma's choice of Adventurer, a common and flexible class, seemed underwhelming in comparison to Aqua's advanced class. However, Kazuma remained unfazed by their reactions and calmly completed the necessary paperwork.

As the group gathered together, Aqua couldn't resist teasing Kazuma about his average stats. She couldn't resist poking fun at him, knowing it would rile him up.

"Hey, Kazuma," Aqua chimed in mischievously. "You know, with those average stats of yours, you're practically the definition of mediocrity!"

Kazuma's irritation was evident as he shot a glare at Aqua. "Oh, really? Well, at least I can rely on my intelligence to outsmart our enemies. What do you have, Aqua? Incredibly low luck?"

Aqua huffed and crossed her arms, feigning offense. "Hey, don't forget my high magic power! That's more than you can boast about!"

Jack, sensing the escalating tension, stepped in to defuse the situation. "Alright, you two. Let's not get too carried away with the banter. We're a team now, and we need to support each other."

Darkness nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it's essential that we maintain a positive and cohesive dynamic. Let's focus on our strengths and work together to overcome any obstacles."

"Fine," Kazuma grumbled. "Let's just focus on the task at hand and prove ourselves as a capable team."

Aqua smirked, unable to resist one last jab. "Sure thing, Kazuma. I'll just have to make up for your lackluster stats with my divine prowess!"


As Jack and Darkness observed Aqua and Kazuma, they couldn't help but exchange glances and cross their arms, analyzing the two newcomers. Aqua and Kazuma, feeling the weight of their scrutinizing gaze, squirmed slightly under the intense observation.

After a few moments, Darkness broke the silence, her voice filled with a mix of amusement. "They're complete rookies, as expected"

Jack nodded in agreement, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "It's quite evident. They seem a bit overwhelmed and unsure of what to expect."

Darkness chuckled softly. "Well, at least they're in for an interesting adventure with us. We'll have to guide them and show them the ropes."

Jack's gaze softened as he looked at Aqua and Kazuma. "They may lack experience, but they have their own unique talents. Aqua's divine abilities and Kazuma's resourcefulness could prove to be valuable assets on our journey."

Darkness raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "I suppose you see potential in them, huh?"

Jack nodded, his voice filled with determination. "I believe that with proper guidance and teamwork, they can become valuable allies. We just need to give them a chance to prove themselves."

Jack and the group made their way to the grasslands, their footsteps blending with the rustling of the tall grass. Darkness and Jack took the lead, their expressions calm and confident, as they reassured Aqua and Kazuma.

"Don't worry, we've dealt with these Giant Toads before," Darkness said, her voice carrying an air of reassurance. "Stick close and follow our lead. We'll show you how it's done."

Jack nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Stay focused and watch your surroundings. Giant Toads can be crafty, but with our combined skills, we'll make short work of them."

Aqua and Kazuma exchanged glances, a mix of nervousness and trust evident in their eyes. They had seen the competence and determination in Jack and Darkness, which gave them a sense of confidence.


As they ventured deeper into the grasslands, the group's anticipation grew. The tension in the air was palpable, but Jack and Darkness's presence provided a calming influence.

Suddenly, a croaking sound echoed through the air, alerting them to the presence of the Giant Toads. Jack's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword, while Darkness assumed a defensive stance.

"Remember, aim for their weak spots," Darkness advised, her voice steady. "Their underbellies are their most vulnerable areas."

Aqua, however, decided to try something different. She focused her energy, divine energy enveloping her arm as she prepared to unleash her move, "God Blow." With a determined look on her face, she launched her punch towards one of the Giant Toads.

To everyone's surprise, the punch had no effect. The Giant Toad barely flinched, seemingly unbothered by the divine energy-infused blow. Before the Toad could retaliate, Jack swiftly pushed Aqua out of harm's way, causing her to stumble and fall.

As Aqua whined about being treated roughly, Darkness stood her ground, engaging the Giant Toad in combat to allow Jack and Aqua to have their conversation undisturbed. Her sword clashed against the creature's thick hide, drawing its attention away from the fallen Aqua.

With precise timing, Darkness waited for the Giant Toad to attack, its tongue lashing out towards her. In a swift motion, she pushed it away with the flat side of her sword, deflecting the attack.

