
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Bound by Memories, Forging Identity

As Kazuma's curiosity led him to inquire about Jack's futuristic-looking sword, Jack hesitated for a moment before responding. He could feel Darkness's gaze on him, sensing her curiosity alongside Kazuma's. The memories of Raiden and his transformation abilities swirled in his mind, but he caught himself before speaking.

"Well, Kazuma, this sword... it's a unique artifact that I acquired," Jack replied, trying to brush off the question. "Let's just say it has some special properties."

Darkness, however, caught the slight hesitation in Jack's voice and the flicker of surprise that flashed across his face. Her eyes widened in a mix of surprise and concern as she sensed something amiss. She knew there was more to the story than what Jack was letting on.

"Jack... is there something you're not telling us?" Darkness asked, her tone gentle yet insistent. "You seemed surprised just now, as if there's more to this sword than you're letting on."

Jack sighed, realizing he couldn't keep the truth hidden from his closest companion any longer. He briefly glanced at Aqua and Kazuma, who were still waiting for an answer, and then turned his attention back to Darkness.

"You're right, Darkness. There is more to it," Jack admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and uncertainty. "This sword... it's not just an artifact. It's tied to my abilities to transform, to tap into the powers and memories of a different... person."

Darkness's eyes widened further, the realization slowly sinking in. She had suspected that Jack possessed something extraordinary, but the depth of his abilities surprised her.

"So, you mean to say that the sword is a manifestation of your power to transform?" Darkness asked, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and concern.

Jack nodded, his expression solemn. "Yes, that's right. The memories, the experiences... they come with it. Including the memories of Raiden and his past. It's been a struggle to separate myself from those memories, to stay true to who I am."

As the group continued their journey, Jack couldn't help but reflect on the close call he had just experienced. In the privacy of his own thoughts, he pondered the temptation to attribute the sword to Samuel, the previous owner who had died. The memories of Raiden, intertwined with his own, had momentarily blurred the lines between reality and fiction.

'I almost said it... that the sword was given to me by Samuel when he died,' Jack mused silently to himself. 'But that would have been a lie. Those memories belong to Raiden, not me.'

The realization left Jack feeling more cautious and guarded. He understood the need to separate himself from the memories and experiences of the characters he transformed into. While he could learn from them and utilize their abilities, he had to remember that they were not his own.

'I must be careful,' Jack reminded himself, his thoughts filled with a sense of determination. 'I can't let Raiden's memories cloud my own identity. I need to stay true to who I am and find my own path.'


Jack gazed at Aqua and Kazuma as they happily sipped their drinks, immersed in the festivities of the impromptu celebration. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and cheer, creating a temporary respite from the weight of his own inner turmoil. He had organized this gathering under the guise of commemorating Aqua and Kazuma's first quest, but deep down, he knew it was also a chance for him to momentarily escape his own troubles.

As Jack observed the mirthful scene, Darkness, ever perceptive, noticed a hint of sadness in his eyes. She had grown attuned to his subtle shifts in demeanor and could sense that there was more to this gathering than met the eye.

Approaching Jack with a concerned expression, Darkness gently touched his arm. "Jack, is everything alright?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine care.

Jack mustered a smile, trying to hide his inner turmoil. "Of course, Darkness. I just wanted to celebrate Aqua and Kazuma's first quest," he replied, attempting to deflect her concern.

Darkness's gaze held a mix of understanding and sympathy. She knew Jack well enough to sense when something was amiss. "You know you can confide in me, right?" she offered softly, her voice filled with warmth.

Jack's smile faltered, and he took a deep breath, contemplating whether he should share his struggles with Darkness. He admired her strength and resilience, and he knew that she would offer a listening ear and support.

"You're right, Darkness. There's something bothering me," Jack admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "These past few days, I've been grappling with the memories that come with my transformations. It's been a challenge to separate them from my own thoughts and emotions."

Darkness nodded, her expression one of empathy. "I can understand how that can weigh on you," she replied, her voice gentle. "But remember, you're not alone in this. We're here for you."

Jack's gratitude swelled within him as he looked at Darkness, appreciating her unwavering support. "Thank you, Darkness," he whispered, touched by her words. "I'm glad to have you by my side."

As the revelry continued to fill the air, Jack made a decision. With a newfound determination, he rose to his feet, his gaze shifting from introspection to the present moment. He held a drink in his hand and lifted it high, catching the attention of those around him.

