
Elysse: Love is Love

"Just what is love?" "It is ethereal." A robot resembling a human down to the feeling of flesh and warmth tries to search for the so-called emotions such as love. "It's better to have clothes on, right?" "My name? I think it's called 'Elysse' or something" "I will be your servant from now on"

Daoist_Little_Yun · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

2 Million For A Servant

Nelson was dumbfounded as he sat at the academy cafe. His face blank for a long time.

Nelson couldn't believe that this girl not older than him is actually homeless. She sat there enjoying an American Latte. She's smiling from all the sugar dunked in the drink.

Nelson actually felt bad for her that she's homeless. Nelson thought for a sec before speaking.

"So... where are your parents?"


Nelson stopped and stared at her innocent face while trying to see through her facade. Nothing came out of it though.

If Nelson only felt bad earlier, now, Nelson is taking pity for her. Just which stupid ass parents would abandon their daughter? And she's a beauty too.

Her parents left her, she's homeless, penniless... No, no, no, even I'm starting to be depressed just by describing her. Nelson gritted his teeth before finally coming to a decision.

"I, I'll pay for your tuition fee! As for your daily expenses...."

Nelson struggled deep inside. His face contorting.

"... I'll shoulder it too...."

Nelson felt weak when he said that. That's because the rate of exchange of outside money to academy money is 50 to 1. That means for every 50 bill you put in, you'll only get 1 Berdan Dollar(Academy Dollar). Just imagining how his dad would scold him frightened him. Nelson couldn't even dare to imagine how his mother would be...


Elysse looked at Nelson in confusion. Why does he look constipated? Oh no, is my benefactor having stomach issues? Elysse started to look around...

Nelson's eyes couldn't possibly miss her expression. His years of experience flattering the Dorm Master so he can live in a higher floor is sensing her thoughts. His face darkened as he slammed the table.

"YOU! That's 1.7 Million! You're so ungrateful! How can you look at me like that! I'm paying for your tuition here!"

Elysse was frightened as she cowered away. Her eyes moistening as she felt wronged. I just wanted to help you, benefactor...

Nelson felt his heart tighten as he saw her eyes moist. Nelson realized that everyone in the cafe is looking in their direction. With a sweep, he grabbed Elysse before quickly leaving the scene.

Nelson stopped a few streets away before looking back at her.

"I'm sorry back there. I lost my cool"

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have interfered with your problem.."

Elysse looked at him with eyes full of guilt and regret. She must have annoyed her benefactor back there.

Nelson's heart tightened again. Nelson swore that he'll be more of a gentleman towards her in the future. He will be roasted alive if his dormmates find out that he shouted at a girl in public. His conscience running at full speed.

"You must've have not known that the tuition for my academy is 1.7 Million. That's enough to buy the latest luxury car today"

"I'm sorry.."

The two walked as they passed by many kinds of people. One of which interested Elysse.

"It's okay, I should have told you first that my family is pretty wealthy. I ran to conclusions without your permission"

"No, no, no, I accept your offer"

Elysse shook her head as she looked at Nelson's eyes.

"You do?"

"Yeah, but in 1 condition"

Nelson couldn't help but think that he should be the one saying that. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I will be your servant from now on"

Nelson was speechless at her absurd thinking. Shouldn't she be taking advantage of him? Why does it look like he's the one taking advantage of her? Nelson couldn't possibly imagine that Elysse only got this idea from the butler and young master they passed by.

"What...? What kind of servant? Maid? I don't need a maid though..."

"Since you're doing so much for me it's normal for me to do this much"

Looking at Elysse's serious expression, Nelson can't help but think whether her parents left her because she lacks some brain cells... No sane person would willingly be a servant just because of such a thing. She doesn't even know me enough. She can still refuse if it's pressuring her, Nelson thought.

"Then let's have a pleasant future, master"

Elysse smiled sweetly as she extended her hand.

