

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Different power

Evandale Ellis Pov-

After resting for a while, I walked back to the party even though I just wanted to go home. Even though the gathering is actually a ceremony for the future ten alphas, I was the star for today according to my mom.


"Busy bee, you should dress up nicely in the gathering. Even though this is a ceremony for the future alphas of ten packs but this time it is gonna be a bit different. As you know you have been born as the only female baby among the ten other packs, people is curious about you. Maybe they will be attending this ceremony for the alphas but all of their attention will be on you. They will be watching you. They will be on your heels the whole time. You know how this world is to women, even if you are born as a werewolf you are still a women. So, one mistake and they will all jump on you. I know you will not do anything inappropriate even if I not tell you. I trust you my busy bee. But you know society,right? So glam up as the queen you are, my busy bee." Mom said sitting beside me on the bed.

"Mom, just because I am the only girl in this generation does not mean they will be focusing on me instead of the ten future alphas. Stop worrying."I said lying down.

"Busy bee,you do remember that you did not have a coming of age ceremony. So the other wolves have not see you. That's why they will be curious about you. I mean they are curious about you. Your dad and I have been hearing how they want to meet you ,every time we went to meetings of the preparation of the gathering. Head of each pack is making the ceremony grander than ever because you are attending for the first time. I mean everyone loves you even though they do not know you.But some might be different. They might be hostile towards you.That is why I am telling to act carefully during the event.You understand,right?"

"Will it make a difference if I just behave nicely and dress like a queen.You previously said, how the world is to women.So,will it make a difference?"

"As long as they do not hurt my busy bee, it will make a difference."

"You do not make sense,mom.I need sleep.Good afternoon. Bye bye.Do not wake me until it is tomorrow." I said and dozed off.

End of flashback.

Mom I dressed up nicely and gave my best behaviour, but those jerks really tested the circuit house in my brain. So, I messed up. Rumors must have already spread among the others about how I 'fought with men'. I am sure I have been named as the rude impolite women of the history. I really do not care. But if my bad reputation causes disadvantage to my family among the packs,I care. I do not want to hurt them. I did not even tell them about how Arwen cheated on me because they will be hurt.

I sat down on a sofa the moment I entered back. What?My butt hurts. I looked around my surroundings. Curious about the rumours,I tried to read people's face. Strangely enough no one showed any sign of hostility towards me. I gained smiles every time I made eye contact with anyone. What even? Did those jerks not open their mouths? Or did they just go home? But they can not.No one can leave this place until it is twelve at night after performing some kind of howling ceremony. So,does that mean I have hurt their ego by lashing out on them? But still, that can not be a reason. Where are they anyways? I looked around to find some signs of their existence. Strangely enough they were standing in the middle of the room sipping their drinks. Their clothes seemed messy. And all of them looked like they were beaten up by someone. They looked like they do not care. They stood there nonchalant as if there were not blood dripping down from different parts of their body. They were laughing. And the most weird thing is people here did not even pay attention to them. I mean they are jerks but they need medical attention like right now. What are they doing? Why are they acting like they do not look beat up? Wait is this a prank? It might be a prank as no one is paying attention to them.

They might have put on makeup to make me feel sorry for them. But one thing is they look way too hurt to be acting. Those wounds do not look like they were made by make up.

Should I go and ask them ?Or should I stay here on my butt and just go with the flow? But it feels wrong to let them not get medical attention.

I got up after some time and walked towards the guys. They did not notice me until I was standing right infront of them. They were talking about something that made them laugh like idiots. They stopped talking when they saw me.

"Hey, you guys okay?" I asked awkward with their attention on me.

"Yeah we are better than ever. Are you good?" Dirty blonde guy asked me.

" Yeah but you all look hurt. Are you sure you all doing okay? You do not need doctors?" I asked again.

"We are really okay. Even though you scolded us pretty hard, we do not need doctors.Do not worry."

"It is not because of that. You guys are literally bleeding. I am asking because of that."

They looked confused for some seconds and then burst into laughter. I knew it. They were pranking.

"Did you consume alcohol tonight? Are you drunk perhaps?" Silver haired guy asked laughing.

"What doo you mean drunk? I was worried about you that's why I came to you seeing you all bleeding."

"We are not bleeding,Evandale. So,please go and take some rest. There are rooms all across the building. You can find some bed and lay down for some time. I am sure no will mind."

