
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Unexpected Bonds

Jack and Darkness stood in the training grounds, their eyes locked in determination. It had been a week since Jack had embarked on his intensive training regimen, and Darkness, inspired by his dedication, had offered to be his sparring partner. They knew that for this session, Darkness would focus on honing her defensive skills while Jack would test his offensive abilities.

As they prepared to begin, Jack approached Darkness with a confident smile. "Thanks for sparring with me, Darkness. I know your aim may not be the best, but I believe we can learn a lot from each other in this practice session," he said, acknowledging her known struggle with accuracy.

Darkness nodded, gripping her sword tightly, ready to defend against Jack's attacks. "Indeed, Jack. While my aim may falter, I can still provide a formidable defense with my blade. Let's make the most of this opportunity," she replied, her voice filled with determination.

With that, the spar began. Jack, wielding Raiden's sword, unleashed a series of strikes with precision and speed. His movements were a seamless blend of Raiden's fighting style and his own physical prowess. The sword sliced through the air with grace, each swing accompanied by a faint humming sound.

Darkness, fully focused, skillfully blocked and parried Jack's attacks with her own sword. She swiftly shifted her stance, gracefully dodging and countering his strikes. The clash of their blades reverberated through the training grounds, creating a mesmerizing symphony of steel.

As the spar continued, Jack marveled at the unique sensation of wielding Raiden's sword without transforming. The weight of the weapon felt familiar in his hands, and he instinctively tapped into Raiden's fighting experience. He moved with a fluidity and precision that seemed almost otherworldly, each strike carrying the echoes of Raiden's own skills.

Darkness, though challenged by Jack's intensified attacks, held her ground admirably. She used her defensive expertise to withstand his onslaught, her movements blending grace and strength. The clash of their swords echoed through the training grounds, an exhilarating dance between offense and defense.

In the midst of their intense battle, Jack and Darkness found moments to exchange words of encouragement. "Your defense is impressive, Darkness! You're able to adapt to my attacks with such finesse," Jack commended, his voice filled with admiration.

Darkness, her focus unyielding, replied with a determined grin. "And your strikes are relentless, Jack. I can feel the strength and determination behind each swing. Together, we're pushing each other to new heights."

The spar continued, with Jack pushing the boundaries of his offensive capabilities while Darkness showcased her steadfast defense. They flowed from one move to the next, their swords a blur of motion. The training grounds became a stage for their growth, where each clash and parry brought them closer to their goals.

As the spar reached its conclusion, Jack and Darkness both stepped back, their breathing heavy but their spirits invigorated. They shared a moment of mutual respect and understanding, knowing that their training had forged a bond that would endure any challenge.

"You've truly become a formidable defender, Darkness," Jack said, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "Your skills have sharpened, and I know I can rely on you in any battle."

Darkness nodded, a glimmer of determination in her eyes. "And you, Jack, have honed your offensive abilities with remarkable skill. Your dedication is inspiring."

As Jack caught his breath, Darkness couldn't help but express her curiosity. "Jack, I've noticed that you possess powerful magic as an Arch wizard. Why haven't you been using it to transform during our sparring sessions?" she asked, her brow furrowed in genuine puzzlement.

Jack paused, wiping the sweat from his forehead before responding. "It's true that I have the ability to transform using magic, Darkness. But lately, I've been focusing more on refining my physical skills. I wanted to see how far I can push myself without relying solely on my magical abilities," he explained, his voice filled with determination.

Darkness nodded, her gaze fixed on Jack. "I see. So you're purposefully challenging yourself to become a skilled swordsman as well. It's an admirable goal," she remarked, her tone tinged with both curiosity and respect.

Jack smiled appreciatively. "Exactly. I believe that a well-rounded adventurer should be proficient in both magic and physical combat. By honing my sword skills alongside my magical abilities, I aim to become a versatile and formidable force," he elaborated.

Darkness crossed her arms, considering Jack's words. "It's an unconventional approach for an Arch wizard, but I can understand the reasoning behind it. I must admit, I'm impressed by your dedication and the progress you've made," she admitted, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Jack's smile widened. "Thank you, Darkness. Your support means a lot to me. I believe that combining the powers of an Arch wizard with the finesse of a skilled swordsman will make me a more well-rounded adventurer."


Jack and Darkness made their way to a nearby tavern, finding a secluded table where they could have a moment of respite. As they settled in, Jack glanced at Darkness and couldn't help but notice a hint of frustration in her eyes.

