

It was deep in the night. The light glow of the towering sky scrapers magnificent.

In the shadows of the city there were two silhouettes shuffling about, looking left and right making sure no one is around. The one leading the way peeped around the corner of an alley.

The silhouette stared at the backdoor of the building in front towards the right. The silhouette murmured something to the silhouette following behind. Taking a deep breath and readying itself. The silhouette dashed towards the door.

The figure of the silhouette can be clearly seen with the light shining from the lamppost. His naked figure to be exact, only wearing a single underwear.

Followed behind him is a a young female about the age of 16. Her flowing blonde hair particularly conspicuous in the lamplight.


After a long while of running around the city back to his room. Nelson can finally breath a sigh of relief and settle his pounding heart down.

He quickly kept the girl following him behind the door in the hallway. Then he quickly wore another set of clothes.

After a dozen of seconds, Nelson opened the door of his room and invited the girl inside. His heart full of anger.

Nelson had no choice but to run around the city practically naked. He wanted to take his clothes back from the girl but he couldn't help but picture himself walking around with a naked girl following after him. He'd be the epitome of the devil if he did that.

He kept cursing under his breath on the way, he didn't know what crap he stepped on for him to be this unlucky. Knowing full well that he had no choice, he chose going commando around the neighborhood back to his room.

Thankfully he knew how to move around the shadows of the city. Or else he would be running an underwear fashion exhibition for free.

Nelson sat on his swivel chair turning towards the girl sitting on his bed. His eyes burning with anger as he cleared his throat.

"You are?"

Nelson had a pressuring air around him as he looked on seething with anger. His eyes shooting daggers.

"My name? I think it's 'Elysse' or something"

The girl the same age as him answered innocently while putting a finger under her chin thinking about it.

"What do you mean 'or something', are you messing with me!?"

Nelson's anger finally exploded as he realized that this girl is freaking messing with him. First she took his clothes, second she made him run around the city practically naked, and now she's even messing with him! Shameless! Pervert!

"Why are you angry?"

The girl, or rather, Elysse asked him in the same innocent tone. Her face dead serious.

Nelson's rage if pictured could possibly rival the flames of hell itself. His face darkening faster and faster.

"Why? Why!? You're asking me why!?!? Ask yourself why am I angry! You took my clothes, made me run around the neighborhood naked, and now you're messing with me! Are you crazy or what!?"

Nelson stood up and almost smacked the girl in the face but he kept it in just before he could and instead punched the wall. He walked out the door just like that.

Nelson rode the elevator up to the rooftop. Nelson peered down the edge of the rooftop and viewed the empty city streets. Wallowing in anger as he stared. If someone came out the streets they would surely feel chills down their spine if they ever came into Nelson's line of sight.

Nelson leaned against the rooftop for a while before finally calming his anger down. He took out his smartphone and replied to his friend. He couldn't make it tonight and his friend is still probably waiting for him.

Just as Nelson is about to put away his phone, he realized something. Something feels amiss. Just what is it?

Nelson stared at his phone and out the streets and finally revelation came to him, pouring a bucket of ice over his calm head.

"I, I invited a girl into the male's dorm!! And why did I Iet her follow me? Just what is wrong with me?!"

Nelson quickly ran down the rooftop stairs and rode the elevator back down. His face full of anxiousness. He is courting death to invite a girl into the males dorm under the dorm master's nose.

Nelson quickly opened the door to his room and anxiously looked around the room. All he saw though is the girl sleeping on his bed soundly. She looked cute as she cuddlled the pillow but Nelson couldn't possibly notice that with his anxious state.

Nelson wanted to wake her up but saw that she's sleeping really comfortably. His bed is for two people, his dormmate yet to be decided giving him the luxury to enjoy a two persons bed all by himself. As for why they didn't separate the two persons bed into two single person beds, he didn't know. All he knew is that he is envied by everyone in the dorm.

But now someone else is enjoying it and he really didn't know what to do. She's sleeping so soundly that he felt rude to wake a girl if she's sleeping like that.

He knew that he have all the rights to wake her up and plus he's still angered by her. And yet he couldn't do anything to her. It must be because he is like his dormmates, treasuring females as if they're worth more than gold because they rarely have been close to any females in their time here. All they had was males, males, males, everyone is male, they all have pent up frustrations inside themselves. They don't want to end up finding males attractive by the end of their time here.

Nelson pulled a blanket out of the closet and layed it down the floor. He layed down with his arm supporting his head. He closed his eyes to sleep.

After about half an hour, Nelson's red eyes opened up. He couldn't sleep at all, the floor tiles is too cold to sleep on.

Nelson pushed the girl on his bed near the wall so he could sleep on the bed too. After doing that, Nelson layed on the bed with no qualms that he's sleeping beside a girl and layed to the side facing away from the girl.

He really couldn't afford to have any qualms anymore, he feels sleep deprived tonight and just wanted some good night rest. Good thing the bed has four pillows so he could still have no trouble sleeping after the girl cuddled almost all the pillows. He pulled the blanket up for the two of them and finally peacefully closed his eyes.

I've actually already written this chapter 8 months ago. I must have forgotten to put it up.

Daoist_Little_Yuncreators' thoughts
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