"Enough moping around," Jack declared, his voice filled with a mix of resolve and enthusiasm. "Tonight, let's celebrate the bonds we've formed and the victories we've achieved!"

A cheer erupted from the gathered adventurers as they raised their glasses, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. Darkness, with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, joined in, her glass held high.

Jack's eyes met Darkness's, a smile playing on his lips. "To Darkness, the indomitable warrior and my trusted comrade," he proclaimed, his voice ringing out with sincerity.

The room resounded with cheers and clinking glasses as the toast reverberated through the space. Jack felt a surge of camaraderie and warmth, uplifted by the support and companionship surrounding him.

As the festivities reached their peak, Jack felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. With an impish grin on his face, he decided to surprise Aqua, Kazuma, and Darkness with a display of unexpected confidence.

He leaped onto a nearby table, catching everyone's attention as they turned to watch his antics. The music pulsed through the air, providing a lively rhythm for Jack to move to. With each step, he exuded an air of exuberance and self-assurance.

Dancing from table to table, Jack's movements were a mix of grace and playfulness. He spun and twirled, effortlessly gliding across the makeshift dance floor. His nimble feet carried him with the rhythm, his body flowing in sync with the music.

Aqua, Kazuma, and Darkness watched in awe, their surprise evident in their wide eyes and open mouths. Darkness, in particular, couldn't help but be taken aback. She had known Jack for a significant amount of time, but this side of him was a revelation. It was as if he had shed his usual reserved demeanor and embraced a newfound confidence.

The crowd around Jack cheered and clapped, their enthusiasm fueling his exuberant display. He reveled in the moment, relishing the freedom to let loose and be carefree. The weight of his worries momentarily lifted as he immersed himself in the joy of the celebration.

As the cheers and applause filled the air, Jack couldn't contain his excitement any longer. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he grabbed Aqua's hand and pulled her onto the makeshift dance floor. Aqua's protests were drowned out by the raucous music, and she reluctantly joined Jack in his lively dance.

The two of them spun and twirled, their movements a mix of coordination and wild abandon. Jack's carefree spirit infected Aqua, and soon she found herself laughing and letting go of her usual prim demeanor. They moved with synchronized steps, drawing the attention and amusement of everyone around them.

Meanwhile, Kazuma and Darkness exchanged bemused glances, both finding themselves simultaneously entertained and exasperated by Jack's antics. It was clear to them that Jack's inhibitions had been set aside in favor of revelry, fueled by the merriment of the occasion and perhaps a little too much alcohol.

"Seems like Jack becomes a bit of a moron when he's had a few drinks," Kazuma quipped, a smirk playing on his lips.

Darkness chuckled, shaking her head. "It's a side of him I haven't seen before. I suppose we all have our moments of foolishness."

They watched as Jack and Aqua continued their spirited dance, their laughter echoing through the room. Despite the occasional stumble and misstep, their energy was infectious, spreading to those around them.

As the song came to an end, Jack and Aqua collapsed into a fit of laughter, breathless and exhilarated. They made their way back to the table where Kazuma and Darkness were waiting, their cheeks flushed with the thrill of the dance.

Jack, still catching his breath, grinned at his companions. "Come on, Kazuma, Darkness! Let's make the most of this celebration. There's no better way to forge lasting bonds than through laughter and shared memories!"

Kazuma and Darkness exchanged a knowing glance, recognizing the truth in Jack's words. With a shared smile, they raised their glasses in agreement, toasting to the night's revelries and the bonds that grew stronger with each passing moment.

And so, they continued to dance, laugh, and celebrate, cherishing the joyous moments that brought them together as a group. In this fleeting respite from their quests and challenges, they found solace and unity, each knowing that the adventures ahead would be made easier by the camaraderie they had fostered.

As the music and laughter echoed through the room, Jack seized the opportunity to play a lighthearted prank on his friends. He slipped away from the table, blending into the bustling crowd, and focused his mind on his transformative powers. In an instant, his appearance shifted, and he emerged as Himeko, a new and unfamiliar adventurer.

Donning a long brown fur coat instead of his usual attire, Jack approached the table where Aqua, Kazuma, and Darkness sat, their attention consumed by the festivities. His presence went unnoticed at first, as he took on the persona of the mysterious newcomer.