"Darkness, how did the recruitment for our adventure group go? Were you able to find any potential members?" Jack inquired, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Darkness let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I'm afraid I wasn't successful, Jack," she admitted reluctantly, her gaze fixed on the table.

Surprised by her response, Jack leaned forward. "What happened? Did something go wrong?" he asked, concern lacing his words.

Darkness hesitated for a moment before finally responding. "It's... been a bit challenging. The adventurers I approached weren't quite the right fit for our group," she explained, carefully avoiding any mention of her own tendencies.

Jack furrowed his brow, sensing that Darkness was holding something back. "Is there something you're not telling me, Darkness?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Darkness shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze still avoiding Jack's. "It's just that... I haven't found adventurers who meet our requirements yet," she replied vaguely, her tone guarded.

Jack could sense that there was more to the story, but he respected Darkness's privacy. "I understand. We'll keep looking, and I'm sure we'll find the right people to join our group soon," he reassured her, giving her a supportive smile.

Darkness nodded, appreciating Jack's understanding. "Thank you, Jack. I appreciate your optimism," she said sincerely.

As they continued their conversation over a hearty meal, Jack and Darkness discussed their next steps. They brainstormed ideas on where to find potential adventurers and how to approach them.

And as they sat at the table, enjoying their meal, Darkness couldn't help but notice the determined look on Jack's face. Intrigued, she leaned in slightly, her curiosity piqued.

"Jack, you seem really invested in forming a complete adventure group. Why is it so important to you?" Darkness asked, her tone genuine and inquisitive.

"Darkness, defeating the Demon King is my ultimate goal. I want to bring peace and safety to this world," Jack began, his voice steady. "But I must admit, I don't know exactly how strong the Demon King will be. It's a formidable foe, and we can't underestimate its power."

Darkness listened intently, her gaze unwavering. She could sense Jack's determination, his unwavering resolve to face this great challenge head-on.

"I believe in forming a complete group because I want to increase our chances of success," Jack continued, his voice filled with conviction. "Together, we can bring together individuals with unique abilities and strengths. It's not just about the numbers, but about the synergy and support we can provide each other in battle."

Darkness nodded, understanding the weight of Jack's words. "I see," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of admiration and concern. "It's important to have a strong and capable group, but don't forget, Jack, that you are already a formidable adventurer. We may be enough to face the challenges that lie ahead."

He paused for a moment, contemplating his next words. "I don't want to go into this fight unprepared. I want to gather a team that complements each other's skills, a group that can face any obstacle that comes our way."

As Darkness listened to Jack's words, her heart swelled with determination. She knew she had to match his commitment and pledge her unwavering support. With a serious expression, she clasped her hands together, a symbol of her solemn promise.

"Jack, as a Crusader, I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to help you defeat the Demon King," Darkness declared, her voice filled with conviction. "I will stand by your side, facing any challenge that comes our way. Together, we will overcome every obstacle and bring an end to the darkness that plagues our world."

Deep down, Darkness had another desire, a darker longing that she dared not reveal to Jack. She fought the urge to confess her inclination to put herself in harm's way, to indulge in her twisted fantasies of being captured and helpless. It was a secret she couldn't let slip, as she feared it would only complicate their mission and their growing camaraderie.

With a slight hesitation, she added, "I believe in your leadership and your ability to make the right decisions. I trust that you will guide us on this journey, and I will follow your lead without question."

Jack's eyes gleamed with gratitude and appreciation. He recognized the weight of Darkness's promise and the depth of her commitment. He knew she had her own secrets and inner demons, but in that moment, they both found solace in their shared determination to confront the Demon King.

"Thank you, Darkness," Jack said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Your support means the world to me, and I have no doubt that together we can overcome any obstacle. Let's face the challenges ahead with courage and unwavering resolve."

Jack's eyes widened with surprise as he caught sight of Aqua, the woman who had given him hope in his time of need. A rush of nostalgia and gratitude washed over him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy at seeing her again. He quickly stood up from his seat, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As Jack's eyes locked onto Aqua, he couldn't believe his luck. It had been so long since he last saw her, and here she was, walking just a few paces behind a mysterious man he didn't recognize. His heart raced with excitement and anticipation as he quickly stood up from his seat, his gaze fixed on Aqua's figure. However, as Aqua turned around and their gazes met, he noticed a momentary flicker of confusion on her face. It seemed as though she was struggling to place him.