"I am really not drunk. Though the idea of laying down entertains me,I will not."

They chuckled. The silver haired guy stopped and looked at me." I am really sorry for my behaviour tonight. We all are actually. We were very much rude to you. You have every right to be pissed at us. Thank you for worrying about us even when you are total drunk. So, we are sorry for giving you such a bad experience even though we first met. It was over the line for us to make such rude comments even though we are practically strangers. We apologize."

I nodded. "Apology half accepted. But seriously I am not drunk. I did not even drink anything except water this whole time. You guys are really bleeding. Do you not guys see each other?" I said furrowing my brows.

"We really are not bleeding Evandale. Rest assured. Even if we are, we are not feeling anything. So,rest assured."

"That is even more worrying. if you can not evn feel anything,probably you have suffered from some internal damage. You need medical attention."

The guys chuckled. "Seriously, we all are okay. Anyways, do you want to sit with us at the ending ceremony?"

"Nope.Thank you for the kind offer. Excuse me." I said turning back to go back to the sfa to rest my butt. Am I hallucinating? They really can not see each other's blood? I mean even though they are not seeing each other's blood, they can feel the pain from their own wounds. Anyways, I need to forget about them.

I need food. I have not eaten all day and my stomach is grumbling for food. I walked over to a table where different types of food were arranged. I can sit ater talking food with me. Picking a plate, I covered it with almost all the food from the table. I walked over to my precious sofa, throwing some sweet smiles to the people on my way.

I sat down and started to eat. "You love strawberries." A voice said beside me. I jumped up in surprise. Thankfully,nothing fell down from my plate. I looked at the culprit. Lorenzo Venus. I sighed and sat down.

"Yes.I love strawberries." I said putting a piece of strawberry in my mouth.

"I love them too." He said grinning.

"Why are you sitting beside me?" I asked looking at him.

"To the point I see. Mhmm. Well, I saw how you walked over to those guys,asking them about their bleeding and also even half accepted their apologies. You did not even accept mine. I am a bit hurt."

"Wait, you can also see their blood? I was not hallucinating then."

"Actually, I am a bit surprised to hear you can see their wounds. Guess my illusion did not work on you."


"Nothing. Enjoy your strawberries."

"Hey, no. What do you mean by illusion? No can see their blood/wounds except us?"



"You seem to have a calm reaction."

"I am a cool person. But did you put the illusion or somebody else did it?"

"No I did. I have some powers. Different ones."

"Uwu. Lucky guy I guess. But how can I see through the illusion even though you put it all on everyone?"

"Exactly my question. How can you see through the wall I created ? I am curious." Lorenzo said inching closer to me.

"I am also a little bit curious about this whole illusion thing too. I heard about it a little when I was bit of a baby."I said pushing him softly away from my face. He chuckled.

"Well, I guess we are both curious about each other beautiful. So,should we try to get to know each other?

"I did not say I am curious about you. I said I was curious to know about your powers. We do not need to know each other. Just fill me in about your powers."

"Well,same thing. I can not miss the chance of knowing you. So, let me get to know you and you can know about my powers."

"Sounds like a deal I guess. But I have another question. Did you beat them up?"

"Mmm. I can answer that .I did. I beat them up. It was fun."

"They really need to go to the hospital."

"Do not worry. They will get well by tomorrow. I have put a healing spell on them. They just need to get through the night as the moment they leave this place, everyone will be out of my illusion just like you."

"But why? Why did you beat them too?Did they annoy you too?"

"You are surprisingly a curious wolf. You seem to ask a lot of questions."

"Mhmm.I am a curious kid. My friends gets annoyed sometimes as I ask way too many questions."

"I am not annoyed for your information. I am just a little surprised. I guess. Well, I beat them up because they annoyed the fallen angel."

"The fallen angel?And who might be that?"

"Mmm, you know her."

"Do I ?"

"Do you?"

"I don't know. I mean I have see way too many fallen angels in my whole life. My mom is a fallen angel too. Wait. Did those guys annoyed my mom?"

"No no. The fallen angel is someone else. You will know one day."


He smiled looking at me. I continued eating my precious food. He sat by me the whole time I ate. We made some small talk and he offered to sit beside me during the final ceeremony whichI agreed to. He is fun to talk. And talking with nice and hot strangers will not hurt me,so I accepted.