
Elysse: Love is Love

"Just what is love?" "It is ethereal." A robot resembling a human down to the feeling of flesh and warmth tries to search for the so-called emotions such as love. "It's better to have clothes on, right?" "My name? I think it's called 'Elysse' or something" "I will be your servant from now on"

Daoist_Little_Yun · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

At Your Room

It was a peaceful sleep. Nelson woke up full of energy. His sword challenging the heavens. Nelson turned around in bed half awake.

Nelson's first thought was to hug a pillow to calm his sword down, but before he could wrap his arms around the 'pillow', Nelson realized something is wrong.

It's not just 'something' wrong, It's horribly wrong. His eyes almost popping from his eye sockets as he stared at the beauty sleeping soundly.

This is too erotic he may not be able to control his pent up frustrations.

Luckily, his years in the dorm has not been in vain. With his strong will he forcefully pushed himself away.


Holding his aching back, Nelson stood up fully awake. His mind now remembering the crazy night. Oh, his wound on his head is bleeding again.

Nelson rushed to the bathroom with a First Aid Kit in hand. Nelson tended to his wounds in front of the wide mirror moaning a few times.

The sleeping beauty now waken by him falling to the floor stood just outside the bathroom with a confused expression. Her eyelids still heavy from sleep.

"Wait a bit"


The sleeping beauty stood waiting as she rubbed her eyes as she yawned. Her eyes focusing on Nelson's wound reflected on the mirror.

Nelson slapped a folded gauze on his forehead with some cloth tape to keep it there. Nelson turned around, his sword now back to its sheath.

"Who are you?"

Nelson asked the girl with a doubtful expression.

"How can you be so forgetful? I just told you last night"

The girl replied with a face saying 'how can you be so forgetful? Did you hit your head somewhere?'. If Nelson can read the girl's thoughts he might go berserk because he 'did' hit his head somewhere.

Nelson tried very hard to recall last nights conversation, but nothing useful came up. Not until he remembered himself running around practically naked before he finally exited his reverie.

"I can't remember..."

Nelson answered with a confused expression. True he might have heard her say her name, but forgetting it the day after is truly ridiculous.

Nelson couldn't believe he can be so forgetful. Maybe it's because of the trauma of him running around naked. Anyway, that's not the point.

The girl looked at Nelson for a bit before finally speaking.

"Elysse, the name is Elysse. Nice to meet you"

Her introduction would've been flawless if Nelson hadn't met her before. Nelson got angry again as he stared at her with hatred.

In the end, Nelson's hatred dissipated before he can only release a sigh. Nelson replied, but with an expressionless tone.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Nelson"

The girl smiled nonetheless. Her smile bringing Nelson some good opinion about her.


Currently, Nelson is staring outside the door of his room with eagle eyes. His eyes sweeping every door with intense scrutiny.

Nelson stepped out before looking left and right in a haste. He motioned behind him before a young beauty followed behind him.

After reaching the elevators, Nelson can finally be relieved. He only need to go down before he can finally throw away this misfortune.


The familiar ring sounded before the elevator opened. Nelson stared in fright at the man inside.


Nelson forced a smile before finally replying.

"Good morning, Dorm Master"

The Dorm Master title is a glorified title jointly made by the students in the dorm to please the teacher assigned to take care of the dorm. Usually this would work and he would reply with a nod.

Today, however, he is frowning as he stared at Elysse. His brows creasing.

"Why is there a girl in here? Nelson Hansen"

The Dorm Master looks frightening as he moved out of the elevator before directly standing in front of Nelson with only a few inches of distance. His pressure bearing down on Nelson.

"U-uh, he— sh-she is my distant cousin! Uh, she didn't know this is a male only dorm that's why I'm escorting her back down"

Nelson stammered before he finally found a feasible excuse. Admittedly his excuse is practically flawless.

