

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The gathering of all the wolf packs-part three

Evandale Ellis Pov-

What is wrong with men? And where is Arwen and Autumn? They were all talking big of protecting me from every guy here. Guess what, you bimbos? I do not need any of you boys. I am capable of protecting myself. I smiled through the whole conversation just t o be polite even though I felt uncomfortable. If only I could Punch the hell out of those guys. My feet hurts. The straps in my shoes are burning the hell out my feet. It must have cut through the skin. I need to sit somewhere with no one around.

I walked to a garden and saw a fountain in the middle. I walked towards it and sat on the side leaving my shoes behind. I looked at my feet. Yeah there was cuts. That's why it was burning. I dipped my legs into the fountain water. I gasped feeling the cold water in my skin. After some time, I started to feel the pain fading away slowly. I felt a little refreshed now. Also I think I do not feel that much upset anymore. Even though I want to cry but I feel less upset. I wil cry when I get home. I will ruin my makeup now if I cry and will look like a zombie with all the smudged makeup even though I am pretty.

Someone cleared their throat behind me. I sighed and glanced back. The Moon Stone Pack's future alpha was standing there with his arms crossed infront of his chest. A grin evident in his face. Wasn't he present there with the group?

"I think I made myself clear when I told everyone not to come near me. Do you want your head to be cut off?" I said looking away from him.

"Um about that. I wanted to say something." He spoke up.

"I don't think i would like to hear anything from you people. And seriously,you are going to be the alpha of your pack but look at your disgusting behaviour."

"I was not a part of the group. But you have your fair right to be angry at me as I was just standing and watching the drama unfolding infront of me. That was disgusting of me for real. So, please feel free to be angry at me. I just came to apologize about not stepping in to help you. But I must say there was no need of helping you as you were capable of slaying all the men there by yourself. They are still not talking and believe me some of them are even trembling. I applaud you for real. You are amazing." Lorenzo said with a smile. I looked at him. Was he really not a part of the group? Maybe he is speaking the truth as I did not see him at first with the group. But even though he was not a part of the group, he still was watching. So I have my right to be angry at him just like he said. And he must have come to apologize thinking I was gonna badmouth him and that might ruin his reputation. Otherwise why would a mighty future alpha come to apologize to me? Men are so irritating.

"Just like you said I have my fair right to be angry at you. So, do not think I am going to forgive you just because you justified yourself. I mean you just wanted to watch ,right? You did not realize you were going to get tangled in the whole ordeal. I understand. I will not complain about you or badmouth about you to anyone. Rest assured. You are not going to lose your title of 'future alpha'. So now, please leave." I said not caring to look back at him.

"Wait. I think you are misunderstanding something. I am not here to apologize so that you will not badmouth about me. I genuinely wanted to apologize for my behaviour. You can badmouth about me .I do not care. Just know that I came to genuinely apologize for my ignorant behaviour." He said. His voice sounded genuine. I sighed.

"I appreciate that you apologized. I apologize too for misunderstanding you. But understand my situation. " I said softly.

"I understand. No hard feelings. I will now excuse myself. Enjoy the rest of your time here." He said softly. I did not look back. I waited for some time and then glanced back . He really left. I sighed in relief.

Lorenzo Venus Pov-

Does white roses bloom at night? Evandale Eliis,she looked like a white rose which was blooming. The most beautiful rose in this whole garden. She smelt like a flower. Even though I was standing some hands away from her, her smell allured me. She smelled nice.

And her aura. It made her really like a fallen angel. At first when i entered the gaarden, I thought some angel has fallen down on earth. Maybe it is true. She must be a fallen angel.

I wanted to check something with her but failed today. Guess she will have to see me again. But first,let me do something with those imbecle jerks! I haven't had this much fun in such a long time. Those guys dare to mess with the fallen angel?

Some time later-

I punched the silver haiired guy again in his stomach. Blood falling out of his mouth. Rest of the guys were already laid in the field groaning in pain. How dumb! They could just turn into wolves and fight me. But that may not help either. As no one could match up to me.

I punched the guy another time and fell down. I picked him up by his collar. "You have learnt your lesson tonight I guess. Never speak infront of me or else I swear to God this is not going to end well for that little nose of yours.Understand? Try to have some respect for your fellow wolves,little guy." I whispered coldly.

He didn't say anything but stared at me with fear. I smirked. I threw him away.

"You all do realize that how dumb you are,right? I mean you are werewolves. You could have just ganged up on me. I guess you all thought of it but couldn't dare to do it. After all, you know i am going to be the alpha of

'Moon Stone'. I will rule over you all. Do not mess with me or thee fallen angel. As long you do that,your limbs will be intact in your body. Goodnight."

"You are g-going to regret this. We are going to the head of your pack to tell about you. Then you will see if you can be the alpha or not." The blonde haired guy said trying to sit up.

I chuckled. "You see I do not do these things without precaution. You will forget everything that happened here."

"What?" He asked. He looked at me in disbelief. I walked towards him and knelt down. Leaning towards his ear I whispered,"You see I have some powers that makes me different from you all. So when I say you are going to forget everything that happened here,you will. Sleep tight now."

I patted his hair and stood up. I started to walk to the place where everyone was. I laughed and glanced back."Forget everything now." I said and continued walking to my destination.