
Embers Of Desire~

SNARKY. ARROGANT. MISCHIEVOUS Edwin Rodriguez. He caged all his emotions in his heart, faking every expression shown to the world... until she entered his life. She became his key, unlocking the emotions he had long buried. He fell hard for her, changing himself entirely because her parents insisted she date and marry a perfect man. Despite opposing his own parents and pursuing his passion as a famous photographer, he willingly abandoned his beloved profession and dreams for her, assuming the role of CEO in his father's company. He despised himself for loving her so deeply, knowing that even though he transformed, he remained that same snarky, arrogant, and mischievous guy in her eyes. Eventually, he resigned as CEO to chase his dreams anew, urged on by the very woman who inspired his transformation. AMBITIOUS. ALLURING. COOL Everett. Laden with lofty expectations from her adoptive family, she ascended to the position of CEO within their company. Yet, she felt like a puppet whose strings were manipulated by her parents at every turn. All she yearned for was a modicum of freedom. Edwin's arrival in her life created chaos, but it was a chaos that led her to trust him and herself, to smile genuinely, and to crave his love. He became the embodiment of the freedom she had always desired, her first and last love. BUT, everyone carries a past. Despite believing we've escaped it,The truth is that it still haunts like a shadow which never leaves us even at the darkest nights Hello, dear readers, This is my first book. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments so that I can improve and provide even more fantastic content for you to read. Please remember that this is all fictional and the result of my hard work; therefore, do not plagiarize it. You can also find this book on Wattpad—please check it out. ID: christelreadzz

christelreadzz · Urban
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17 Chs


After enduring the arduous 30-minute journey in the metro, which felt like a journey through the depths of hell,I sought refuge in a nearby restaurant. There, I treated myself to a simple yet satisfying meal of pasta followed by dessert. Preferring comfort over another metro journey, I opted for a cab ride back home.

Upon my return, I relaxed on my bed, only to be interrupted by a message from Adam. He shared a brief update on his work schedule and expressed interest in hearing about my day. I recounted the pleasant meal I had enjoyed and casually recommended the restaurant to him. Lastly, I mentioned the peculiar encounter with the stranger who had taken photos of me. No sooner had I sent the message than my phone began to ring. It was Adam, calling me to hear more about the intriguing encounter I had experienced.

"Tell me more details about him, like how he looked."

"Why do you need details of a stranger, Adam? Are you perhaps gay?"

"I am not gay, Everett. How can you just say that, even when you know I recently broke up? Come on, tell me the details."

"You think she broke up with you because she found out you were gay, right?" I said, taunting him.

"Everett! I told you I am not."

"Fine, do you want the details or not?"

"Tell me.""Well, he—"

"Is it a man, not a woman?"

"Yes, he is a man. Can I continue now?"

"Yes, yes. I am more curious now."

"You are curious because he is a man. What the hell, Adam?"

"It's just that you are always surrounded by either uncles or grandfathers, but now you had an encounter with a man, not an uncle or an old man. Continue."

"What the—"

"Come on, tell me. Please."

"Okay. He is 6'2", has a clean-shaven face, broad shoulders, and you know what? It's the first time I have ever noticed a man's eyes, Adam. He has honey-golden eyes. I am quite taken by his eyes. He is very handsome, unlike you."

"Unlike me." he asked in disbelief

"Yes, unlike you. You have a chiseled face, dark brown eyes, and you are just 2 inches taller than me. But still, a little handsome, I would say."


"Yes, Adam. Why would I lie?" I said in a slightly stern voice. I continued, "Adam, I need this man's details. Can you help me? I know I can do it myself, but still, I want you to do it. By the camera hanging around his neck, I think he is a photographer."

"Whoa, I didn't think this day would come where you ask me to find a man. That's so unlike you."

"I know it's very unlike me. But please, can you? By the way, I think he is wealthy; he is decked out in Louis Vuitton and Gucci. Oh, and the way he smiled... it was almost disarming."

"It's the first time ever you have asked me a favor in our ten years of friendship. Of course, I will help you."

"Thank you, Adam." We chatted for a while and ended the call as it was time for his next surgery.

All I could think about was the stranger, his eyes. His eyes seemed to see everything. He is someone who needs a person he can connect with, and for the first time, I have ever seen such a person. He made me so curious. I was the one who noticed him even before he took the photos. The photos he took were very nice, natural, but I deleted them after seeing them. The photos he clicked shows a very different version of me. It shows that I am relaxed, calm—a very normal person,unlike my true self, which he didn't perceive—the inner me, especially when I'm engrossed in my work.I'm tired, but I still can't sleep.

I take out my laptop and start browsing the net. After a few hours, I am still waiting for Adam's message, but right now, I am too sleepy. I set my laptop and phone aside and try to sleep, but sleep eludes me. Just as I was about to drift off again, my phone rang with a message. Adam had sent me the details of the stranger.

"Edwin Rodriguez, Wildlife Photographer. Snarky, arrogant, mischievous person."Curiosity and a strange excitement stirred within me. Edwin Rodriguez... the man with the captivating eyes. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to him than Adam's brief description. I was intrigued, almost inexplicably drawn to him.I'm going to meet you soon, Edwin Rodriguez, I thought, my pulse quickening at the idea. I fell asleep after reading the remaining details, a faint smile on my lips as I drifted into dreams filled with honey-golden eyes and the promise of uncovering the mystery behind them.