

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Sandwiched between them

Evandale Ellis Pov-

I regret saying yes to Lorenzo. If I knew I was going to be sandwiched between Arwen Grey and Him. I would have rejected it immediately. And Arwen have been glaring the side of my face the whole time. Every time, I turned to look at his side his face looked pissed. I did not pay attention to him much though. Even though his glares made me stiff, I tried to have power talk with Lorenzo Venus while he tried to get to know me. Arwen interrupted us time to time making me annoyed. Still I tried very much to not pay attention to him .

And guess what? The ending ceremony is just the elders giving speeches about traditions,customs and etc etc. I love old people but I really do not like speeches. I thought the ending will be about some dramatic royal moments of putting crowns on the future alphas. Guess I was wrong.

"So,Evandale. Is Arwen your boyfriend or some person you know?" Lorenzo asked me.

"Oh. It is a bit complicated but yes he is my boyfriend. I mean technically he is my fiancee." I said feeling uncomfortable with the question.

"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. It is just he have been bugging you since we all sat down, so I thought he must be someone close since you did not tell him off." Lorenzo said . He must have noticed I felt uncomfortable . I smiled.

"No no it is okay really. I can not tell him off for various reasons not because he is someone close. Don't mind him." I said softly.

"Though I am a bit disappointed to know you have a fiancee. I have been trying to impress you from the time we met, I guess it all went to vain." He said acting sad.

"Oh did you now? "I said acting arrogant.

"Oh my. It did not work? No wonder I felt something was wrong." He said making his face like he was deep in thought.

I chuckled. "I think it all went in vain the moment you said those pick up lines that you stole from internet. I was half impressed withyour looks and mostly your confidence. But the moment you said those lines all the heart fluttering was gone." I said chuckling.

'I should have realized. My bad." He said. His face looked serious. I chuckled.

"Before you blame yourself for real,you should know that you and I can never happen."

"Why not?"

"I am engaged,remember?" I said pointing to Arwen. Arwen noticed. "What are you doing?" He asked peeking a glance at Lorenzo.

"Nothing. I am just telling you and I are engaged." I said.

"Oh. I thought we are not suupposed to tell that to anyone until we are official."He said directing his attention back at me.

"Do not worry. Lorenzo will not say anything to anyone.He is a nice guy." I said trying my best to smile at his words.

"We will see about that later." He said. His voice full of arrogance. He crossed his arms infront of his chest and mad his arrogant face.

"Why don't you focus on the speech? " I asked him annoyed by his behaviour. He did not say anything,just looked forward. I really do not know what his problem is! One moment he is sweet. And another moment he is a rude jerk.

I sighed and looked back at Lorenzo again. He was staring at me. I smiled softly.

"So back to our conversation. What were we talking about?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"About how you and I can not happen." Lorenzo said still staring at me. His gaze is too intense. I looked away from him.

"Yep. I was telling you I am engaged to Arwen Gray." I said looking at his hair. His hair seems soft.I want to touch it. Snap out of it Evandale.

"I do not see any ring." Lorenzo said glancing at my left hand.

"W-well,there is a ring but I do not wear it. I feel uncomfortable. "

"And why is that?"He asked looking at me intently.

"Why you say? I think I do not know know myself." I said making eye contact with him now. I did not break it this time.

"You do not love him. That is why."Lorenzo said out of the blue.

Lorenzo Venus Pov-

"You do not love him. That is why." I said staring at her,trying to read her expressions just like I have doing this whole time. She froze hearing me. I am right I know.

"W-Wait ?W-What are you saying? You do not know a thing. " She said,well mostly shouted. Everyone turned their eyes on us. I just smiled at them .Evandale realized she shouted, she apologized quickly throwing a glare towards me. I smirked.

"Is something wrong? Why did you shout?" Arwen asked her touching her hand. She pulled back her hand instantly. Caught you Evandale.

"Nope all is good. I just saw some shadows I guess. Hallucination,maybe. Do not worry." She mumbled.

Arwen nodded at her and she turnd back to face me. I smirked in victory. I inched closer to her face. Now,her expression looked priceless. I am not going to kiss you angel.Relax. I tucked her baby hair that was sticking to her cheek and whispered. "Evandale,you know I said the truth. You do not love him."

I pulled myself away from her. For some reason,I did not want to. Her scent was alluring. I looked at her face trying to read her. Her eyes looked she was about to cry. I sighed. What did I even say that made her cry? I just said she does not love that Arwen guy.

"Mmm,I may be wrong too. You must love him dearly. I am just a dumb guy who can not read others's feelings." I said scratching my neck.

"Stop. You are just adding salt to the wound."

"So, you accept you do not love him?" I asked surprised.

"I do not know about that. I am really confused about these feelings. Can we please move past this conersation? Actually, I want to listen to the speech for some minutes. Then,we can talk again." She said turning away from me.

"Sounds good. So we talk aftter a minute?" I asked staring at her side.