"Jack! Of course, I remember you!" Aqua exclaimed, her voice filled with playful amusement. "You're the guy I rescued from that sticky situation. How have you been?"

Jack grinned, relieved that Aqua hadn't forgotten about him entirely. "Yeah, thanks to you. I owe you one."

Aqua waved a dismissive hand. "Nah, don't mention it. It's all part of my job as a goddess," she said with a hint of pride.

Curiosity got the better of Jack, and he couldn't help but ask, "So, what brings you to Axel?"

Aqua sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. "Ugh, don't get me started. I got dragged here by this Hikineet guy who thinks he's an adventurer now. He's all talk and no action, so I'm stuck babysitting him."

Jack and Aqua were engrossed in their conversation when suddenly, a voice interrupted their exchange. It was a young man with unkempt hair and a slightly disheveled appearance. He wore a worn-out tracksuit, giving off an air of laziness.

"Hold on a minute, Aqua! Did you just call me a Hikineet?" the man exclaimed, his voice laced with irritation.

Aqua turned to face him, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Well, Kazuma, you can't deny it, can you? You're a prime example of a Hikineet."

Kazuma scowled, crossing his arms defiantly. "Hey, just because I don't fit into your idea of a typical adventurer doesn't mean you can label me like that. I'm perfectly capable!"

"Aqua, Kazuma, let's not get into a heated debate here," Jack interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. "We're all here in Axel for our own reasons, and that's what matters."

Aqua rolled her eyes, but her mischievous grin softened. "Fine, fine. I won't argue with you this time, Jack. But don't let Kazuma off too easy, he needs some motivation to step up his game."

Kazuma huffed, shooting Aqua a mock glare. "Thanks for the support, Aqua. As if I needed any more reasons to prove myself."

Jack chuckled, stepping between the two of them. "Well, how about we all work together then? We can make quite the team, with Aqua's divine assistance, Kazuma's unique skills, and my own abilities."

Aqua raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Are you sure you can handle the chaos that comes with teaming up with us?"

Jack grinned, a determined gleam in his eyes. "I'm up for the challenge. Plus, who said adventures had to be boring and predictable? Let's embrace the chaos and make our own path."

Jack couldn't help but be curious about Aqua and Kazuma's levels, a common measure of an adventurer's experience and strength in their world. He asked them with an inquisitive gaze.

"So, what level are you guys?" Jack asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Aqua sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. "Ugh, Jack, we haven't even registered as adventurers yet. We've been too busy with...other things."

Kazuma scratched the back of his head, a sheepish expression on his face. "Yeah, Aqua's right. We've been caught up in some...unfortunate circumstances. But hey, levels aren't everything, right?"

Jack nodded, understanding their situation. "You're right, levels aren't everything. But they can give us a general idea of our capabilities and help us gauge our progress. Once you're registered as adventurers, we can work on leveling up together."

Aqua pouted, crossing her arms. "Fine, fine. But just so you know, I have divine powers, so I don't need levels to prove myself!"

Kazuma chuckled. "Sure, Aqua, we all know how powerful you are. No need for levels, I guess" Kazuma interjected with sarcasm, lazily dragging his voice.

Jack smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his newfound companions. "Exactly. We each bring our own unique abilities to the table, and together, we'll overcome any challenges that come our way"

After paying the registration fee for Aqua and Kazuma, Jack noticed a hint of unease in Kazuma's expression. He could tell that Kazuma was not used to such acts of kindness and was feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal," Jack reassured Kazuma, trying to ease his concerns. "Helping fellow adventurers is what we do. It's all part of the camaraderie within the guild."

Kazuma crossed his arms, a skeptical look on his face. "Yeah, well, I'm not used to people doing nice things for me without expecting something in return. What's your angle?"

Jack chuckled, understanding Kazuma's wariness. "No angle, I promise. I just thought it would be a good way to welcome you both to the adventurers' guild. Besides, with Aqua's divine abilities and your unique skills, I believe we can make a formidable team."

Aqua chimed in, a mischievous smile on her face. "See, Kazuma? Jack knows a good deal when he sees one! We're lucky to have someone like him helping us out."

Kazuma's suspicious gaze softened slightly as he looked at Jack. "Alright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. But don't think I won't be keeping an eye on you."

Jack nodded, understanding Kazuma's cautious nature. "Fair enough. We'll earn each other's trust through our actions. Let's focus on becoming strong adventurers and facing the challenges ahead."

I wanted to add more, but I didn't want to change the word count, so it was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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