
Embers Of Desire~

SNARKY. ARROGANT. MISCHIEVOUS Edwin Rodriguez. He caged all his emotions in his heart, faking every expression shown to the world... until she entered his life. She became his key, unlocking the emotions he had long buried. He fell hard for her, changing himself entirely because her parents insisted she date and marry a perfect man. Despite opposing his own parents and pursuing his passion as a famous photographer, he willingly abandoned his beloved profession and dreams for her, assuming the role of CEO in his father's company. He despised himself for loving her so deeply, knowing that even though he transformed, he remained that same snarky, arrogant, and mischievous guy in her eyes. Eventually, he resigned as CEO to chase his dreams anew, urged on by the very woman who inspired his transformation. AMBITIOUS. ALLURING. COOL Everett. Laden with lofty expectations from her adoptive family, she ascended to the position of CEO within their company. Yet, she felt like a puppet whose strings were manipulated by her parents at every turn. All she yearned for was a modicum of freedom. Edwin's arrival in her life created chaos, but it was a chaos that led her to trust him and herself, to smile genuinely, and to crave his love. He became the embodiment of the freedom she had always desired, her first and last love. BUT, everyone carries a past. Despite believing we've escaped it,The truth is that it still haunts like a shadow which never leaves us even at the darkest nights Hello, dear readers, This is my first book. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments so that I can improve and provide even more fantastic content for you to read. Please remember that this is all fictional and the result of my hard work; therefore, do not plagiarize it. You can also find this book on Wattpad—please check it out. ID: christelreadzz

christelreadzz · Urban
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17 Chs



Here I am, sticking to my promise to Adam, spending another Saturday at home. It's the weekend, but I'm struggling to figure out how to have a good time. Investing and trading are my usual pastimes, so I find myself gravitating towards my laptop once again. Things are going smoothly until Adam interrupts my solitude with a phone call. Reluctantly, I set aside my trading charts and turn on the TV.

"Hey, Everett, what's with the hermit act? I thought you'd be out painting the town red."

"Well, the urge to venture out eludes me today. Even after a solid night's sleep, I woke up feeling restless. Honestly, I'm running out of ideas for entertainment besides browsing through series."

"Don't try to play innocent, Everett. Did you really start delving into investments out of sheer boredom? And series? Come on, you're not fooling anyone."

"Adam, are you reading my mind or did you install secret cameras in my house?" I joke, glancing around half-seriously.

"Ease up i neither have the capabalities nor i have the guts."

"Okay, okay, calm down."

"Seriously, though, what are you up to?"

"Adam," I sighed, continuing, "you know the only way I find enjoyment is through investing and trading. It's been my life for so long that I'm at a loss for anything else. It's like I've been caged in this routine. Why not join me or take me out for some fun?" I asked, hoping for his agreement.

"Unfortunately, Everett, I'm tied up at the hospital with a flood of patients and a packed schedule of surgeries. While I'd love to join you, I'm afraid it's just not possible. But fear not, I'll still lend a hand. Ever experienced a ride on the metro train?" he inquired, his curiosity evident 

"Metero train!? Never" 

"Wow, you've never even taken a ride on it once? Well, that needs to change. But there are some ground rules if you're up for the adventure."

"Go on, I'm all ears. It'll be a new experience for me."

"Alright, so

Rule 1: Dress casually and comfortably, none of those suits you're always wearing.

Rule 2: Keep your composure; I know you're a perfectionist with a touch of OCD, but endure the ride for 30 minutes.

Rule 3: Lose that deadpan expression; we don't want people thinking you're on a mission to commit a crime.

That's it. I'll give you all the details and the location you need to head to."

"Fine, my lord, I'll abide by the rules you've set."

"Good, make sure to take plenty of selfies and photos so that I can trust you actually went out and had some fun," he instructed.

"Okay, my Lord, as you wish,"

I responded obediently.I informed him with a touch of weariness in my voice. Shortly after, he messaged me about riding a metro train and suggested some nearby places to eat. 

 I dressed casually: a white oversized T-shirt, black cargo jeans, and white sneakers. Tying my hair into a ponytail, I took my mask and made sure to keep my expression neutral. With my headphones playing a One Direction playlist, I snapped a quick photo for Adam and headed to the station.

After getting a ticket, I got on the train. Adam's warning about the train's odor was accurate; the smell of sweat was strong even through my mask. Thankfully, I found an empty seat and quickly cleaned it with sanitizer. Settling in, I tried to block out the discomfort with music. I sent Adam a video of me on the train, not expecting an immediate reply. As the train started moving, I prepared myself for the rest of the journey.