"Ok, Elysse"


In a lab deep underground, Hans Tugh looked at the empty table with empty eyes. He's been like this for the whole morning.

He just went for coffee then his project disappeared into thin air. His eyes sometimes looking back at the translucent screen with the smily face. He resisted the urge to punch it. If it was before, he would've been overjoyed because this means that his project has been successful, but now that's just wishful thinking.

That's a Perfect Human Super Artificial Intelligence Robot(PHSAIR - pas/air). It's a robot designed based on the human body. It's structure not different even under the microscope. The only difference is that she can't reproduce... As for food, her stomach prefers metals as it's her body's foundation.

She can even drink coffee! The Altar Robots can't compare to her. The Altar Robots looks like a shining robot even from afar. The difference is wider than the distance between the sun and the edge of the solar system!

The Altar Robots is known as the greatest robot of this era. Hans Tugh can't wait to slap the face of his enemy, Mike Guy who invented the Altar Robots 4 years ago.

Hans Tugh didn't worry that much though. He programmed the Super AI to serve him for all its life. He just need to wait for her to come back. If he asked the academy to help look for her it'll only take a few hours before her location is revealed. Plus, if worse comes to worse, he can just activate the Solar Positioning System(SPS).

SPS is an improved version of GPS. Anywhere you are in the Solar System, as long as you have an SPS your family can still track you. Even if she somehow managed to move to a different star system, he can still trace her tracks.

Hans Tugh smiled before walking out of his laboratory. Hans Tugh thought that this is perfect. He's having a special class 2 days later anyway so he needed a lot of preparation.

Hans Tugh drank his morning American Latte before moving forward to his office.


"Mom can I borrow 2 Million?"

Nelson spoke to his phone with apprehension. His mom is just too violent, he can't help it. Nelson even wondered if his father is a big M...

"Why dear?"

A sweet mature voice came back from the phone. Her tone calm.

Nelson wouldn't be deceived by it though.

"Sorry mom, I'm raising a servant"

Nelson answered bluntly. His mother is not to he trifled with after all.

"Servant? Oh, so you're enrolling him to the academy? That's good son, you're finally becoming responsible. Just like your father. Having a servant is important because they help you focus on important things"

Contrary to Nelson's imagination, his mother didn't almost kill him. His voice full of doubt as he answered.

"Are you really mom?"

"Do you dare try?"

Nelson got his answer. Nelson didn't want to gamble his soul like that. His mother almost scared his soul out of his body after all. Oh, that's just a metaphor. Souls don't actually exist. It was proven that the consciousness is a feature birthed through immense complex calculation by the brain.

That's why Super AI's are abundant in the solar system because we've cracked the code about consciousness.

"Ok, ok, I believe you, just don't tell dad"

"Hah Hah Ha.. What about it son?"

Before Nelson could sigh in relief he actually heard his father's voice from the phone. His dad's voice sounds like he's panting though.

Nelson froze.

"How are you, Dad?"

"Haha, I'm feeling good"

Nelson laughed back in response and cursed his father in his mind for not getting to the point.

"It's nice that you're thinking ahead son. Your dad is proud of you!"

Nelson felt ecstatic! He couldn't believe that his parents would be this magnanimous for a change. Nelson looked at Elysse standing in front of him with a smile.

Elysse smiled back but didn't say anything. She's just happy that she'll be serving this nice benefactor of her.

"Thanks Mom, and Dad!"

"You're welcome, be sure to introduce us your servant in the future. We'll have someone pass you the card today"

Nelson dropped the call as he couldn't help but feel delighted that his parents approved of his actions. Of course, he didn't tell them that he's not getting a butler... but an actual All-Round Servant.

Nelson is not that kind of guy to take advantage of others though. Nelson smiled at Elysse before walking to another cafe.

Elysse followed as she maintained 2 steps behind her master. Her pace elegant and respectful. She moves with grace as she follows.

Nelson looked behind him and couldn't help but marvel at the sight. Her flexibility surprises him.