Jack quickly approached Aqua, his voice filled with concern. "I'm sorry, Aqua. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to keep you safe. I understand you're a goddess, but in combat, we all need to be careful and look out for each other. Please forgive me."

Aqua huffed, still nursing her pride, but her expression softened. "Fine, I guess I can forgive you this time. Just remember, I'm a goddess, and I deserve to be treated accordingly."

Jack nodded, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Understood, Aqua. I'll do my best to remember that."

As they spoke, Darkness continued to engage the Giant Toad, using her incredible strength and skill to distract and fend off its attacks. Her sword clashed against the creature's tough hide, creating a barrier between it and the rest of the group.

With Aqua back on her feet, the group refocused their efforts on taking down the Giant Toads. Jack and Kazuma joined forces, strategically striking the creatures' weak spots while Aqua provided support with her divine magic.

The battle unfolded with renewed determination and strategic precision. Darkness's unwavering defense allowed the group to coordinate their attacks effectively. Slowly but surely, the Giant Toads began to falter under the relentless assault.

As the battle came to an end and the defeated Giant Toads lay still on the ground, Jack turned towards Darkness with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Darkness," he said, admiration evident in his voice. "Your skill and strength were truly impressive. Your distraction allowed us to coordinate our attacks effectively and secure the victory."

Darkness beamed with pride, her chest puffed up slightly. "You're welcome, Jack. It was my pleasure to be of assistance. Teamwork is crucial in battles like these, and I'm glad I could provide the distraction we needed."

Aqua, standing nearby, couldn't help but interject. "Hey, don't forget about my divine magic! It played a crucial role too!"

Jack chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Of course, Aqua. Your divine magic was instrumental in our victory as well. Each of us brings unique strengths to the table, and together, we make a formidable team."

Kazuma, who had been observing quietly, finally spoke up. "I have to admit, I was skeptical at first, but you guys really know what you're doing. I'm impressed."

Jack extended a hand towards Kazuma. "Thank you, Kazuma. We're glad to have you as part of our team. With your skills and our combined strengths, I'm confident we can overcome any challenge."

Jack excused himself from the group soon after, feeling a mix of unease and confusion swirling within him. He needed a moment alone to process what had just happened. He walked a short distance away from the others, his mind consumed by questions.

As he knelt down on the ground, Jack took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. His mind was flooded with fragments of Raiden's memories, vivid images of battles and the thrill of combat. But along with those memories came a sense of enjoyment, a dark pleasure that he found unsettling.

"Why did those memories resurface?" Jack muttered to himself, his voice filled with a tinge of frustration. "I didn't even transform this time. Why am I still haunted by Raiden's experiences?"

He leaned against a tree, contemplating the situation. It seemed that the memories of his transformations were not confined to the moments when he assumed the form of a character. They had a way of creeping into his mind unexpectedly, triggered by certain actions or situations.

Jack realized that his connection with Raiden's power ran deeper than he initially thought. It wasn't just a matter of transforming; it was an intertwining of his essence with the essence of those characters. The memories and emotions associated with those characters had become a part of him, even when he didn't actively tap into their power.

With a deep sigh, Jack resolved to delve further into this phenomenon. He knew that suppressing the memories wasn't a long-term solution. He needed to understand the nature of his power and come to terms with the memories that accompanied it.

But for now, he had a group to lead and a quest to fulfill. Jack pushed aside his introspection and refocused his attention on the present. He rejoined the others, his expression determined as he silently resolved to confront the lingering mysteries of his power in due time.

Jack thinking what would be better, if continuing like this or transform into someone else and train like he did with Raiden, someone with a happier past whose memories might be able to push away the dark thoughts

As Jack rejoined the group, a persistent thought gnawed at the back of his mind. Should he continue down this path, struggling with the haunting memories that accompanied his transformations? Or should he consider embracing another character, someone with a different background and a happier past, in the hopes that their memories would overshadow the darker ones?

He weighed the options carefully. On one hand, he recognized the potential danger in succumbing to the allure of different characters and their experiences. Each transformation carried its own set of memories and emotions, and there was no guarantee that the new memories would entirely replace or suppress the troubling ones.

On the other hand, Jack couldn't deny the appeal of seeking solace in the memories of a character who had faced hardships but ultimately triumphed, whose experiences were filled with joy and camaraderie rather than darkness. Perhaps immersing himself in the memories of such a character would provide a reprieve from the haunting thoughts and allow him to train without the burden of past regrets.