"Lying will only move you 2 floors down, Mr. Hansen"

Nelson jumped up in fright as he realized the horror behind the words. Moving 1 floor down is still bearable, but moving 2 floors down will make your life comparable to hell. That's because the lower your floor, the lower the quality of life.

Some even calls the highest floor with an absurd title of, "The Floor Of Life". That's because living in that floor is basically no different than living like a modern prince.

"I was watching the CCTV down in the lobby, Mr. Hansen, and I never saw your 'cousin' moving up this morning, which means.."

"I- I'm wrong! Please forgive me oh Exalted Dorm Masteeerrrr!"

Nelson tried his best not to be moved 2 floors down as that is the same as losing a limb for him. Actually not just him, everyone in this Life Dorm with its 40 floors would agree that moving more than 1 floor down is the same as losing a limb.

Elysse watched Nelson prostrating in front of the man with practically no dignity whatsoever. Elysse raised her head before staring at the man with cold eyes.

In Elysse's own opinion that young man is her savior for letting her sleep in his bed and giving her clothes to wear. By making the young man look pitiful she loathed this man.

The Dorm Master sensed a pair of chilly eyes looking at him. His face froze for a bit before recovering.

"What's the matter, Prostitute?"

The Dorm Master usually loathed these kind of girls going to the dorm and disturbing the peace in it. His words blatant and insensitive.

The Dorm Master calls the girls found in the dormitory 'Prostitute' as it will deter others from trying the same. Usually it will work, this is the only time his authority has been challenged since the past 15 months.

Nelson reacted with his face turning pale. His face full of guilt as he thought about how this might traumatize the girl. Nelson wracked his brains as he thought of a way to get her out of this.

Nelson saw the elevator doors start to close. His eyes lit up as he thought of a way.

Nelson hurriedly pushed the Door Master to the side. He looked at Elysse before pulling her hand. Nelson used his other arm to block the elevator door so it will open.

After getting inside, Nelson tapped hard on the close button till it closed before finally pressing the L button.

Nelson sat on the elevator floor relieved from avoiding a disaster.

The elevator quickly moved down before finally opening at the L floor. Nelson motioned for Elysse before they both ran to the backdoor.


At an intersection, Elysse and Nelson took a rest by the sidewalk. Nelson is panting really hard while Elysse is barely panting. Nelson noticed this and looked at her oddly before passing it as his own body's defect.

Nelson led the way as they walked the sidewalk. Electric cars moving through and fro the asphalt with silent and smooth driving.

"So what are your plans?"

Nelson asked this without turning around.

"I plan to enroll at your academy. I saw a poster at the wall about some Early Bird Promo"

"How did you know I'm a student?"

Nelson asked with a sly smile.

"Simple. Your age, and I saw your school uniforms back there..."

Nelson was speechless as he stopped walking and turned around before looking at her with a frown.


Elysse asked with a shaky voice. Her face turning pale. If she infuriated her benefactor she would be guilty.

"Do you have money?"


"Can you make some money?"


"Then why do you want to go to my academy?"

Nelson was speechless at her. She's penniless and practically worthless but she still dared to say she wants to go to his school. What a joke. His academy's tuition fee can buy a luxury car worth millions.

Didn't she know that his academy is the biggest academy in the Earth Planet and possibly the biggest in the whole Solar System?

As for why the living environment in the lowest floor with livable rooms is basically beggar state, the reasoning by the school principal is that everyone should start from the very bottom to temper themselves. What a joke, the students there starve to death just by staying in the rooms. Most of them decide to stay outside and eat, spending academy money that is worth a lot.

As for why they can still bear with it. That's because the stuff taught in the academy is the gem and crystallization of this Era's wisdom. There is even a professor inside that has a project to build a literal human robot from scratch. There's no way they will leave after knowing about that.

Anyway, it's impossible to have her enroll to the academy.

"Where do you live, then?"

Nelson asked with a smile. Not mentioning the absurd costs needed to be enrolled.

"At your room"

"I might have misheard. Can you repeat it?"