
Elizabeth,Are you worthy?

This is purely based on romance,no sense whatsoever. I've always wanted to ask Elizabeth one thing:"Are you worthy? worthy of all that he has done for you, can you look at yourself,think of your actions,and tell me that you are worthy of his love?well,can you?"

rosemoon · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Regained powers

While celeste was gone once again,the others also went their ways,Ban,king and jericho went to the fairy kings forest while meliodas was facing his past in order to regain his power.At this time,meliodas had regained his power,and ban had just encountered the living eliane

Meliodas:"hey merlin,can you send me over to the ten commandments"

Merlin:"Well it's not that I can't but..."

Meliodas:"you can do it though right"

He said as he totally ignored gill

Merlin:"Indeed,but once I teleport you,there'll be a slight delay before I can teleport you back here,in other words captain,you must survive for more than ten seconds on your own,if an attempt is made any sooner,you'll be reduced to a pile of meat,still want to go?"

Meliodas:"yeah,let's do this"

Merlin then teleported meliodas to where the ten commandments were

Merlin:"A pity,If celeste was here,she'd be able to bring him back at any time"

at the same time,celeste had showed up and went with him after reassuring the group that they'll return safely.

Before we keep going,you need to be informed that celeste only got close with estarossa of the ten commandments,for the others,she made sure not to come in much contact with them so at most they've seen her before,but don't know her on a personal level,at this time,meliodas had appeared in front of them,giving luna a site to see at their surprised faces

At this time Celeste thought:"I'm glad to see zeldris and estarossa doing well,I see they haven't changed at all,neither of them have really"



Galand:"wait,nobody here lifts a finger,it's the prey I failed to kill,I'll make sure he dies this time"

Of course galand didn't get to finish as meliodas had already kicked him,at this time celeste who had hidden herself thought:"I'm glad he got stronger,sadly the same can't be said for elizabeth"

Galand:"huh,seems you're a little different from our last fight"

Saying so,he used Chaotic judgement,of course,it couldn't touch meliodas

When seeing how monspeet blocked the flying debris in front of derieri,celeste thought he looked really handsome at this moment

One more thing,besides nadia,gelda,and rosa,celeste also saved Rajine,which is derieri's sister,and she is another victim caught in celeste's beauty just like all the people she'd saved.

Meliodas then went to totally crushing galand,with zeneri back at the druids explaining how meliodas didn't let go of his wrath,but it instead become a silent wrath that consumes things silently,like a deep sea,and how meliodas now has complete control of his rage.Back at meliodas,He opened and Sheathed his sword,causing multiple cuts to appear on the body of galand.

Meliodas:"what's with the angry looks,I just wanted to say hi and talk for a little,it's been too long"

Zeldris:"there's nothing to talk about"

Looking at zeldris,celeste thought:"how cute"

Zeldris:"just know that you're hated,we will take vengeance on you and the four races who wronged us"

Meliodas:"what a cold thing to say zeldris,we're brothers right?"

At this time merlin informed meliodas that he can come back in fifteen seconds

Meliodas:"you guys plan on picking off where you left three thousand years ago,the seven deadly sins are going to do whatever it takes to stop you"

Zeldris:"I told you,there's nothing to talk about"

Meliodas:"Oh this isn't talk,it's a warning"

Both Fraudrin who's in dreyfus's body,and zeldris moved to attack meliodas,who of course disappeared,specifically,he was teleported back by merlin


Meliodas:"what's wrong?didn't I come back in one piece?"

Merlin:"celeste went there with you"

Everyone besides hendrickson and the druids:"WHAT?!"

Meliodas:"why didn't you say so"

King:"how come you're the only one who saw her"

Meliodas:"nevermind,knowing celeste,she should be fine,but how come only you saw her?"

Merlin:"Oh she was using invisibility,and I guess she only revealed herself to me,but I must say,even with your old power regained,you couldn't sense her....she really is powerful"

Meliodas:"mhm,I hope she returns soon,all we need to do now is find escanor,and remeet with the others,after this,they should start making a move as well"

Meanwhile with Celeste

Would you look at that,galand feel down,what a shame.

Galand:"so that's the power of the accursed demon,ahahehe..."

Seeing him laugh like that,celeste thought:"How pitiful"

Galand:"Oh,it's so very delightful"

Celeste's thoughts:"ah,he must be a pervert if he finds it delightful"

Galand:"the hell it is"

Celeste's thoughts:"Oh so he's not a pervert"


Galand:"curse you,curse you meliodas,how dare you come here and humiliate me like that,I want you to find him melascula,if we don't stop him immediately,he'll become a threat to us once more"

Melascula:"you ready to lose a second time"

Celeste:"she's right you know"

Before galand could get mad,celeste finally undid her invisibility spell and showed up in front of them,upon seeing her,Estarossa got up immediately,while all the commandments tensed up,because from her tone,she should have been there the whole time,and yet they didn't even sense her,besides wariness,there was another feeling budding in them that they couldn't quite put their hands on

Zeldris:"who are you?"

Celeste:"nice to meet you,I'm celeste,you could also call me ingrid,either one is fine with me"

Estarossa:"It is you"

While saying so,he moved before anyone reacted

Zeldris:"wait estarossa don't kill her"

Of course,unlike what he imagined,estarossa went to hold celeste in his arms,he moved with such familiarity and carefulness that any normal person would be able to feel the love in his actions,that is of course if you're not celeste

Celeste:"don't worry,estarossa,can't and won't kill me,but as a suspicious character, shouldn't you try to kill me,since I'm obviously stronger than you and can mess up your plans?"

Zeldris:"I'm not quite sure why I don't want to kill you either"

Estarossa:"you're not,but I am,then again,there's no reason to tell you,you can discover it by yourself overtime...so celeste,why are you here,and also,I've missed you"

Celeste:"aw~,I've missed you too estarossa,I came cause I haven't seen you in a long time"