With a newfound confidence and a spring in his step, Jack, as Himeko, made his way back to the table where Aqua, Kazuma, and Darkness were still reveling in the celebration. The dim lighting and the buzz of conversation provided the perfect cover for his little act.

Approaching the group with a deliberate swagger, "Himeko" introduced herself as a new adventurer who had heard about the festivities and wanted to join in on the fun. The unfamiliar face and enthusiastic demeanor immediately caught the attention of Aqua, Kazuma, and Darkness.

Aqua's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the unfamiliar adventurer. "Oh, hello! You're new here, right? What brings you to our celebration?"

"Himeko" flashed a dazzling smile, trying to mimic Himeko's composed personality. "Well, I heard there was a party going on, and I couldn't resist joining in the fun. I'm looking for a group to go on adventures with. Mind if I join you?"

Kazuma and Darkness exchanged puzzled glances, clearly taken aback by the sudden appearance of this lively newcomer. Kazuma leaned in, studying "Himeko" with a discerning eye. "You seem quite spirited. What's your preferred style of combat?"

"Himeko" responded to Kazuma's inquiry about her preferred fighting style with a sly grin. She reached behind her back and pulled out an enormous sword, adorned with intricate engravings and emanating an aura of power.

With a flourish, "Himeko" presented the great sword, Shuhadaku of Uriel, to the astonished group. Its sheer size and majestic presence commanded attention, drawing gasps and wide-eyed stares.

Aqua's eyes sparkled with fascination as she leaned closer to get a better look. "Wow! That's an incredible weapon! Is it an heirloom or something?"

"Himeko" chuckled, enjoying the attention. "Indeed, it is. Shuhadaku of Uriel has been passed down through generations in my family. It's a symbol of strength and valor."

Kazuma's skepticism momentarily faded, replaced by a hint of curiosity. "Impressive weapon, no doubt. But can you wield it with finesse and precision?"

With a confident nod, "Himeko" swung the sword with graceful ease, showcasing her skill in handling the massive weapon. The air seemed to ripple with the power of each swing, leaving a trail of energy in its wake.

Darkness, her eyes gleaming with admiration, chimed in. "I must admit, your swordsmanship is impressive. Perhaps we could spar sometime and exchange techniques."

"Himeko" grinned, savoring the moment. "I would be honored, Darkness. I'm always up for a friendly match."

As the evening progressed, the group, captivated by "Himeko's" charm and skill, grew even more intrigued. They couldn't help but anticipate the adventures and battles that lay ahead with their newfound companion.

In the privacy of his room, Jack released a deep sigh and closed the door behind him. With a solemn expression, he slowly lifted his hand, palm facing upwards. The room filled with an intense surge of energy as he focused his thoughts.

In a flash of light, the form of "Himeko" dissipated, revealing Jack once again. He stood tall, his features a mix of determination and uncertainty. Clenching his fist tightly, he muttered under his breath, "Let's see what happens when two powerful experiences clash."

As Jack stood there, the clash between Raiden's memories and the newly acquired memories of Himeko surged within him. It was as if two powerful forces were vying for dominance, each leaving an indelible mark on his consciousness.

Images and sensations flashed before his mind's eye, a cacophony of battles, victories, and losses. Raiden's fierce determination and unwavering resolve collided with Himeko's tenacity and unyielding spirit. Jack could feel the weight of their experiences pressing upon him, the echoes of their pasts intertwining in a tumultuous dance.

His head throbbed with the intensity of conflicting memories, a jumble of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. Jack gritted his teeth, his hands trembling slightly as he tried to maintain his composure. The clash of experiences was like a tempest raging within him, testing his resolve and challenging his sense of self.

had acquired through transformations. The clash of experiences had inadvertently sharpened his perception, granting him a newfound clarity in discerning his true self amidst the amalgamation of memories.

He began to notice subtle nuances, the distinct flavor of emotions that belonged to Raiden, Himeko, and the other characters he had temporarily embodied. Their memories, though vivid and powerful, felt somewhat detached from his core being. It was as if they existed on a separate plane, interwoven with his own but not defining him entirely.

Jack rested on his bed. "For now, I have to use those two transformations. Tomorrow, I will tell the others what I found. There's no need to keep it a secret now that I've solved this problem."

Here you go. I wanted to post another chapter, and so I did.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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