She chuckled."I did not say a minute later. I said some minutes. It can mean millions of minutes later or it can be never ot it can be exactly like a fex minutes later. I am just trying control my thoughts now. And for that I need some alone time. I promise I will be talking to you after some time." She said softly. I smiled.

"Ogayy." I said smiling.

Evandale Ellis Pov-

Some time later-

"Have you finished taking your time?" Lorenzo spoke beside me.

"No." I stated.

"Please organize your thoughts quickly. I am bored." He said yawning.

I sighed. "Talk to someone else." I suggested.

"I can not. There is no one beside me. There is just a big sexy red wall. I mean why this sexy red? Is this a sex room or what?" He asked. I tried not to laugh. Straightening myself,I looked at him. He was looking at the red wall ,more like inspecting it. I chuckled slowly. He moved his head towards me so fast that I thought his neck broke.

"Woah,woah slow down. Your neck will break." I said putting my hands up forming a wall.

"Have you finished organizing your thoughts? Can we talk again please?"

I nodded. He smiled removing the scowl on his face.

"But seriously tell me,is this room some sort of sex room or what? I mean look at the color. Do not get me wrong.I love red. But this red is too sexy. And having such a religious ceremony in this sexy room? It feels a little weird." He said furrowing his brows.

"It might be your only chance to have a ceremony at a sex room. So, enjoy it as long as you can. " I said smiling.

"Might as well as do." He said looking at the wall again.

"And this obviously is not a religious ceremony. It is more like speech ceremony."

"Well,the first is always filled up with all the speeches. But later it turs to be more religious. Not like religious but I do not know the word. Just know that we alphas are going to be crowned and blessed. Yeah it is like a coronation ceremony. Apologize for saying religious ceremony."

"Wait. Like a real coronation ceremony? You all are going to be crowned like those dramas? Are you serious?" I asked not believing his words.

"Mhm. I am very much serious. They have done it for every generation. I do not see any reason for not doing it for us. So, yeah we ten are going to be crowned like those dramas."

"Oh my goodness! I have been thinking about this thing from the start of the program. I was really thinking that the program was going to be a lot interesting if you all were going to be crowned. Wow! I am going to see a real life coronation ceremony." I said jumping in my seat.

"What are you again doing?" Arwen asked beside me. I groaned.

"The future alphas are going to be crowned. Isn't it amazing?" I asked still excited.

"Yep. It is amazing. But why are you jumping?" Arwen asked looking at me with a stiff expression. Hmph,that expression will not ruin my night. I am so happy because I am going to see a real life coronation ceremony. Not in dramas or TV.

"Because I will be seeing the crowning ceremony." I said. My voice laced with excitement.

"Well, it is not like you are going to have a crown over your head." He said coldly. I stopped smiling and looked forward. What is wrong with him? He really expects me to give him a second chnce when he behaves with me like a total rude jerk? He destroyed my mood.

"Don't worry. You will have a crown over your head tonight, angel."Lorenzo said beside me. Was he listening to our conversation?

"No no. I do not want a crown on my head. I am excited to just see crowns over you guys heads. I mean how amazing that is! I am going to click a thousand pictures of you all."

"Just a thousand?"

"Okay more than a thousand." I said grinning.

"That's the spirit,angel." He said smiling at me.

"For calling me angel, I will be taking solo shots of you too. " I said tilting my head on one side.

"What a pleasure!" He said mimicking my action. I grinned. And he grrinnd back. He is such a cutie.

"You are such a cutie!" I said. Wait I said? I should stop reading my thoughts out loud. He smirked now removing that cute grin from his lips.

"I am cute?" He asked. More like stated.

"I meant to say I am such a cutie. MIsspoke the pronouns. Instead of I ,I said you.Understand?"

"You really can not lie angel." He said giving me his intense gaze with his sexy smirk. I blushed under his gaze.

"Yeah,yeah.You are cute. Just stop smiling at me like that." I said

"Not my fault for being cute." Loenzo said smirking . He does not intend to top,does he?

"But Evandale, Might I add something to your compliment that is I am more of a sexy person." Lorenzo added. I blushed hearing his deep voice sounding more deep.

I looked at his features with more attention for the first time today. His skin is pale just like the other wolves. But his cheeks are rosy. A small scar rests on his forehead that is hiding behind his messy hair. There is a small little mole just under his left eye which makes him more attractive. His eyes. Those are like ocean. He has visible creases on his upper eyelids which makes that pair of eyes more pretty. His eyelashes are long. His lips looks like a rose. A bit plump and looks soft. Overall,his face is God gifted. Let's say hi to his hair. His dark black hair is wild but neat. That little bit curl on that messy hair is making my heart go twink twink.

I looked under his face. Well,I do not even need to guess. He is well sculptered. As I have said beforre,He is God gifted.

"Angel,you are taking way too long checking me out. I do not mind but I think your mom is calling you from the front. Go quickly to her and then com back quickly to check me out again." Lorenzo said smirking pointing his eyes at my mom. I blushed at his words. I really needs to hide my eyes undder sunglasses. I cleared my throat.

"I will see you later then. Bye." I said and ran off from there heading towards my mom.