
Elizabeth,Are you worthy?

This is purely based on romance,no sense whatsoever. I've always wanted to ask Elizabeth one thing:"Are you worthy? worthy of all that he has done for you, can you look at yourself,think of your actions,and tell me that you are worthy of his love?well,can you?"

rosemoon · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Meeting Diane and ban

Meliodas:"besides,can you even carry her?"

Elizabeth:"yeah,besides those two areas,I don't think there's any weight in her body,I could carry her once I turned nine"

Meliodas:"true,she truly is light,which is very weird when you look at her figure"

Elizabeth:"hm,but she's so healthy so there's nothing to worry about"

Meliodas:"yeah,if I could cook as well as her,I'd definitely eat everyday"


While talking with meliodas,elizabeth had already reached the bedside,and just like meliodas,she was tracing the outlines of celeste's exquisite facial features,causing the sensitive celeste to open and close her mouth in succession as though trying to say:"stop bothering me,can't you see me sleeping",her reaction caused both meliodas and Elizabeth to laugh

Elizabeth:"I haven't seen her in six years"

Meliodas:"I haven't seen her for longer"

They both started talking about celeste,how she always seems to be zoned out and many things they learned about her in the period they spent with her,from elizabeth,meliodas realized that celeste really hasn't changed in so long,which is actually another reason why she's ridiculously powerful,if she were to turn arrogant, the thing that sent her here,might send someone who can knock down her arrogance a bit,as being a bot arrogant won't hurt anyone,but a lot will,may be not yourself,but the same can't be said for the people around you,but celeste isn't like that,actually one could say she doesn't have a single arrogant or anger bone in her body.

The two talked for hours without realizing it,and they both ended up falling asleep while holding celeste's hands,lucky for the three of them,the bed was large enough to hold five people,so three people sleeping on it didn't make them uncomfortable or cause the bed to break,celeste woke up around 6 am

Celeste:"Oh,I guess I fell asleep on meliodas's bed,and elizabeth joined us to bed,well,time to make breakfast"

She got up from the bed,and covered both meliodas and elizabeth with a blanket,before she went for a run,she freshened up after coming back,and went to go make breakfast

Hawk:"wow,something smells good~"

Celeste:"wow hawk,you're actually the first person to wake up,come have some breakfast"

Saying so,she put a bowl similar to a dog bowl in front of hawk filled with his breakfast

Elizabeth:"what smells so good"

she rubbed her eyes as she said so,with meliodas following behind her with his still asleep face

At this time celeste thought:"this really isn't the same world,on earth,you woke up with bird nest hair,but here,you wake up with the same hair you slept with,it saves a lot of time too

Celeste:"good morning you two,freshen up a bit,and come have breakfast,before we go to the forest of white dreams to see if we can find another member there"

Meliodas:"sounds good to me"

After having a wonderful breakfast,they went to the forest of white dreams.On their way there,there was still the scene where those three dream catchers(don't know what they are,so made one up) still copied elizabeth

Celeste:"Oh,so that's why you stole her underwear this morning"

Meliodas:"what other reason could there have been"

Hawk:"she probably thought you were being as perverted as usual"

Elizabeth:"wait,why didn't they try to copy you celeste"

Celeste:"firstly,they can't even if they wanted to,and secondly,meliodas beat them so badly"

This conversation was happening as they chased the three dream catchers to where diane was

Celeste:"oh,so diane is here"

Elizabeth:"ah?that's lady diane?"


Meliodas:"wow,I guess you really are a lucky star elizabeth,I met you three days ago,and now I already found diane"



Dinae was about to hug meliodas,but then she heard celeste's voice

Celeste:"hey diane,it's nice to see you again"

Diane:"wah,celeste,I missed you so much"

She said as she picked up celeste from the ground

Cleste:"I missed you too diane,could you please put me down now?"

Diane:"no,I haven't seen you in too long,also why'd you go to captain first,and who is that girl"

Elizabeth:"I'm her friend,I've known her since I was a baby"

Diane:"alright,so who's the pig,my dinner?"

