
Elizabeth,Are you worthy?

This is purely based on romance,no sense whatsoever. I've always wanted to ask Elizabeth one thing:"Are you worthy? worthy of all that he has done for you, can you look at yourself,think of your actions,and tell me that you are worthy of his love?well,can you?"

rosemoon · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Hey king and eliane

Arriving at the capital of the dead,they didn't see king like they had expected,well that is if you exclude celeste who felt his magical aura

I wonder why he's hiding,or well,he must have his reasons so I shouldn't expose him

With that,celeste didn't inform the group that she had 'seen' king

Hmm?oh wow,so this really is the gateway to the other world,I thought it was called the capital of the dead due to how little people leave here.well,I guess I'm going to be seeing eliane thenI haven't seen her for a full year

When she came back to her senses,it was at the scene where ban was helping the twins

Celeste:"you're so nice ban"

Ban:"nice?,I don't think so,but if you say so"

After seeing her,the twins became statues for a few seconds,before they opened up the gate to the other world

Meliodas:"is it just me,or they were a bit unwilling to open the gate till you came celeste?"

Celeste:"must be your imagination,anyway,shall we go,before it closes up"

The group went into the land of the dead with king following them in,and Guila followed them soon after putting herself in a semi-dead state by piercing her heart,ban then left the group with both celeste and king following him,and the rest were dealing with guila

Ban then starts going on a memory lane when thinking of eliane and how he became immortal,he then started speaking to eliane who had showed herself,at this time,celeste wasn't near ban,she wanted to give them a few moments alone first

Eliane:"thank you ban,also you don't have to feel sorry for me,If I didn't die,I wouldn't have met someone who is now very important to me"

In ban's head he was thinking:"Did I lose my lover to a ghost"

At this time,king came and asked ban to let him see eliane as well

Celeste:"hey king,hey eliane"


While going to hug celeste,eliane also revealed herself to king

Celeste:"hey eliane"

Eliane:"I missed you so much,you haven't visited me for a year now"

Celeste:"haha,my bad,I was a bit busy and didn't have time to"

Eliane:"It's okay,I know you'd never ignore me on purpose"

King:"Is that really you celeste?"

Celeste:"yeah,long time no see king,how have you been?"


Celeste:"Is that an answer,or a question?"

Eliane:"stupid brother"

King:"a-ah,eliane,you're willing to let me see you"

Eliane:"count yourself lucky that celeste was here today,if not,I wouldn't let you see me till you're about to leave"

King:"I'm so sorry eliane"

Eliane:"It's alright,I never blamed you,I understand you were going through some things, also if you were there,you'd never allow ban and I to get close,so it all worked out"

After some goodbyes,and dealing with Guila,they returned back to the land of the living,where the capital of liones was going through some changes with the discovery of the red demon by hendrickson.Un aware,the group heads to the Vaizel fighting festival

Celeste:"ah?what happened to you two"

She said as she looked at the now normal sized diane,and tiny elizabeth

Celeste:"let me guess,you got sprayed by a mushroom?"

Diane:"how'd you know"

Celeste:"nevermind that,you can go and participate,I'll take care of elizabeth,after all that is your sacred weapon that's the winning prize"

Diane:"alright thanks"

She said and left after she gave a big hug to celeste on the basis that she's now the same size and can actually hug celeste completely,while celeste gave tiny elizabeth some clothes that she personally made,they were inscribed with magic,and magically change to fit the person who wore them,Elizabeth watched in amazement as the clothes shrunk to be her size.

following the show,the fighting festival was interrupted by the holy knights,after meliodas fights Liz's grandfather and was about to fight ban,while the holy knights were wrecking vaizel,celeste made sure that everyone uninvolved made it out of viazel alive,at this time veronica,and Griamore were searching for elizabeth,It is now at the part where meliodas was trapped in the goddess amber

Elizabeth:"no~,sir meliodas"

Celeste:"If you don't get out this instant,forget about seeing me for the next century"

Meliodas:"shesh,how cruel"

saying so,he broke out of the goddess amber,and like in the anime,he wasn't his normal self once he broke out

Celeste looked at the happy elizabeth and thought:"If you were strong enough,he wouldn't have to get trapped to protect you,I'm glad I'm strong,if I wasn't,I wouldn't accept that beings offer,because I don't want to be a burden to the people I love,even if I can't help them,I at least have to be strong enough to not make them worry,I can't take this,I'm going to need some time to clear my mind"

Celeste:"Take care,I'll be gone for a bit"

Before they could answer,celeste disappeared into her space,and when she did,as though a line was snapped,meliodas became unable to identify his friends from his enemies and attacked both.

When Celeste showed up again,a lot had changed,firstly hendrickson had already been defeated by the sins,elizabeth's healing powers had completely awakened,and they were on their way to met King batra who had another vision

Celeste:"hey guys,did anything change while I was away?"


At the same time in celeste's mind:"It feels so weird calling gowther gowther,because I used to call the original gowther that till he changed his name to carson


Celeste:"hey merlin"

Merlin went up to give celeste a big hug

Gowther:"I would say I miss you,but I lack the heart to do so"

Celeste:"nice to see you too gowther,and just the fact that you thought of it gives you a heart,as you said you missed me"

Celeste:"so,where are we heading"

Meliodas:"back to liones castle"

Elizabeth:"yeah,my father said he had another omen"

They got to liones castle,and were informed of the ten shadows,on their way back,the ten commandments were revived

Gowther:"wow,what a huge expense of magic power"

Merlin:"that magic power.."

Meliodas:"no doubt,they're back"

Elizabeth:"who's back?"

Hawk:"I've never seen you look so serious meliodas"

Celeste:"alright alright,let's all go inside first,and talk later"

They got back to the boar hat

Celeste:"before that,did anything interesting besides hendrickson happen"

King:"yeah,the captain and ban fought"

Diane:"mhm,but we don't even know why"

Meliodas:"don't worry,it's been dealt with by me"

Celeste looked at ban for a few seconds and said:"It was lying to you,It can't bring her back"

Ban:"how'd you?...nevermind"

Celeste:"do you want me to bring her back?"

Ban:"you mean"

Celeste:"yep,do you want me to bring her back"

Merlin,gowther,elizabeth,hawk and diane:"bring who back?and from where?"

King:"y-you can bring her back?"

Celeste:"you first have to answer my question ban"

Ban looked at celeste seriously for a few seconds,and knew she wasn't joking

Ban:"nah,it's alright"


Ban:"yeah,I can't guarantee if you'll be hurt in the process or not,and either way,since eliane seems to have known you for so long,she should know that you can bring her back,since she didn't ask you to do so,I'm not going to ask you to do so either"

King:"he's right,If it'll hurt you,eliane will beat us up even if you brought her back,and secondly she could have asked you to do so if she wanted to,but she didn't"

Celeste:"hm,I see,well sorry to cut my visit short,but I need to finish up some things"

Merlin:"were those magic circles created by you celeste?"

Meliodas:"what magic circle?"

Celeste:"yeah,now I need to reinforce them"

saying so,she disappeared on the spot once again

Meliodas:"and there she goes without saying goodbye again"

Elizabeth:"ah?,I thought we were going to discuss the people who gave of the strong magic power"

Merlin:"maybe another day"