Lost in his thoughts, Jack realized that he couldn't make this decision lightly. It was a question of finding a balance between harnessing his power and preserving his sense of self.

With those thoughts weighing heavily on his mind, he made his way back to the group to call it a day and discuss what to do with the information he had learned today.

As the group continued their journey, Darkness couldn't help but notice the distant look on Jack's face. Concerned, she approached him, her voice laced with genuine care.

"Jack, is everything alright?" Darkness asked, her eyes filled with worry. "You seem a bit... distant. Are you sure you're okay?"

Jack, not wanting to burden Darkness with his internal struggles, forced a small smile and nodded. "I'm fine, Darkness. Just lost in thought for a moment. Nothing to worry about."

Darkness studied Jack's expression for a moment, searching for any signs of discomfort or hidden pain. She valued their camaraderie and wanted to ensure that Jack felt comfortable confiding in her. But she also respected his privacy and understood that sometimes people needed their own space.

"Alright," Darkness replied, her voice gentle yet persistent. "Just remember, if you ever need someone to talk to or if there's anything I can do to help, I'm here for you. We're a team, after all."

Jack's heart warmed at Darkness's words. He appreciated her concern and her willingness to offer support. Though he wasn't ready to open up just yet, he knew that when the time was right, he could confide in her.

"Thank you, Darkness," Jack replied, sincerity lacing his voice. "I truly appreciate your concern. Right now, I'm just working through some things on my own. But it means a lot to know that you're there for me. We're a team indeed, and I'm grateful to have you by my side."

With a nod of understanding, Darkness respected Jack's response. She knew that everyone had their own battles to fight and their own journeys to undertake. For now, she would be there to support him in whatever way she could, even if it meant allowing him the space he needed.

Lost in his thoughts for a moment, Jack was abruptly pulled back to reality by the escalating argument between Aqua and Kazuma. Their voices grew louder and more heated, and it was clear that tensions were rising once again.

Aqua turned to Kazuma, a scowl on her face. "Kazuma, you're just a useless hikineet! All you do is flail around with your sword, hoping to hit something!"

Kazuma's eyes narrowed, and he retorted, "At least I'm trying, Aqua! You just stand there and rely on your divine powers, expecting everything to be handed to you on a silver platter!"

Jack sighed, realizing that he needed to intervene before things spiraled out of control. He stepped forward, raising his voice to be heard above their bickering.

"Hey, guys, enough!" Jack called out, his tone firm but composed. "We can't let our disagreements tear us apart. We're a team, and we need to work together to achieve our goals."

Aqua turned towards Jack, her face flushed with anger. "But Kazuma just doesn't understand! He's always mocking me and acting like he's so superior!"

Kazuma crossed his arms, a smug expression on his face. "Oh please, Aqua. You're the one who's always causing trouble and being a burden. I'm just pointing out the obvious."

Jack took a deep breath, attempting to maintain his patience. "Look, I get that you both have your differences, but we can't let it overshadow our mission."

Aqua pouted, but her anger seemed to subside slightly. "Fine, but Kazuma needs to stop with the constant jabs."

Kazuma rolled his eyes, but he nodded begrudgingly. "Alright, I'll try to be more mindful of my comments. But Aqua, you need to take responsibility for your actions too."

Jack leaned in closer to Darkness, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you really think they won't argue anymore? I mean, it's almost inevitable with those two."

Darkness sighed, her eyes filled with a mixture of amusement and resignation. "You know them, Jack. Their arguments are like a never-ending cycle. They may find temporary peace, but it won't be long before they're at each other's throats again."

Jack chuckled softly, understanding Darkness's point. "Yeah, you're right. I guess we'll just have to be prepared for the next round of fireworks."

Darkness nodded, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "And perhaps find some creative ways to distract them or diffuse the situation before it gets out of hand."

Jack smirked, appreciating Darkness's suggestion. "I like the way you think, Darkness. We'll have to come up with some clever tactics to keep the peace."

They shared a brief moment of camaraderie, knowing that their ability to navigate the dynamic between Aqua and Kazuma would be crucial in maintaining harmony within the group. With their understanding and teamwork, they would strive to minimize the arguments and keep the focus on their Journey.

I forgot to add the first scene, but hey, at least it gave me more word count, so I consider this a win.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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