Hawk:"how dare you call me dinner,I'm hawk,the great hawk,master of scraps disposal"

Meliodas:"he's just some pig I picked up on my way"

And then gill thunder showed up claiming he was now more powerful than any of the seven deadly sins,and bound meliodas and the others with a lightning rope

Celeste:"hey,how come I didn't get trapped as well"

Gill thunder simply looked at her without saying anything,but his gaze was saying:" because I don't want to hurt you"

Meliodas:"I was the one who thought you swordsmanship,but you'd rather hurt me than her,wow gill,I feel hurt,but I understand where you're coming from so I won't blame you"

Celeste:"gill,if you're worried about that bird,I've currently controlled,it,the people on the other side will only see what they want to see,you'll be free for a full twenty four hours before they can monitor you again"

Gill:"thank you lady Celeste"

Celeste:"both margret and I keep telling you to stop calling us lady,but if it makes you feel more comfortable,go ahead and do that"

Gill:"sorry,I just haven't seen you in such a long time,so I'm a bit overwhelmed"

Elizabeth:"I felt the same way when I saw her yesterday"

Gill went on to inform them of how he got under this curse to save margret,the plans of the holy knights,and all that's been happening in liones up till now

Celeste:"thank you for the information gill,now go enjoy your day before the curse reactivates,I implanted a timer,so you'll know when they'll be able to view your actions again"

Gill:"thank you lady..I mean Celeste"

Celeste:"you're welcome gill"

Diane:"never knew holy knights were so cruel,well then again I guess I learnt that ten years ago"


Meliodas:"nothing,alright,let's go back to the boar hat"

Following the events of the anime,Golgius tries to steal the sword from elizabeth and meliodas only to fail,and unlike in the original,with the existence of celeste,how could she allow her 'friends' to be under the control of some bell

Meliodas:"wow,where are we?"

Elizabeth:"it's so beautiful here"

Diane:"I could stay here forever"

Hawk:"the air is so fresh"

Right now they were in celeste's space,in a specific room of her space

Celeste:"someone was trying to control you,so I brought you here and let your clones be controlled instead"

The funny thing in this situation is none of them asked how and why she did so,instead,they all took a seat,got a cup of camilla tea from celeste,and watched their clones fight with each other,they watched till their clones were now in baste prison after dealing with the holy knights Friesia and Ruin,before they replaced their clones

Meliodas:"I learnt a lot from that fight"

Diane:"me too"

Hawk:"you guys didn't even do anything"

Elizabeth:"yeah,but I bet watching how they would have fought gave them some more idea on their power and how to better control it"

And they were no at this scene



Diane:"those two are at it again,you might want to hold on elizabeth"


Before either celeste or diane could explain,the floor beneath them had already crushed under the arm wrestle of ban and meliodas,which also caused baste prison to break

Celeste:"well I'm glad to see you doing well ban"

Ban:"that voice...celeste?"

Celeste:"hey ban,long time no see"

Ban looked at her dumbly for a few seconds before going up to give her a big hug

Hawk:"wow,I didn't know he was a pervert as well,then again,he wasn't wearing a shirt when we saw him"

Elizabeth:"hawk you do know,he's still not wearing a shirt right"

Diane:"honestly,captain might be a pervert,but I didn't know ban was one as well"

Meliodas:"you're right,ban is a big pervert"

Ban:"you guys know I can still hear you right,and also being called a pervert by captain...how unexpected"

Celeste:"how unexpected indeed"

Celeste:"well let's get you some clothes,and food"

Ban:"are you going to cook it?"

Celeste:"of course"

Ban:"great,then let's hurry up and deal with these guys and let me go get me some food"

The gathered holy knights watched the whole ordeal being left speechless,firstly at the fact that meliodas and ban easily destroyed the magical barrier around baste prison, secondly at how beautiful celeste was,and thirdly,at the situation that unfolded before their eyes,after they were dealt with,the group went back to the boar hat,had a good meal,which has now become the norm,and spoke with each other,more specifically,ban telling them of how he spent his time in baste prison,they then headed to the capital of the dead after they caught news of king.