
Embers Of Desire~

SNARKY. ARROGANT. MISCHIEVOUS Edwin Rodriguez. He caged all his emotions in his heart, faking every expression shown to the world... until she entered his life. She became his key, unlocking the emotions he had long buried. He fell hard for her, changing himself entirely because her parents insisted she date and marry a perfect man. Despite opposing his own parents and pursuing his passion as a famous photographer, he willingly abandoned his beloved profession and dreams for her, assuming the role of CEO in his father's company. He despised himself for loving her so deeply, knowing that even though he transformed, he remained that same snarky, arrogant, and mischievous guy in her eyes. Eventually, he resigned as CEO to chase his dreams anew, urged on by the very woman who inspired his transformation. AMBITIOUS. ALLURING. COOL Everett. Laden with lofty expectations from her adoptive family, she ascended to the position of CEO within their company. Yet, she felt like a puppet whose strings were manipulated by her parents at every turn. All she yearned for was a modicum of freedom. Edwin's arrival in her life created chaos, but it was a chaos that led her to trust him and herself, to smile genuinely, and to crave his love. He became the embodiment of the freedom she had always desired, her first and last love. BUT, everyone carries a past. Despite believing we've escaped it,The truth is that it still haunts like a shadow which never leaves us even at the darkest nights Hello, dear readers, This is my first book. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments so that I can improve and provide even more fantastic content for you to read. Please remember that this is all fictional and the result of my hard work; therefore, do not plagiarize it. You can also find this book on Wattpad—please check it out. ID: christelreadzz

christelreadzz · Urban
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17 Chs


I stirred awake at ten in the morning, greeted by the soft rays of sunlight filtering through my window. After a modest breakfast and a comforting cup of coffee, I settled into the illusion of a leisurely day ahead. Yet, fate had other plans. A call from my manager shattered the tranquility, announcing last-minute adjustments to the schedule and the urgent need for a photoshoot. The weight of obligation pressed upon me; it was a request I couldn't refuse from such a prestigious client.

As the clock struck four in the afternoon, I found myself racing against time. With only 40 minutes until the departure of the metro train I needed to catch, I hurried to the station, my heart pounding with urgency. Just as the doors threatened to seal shut, a stranger, with a kindness in his eyes, held them open for me. Grateful, I hurriedly slipped inside, offering a sincere word of thanks.

"Are you a photographer?" he asked, his gaze drawn to the camera hanging from my neck.

"Yes, I am," I affirmed, acknowledging his observant eye. "And thank you for holding the door earlier."

"I am Austin Parker. Nice to meet you, Mr.??"

"I am Edwin Rodriguez. Nice meeting you, Mr. Parker."He was the most handsome person I had ever seen, aside from myself, of course. His grey eyes were captivating, and his hair was impeccably combed. In a single word, he was flawless.

"Nice meeting you, Mr. Rodriguez."We chatted for a while, exchanging pleasantries and stories, before he disappeared into the crowd, answering a call.

I enjoy metro rides immensely, watching new people every day. It's fascinating to observe the diverse array of faces and stories that surround me, each journey offering a glimpse into different lives.

My eyes landed on a girl. She was cool, the way she scrolled through her phone, her fingers moving with effortless grace. Her face was mostly hidden beneath a mask, revealing only her eyes, which were blue like the ocean. She paid no mind to the person beside her, who was snoring continuously.

Instinctively, my hand moved to take a photo of her. I clicked a few pictures of her unknowingly. Her oversized white t-shirt and black cargo pants paired with white sneakers created a striking, casual elegance. I snapped back to reality as she stood up and walked towards me.

"Give me the camera." Her voice was deep, stern, and cool, compelling me to obey her command without hesitation. Mesmerized by its authority, I handed her the camera. How could a girl possess such a deep and dominant voice? For a fleeting moment, I even questioned whether she was a girl at all. She probably deleted the pictures I had taken, her actions as decisive as her words.

"Here you go. Don't go around taking pictures of strangers just because you find them attractive; they might interpret it as stalking and report you to the authorities," she cautioned, her tone as firm as when she had initially requested the camera.

All I could muster in response was a sheepish apology. "yes, i am sorry."

"Good. Let's hope fate doesn't bring us together again," she remarked coolly, her tone suggesting a desire for distance as she walked away.Mesmerized by her presence, I found myself lost in a trance, oblivious to the world around me until the metro reached my destination.