
Element Master in BNHA (DROPPED)

A woman was born with an extremely strong quirk, Elemental Control. She never had any hate against Heros nor Villains, so on her adventure, will she choose the path of a Hero, or Villain?

Khiione · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

First Day of Middle School

Evelyn was currently seen training her quirk and mind once more, the only difference from last time was 9 different uses of her quirk were happening at the same time. Evelyn was currently 11 ars old and had 2 weeks until middle school began for her. She suddenly stopped all use of her quirk and decided to attempt something before she went back to studying.

Evelyn wanted to get this process correct before heading to school. Evelyn began to weave insanely thin layers of carbon together in hexagonal patterns. She continued doing this until their was a massive sheet of Graphene. Evelyn smiled at succeeding making graphene on her first attempt. She quickly turned the graphene back into air and went back into her house to study.

Two weeks had passed since Evelyn had done her last training session. She would normally train daily, but the past two weeks she wanted to study every subject she possibly could so that she would be ready for school. (*cough* Overkill *cough*) Evelyn was currently wearing jeans that hugged her legs, a plain black shirt with a white silk sweater over it. She had her hair down two parts coming over her shoulders on either side of her neck, the rest of her hair was flowing behind her back going to her lower back, one final part was tied into a braid making a little halo around her hair.

She was currently walking to her first day of school. Well I say walking but she was moving compressed air around her to push her through the air and let her fly to school. She had just landed infront of her middle school and began to walk in. She walked into class and just sat down in the back. She took note of the person sitting next to her, it was a girl who had hair tied into a spiky bow and a single bang coming infront of her face. Evelyn turned to her desk mate to introduce herself.

"Hi there, I'm Evelyn Alura, can I ask your name?"

"Oh, sure, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu."

After the introductions were in order the silence became deafening between the two. Evelyn, not knowing what to say as this was the most social interaction she had in about 6 years just went back to weaving graphene. The school day progress pretty well once the teacher entered the room. She passed out a few things and a few things that needed to be completed, making Evelyn realize how over-prepared she was.

Evelyn was in her final class which was Gym. She was changing into her gym clothing which consisted on short blue gym shorts and a white t-shirt. They ran around the track for a while before they started up vollyball. Once class was over Evelyn went back home.


Evelyn's Home

Evelyn was at home reading a book when she suddenly got some inspiration. She had always used just base elements to make things. She had never thought to combine elements. She realized that because of this revelation she could make practicly anything with enough knowledge. So, opened up her computer and researched engineering for the next 12 hours.