
Element Master in BNHA (DROPPED)

A woman was born with an extremely strong quirk, Elemental Control. She never had any hate against Heros nor Villains, so on her adventure, will she choose the path of a Hero, or Villain?

Khiione · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


A young girl, 4 years of age, pale skin, hair colored white that faded to sea green on the ends. She was playing in the middle of a sandbox. All of the sudden there began to form metals around her, there was Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and Titanium. Then the metals vanished, water had started to form around her, then strikes of lightning began to hit, even though there was a clear sky. The girl was just sitting in the middle of it, in awe, because she realized this was her quirk.

The girl had tried to tap into the power that was coursing through her and suddenly everything around her shut off. She was laughing happily that she had manifested such a powerful quirk. She began to run home to her mom to tell her the fun news.


Evelyn's Home

The girl, Evelyn, had made it home and was currently telling her mom the news. She was explaining all the things her quirk had done, from forming metals to making water and lightning. Evelyn was laughing whilst retailing the tale from not even 10 minutes ago.

Her mother picked her up and brought her to bed after listening to the story. She wanted to go set up a doctors appointment for her daughter to see exactly what her quirk did as it was quite broad if what Evelyn told was true. So Evelyn's mom, Allyson took Evelyn to a doctor for Quirk Analysis.


Doctor's Office

Evelyn was sitting in her chair while the doctor was talking to her mom about Evelyn's quirk. Evelyn ended up not really listening to anything they said until they started talking about the specifics of her quirk.

"Well Miss Alura, your daughter seems to have the quirk of Elemental Control. She seems to be able to control everything at the atomic level. She could for instance turn air into metal, or vice versa. Quite the powerful quirk if I do say so myself."

Evelyn when she heard that it was Elemental Control, thought that the only way she could really understand her quirk was to research in science what the elements were and what each elements properties were.


Evelyn's Home

After everything was said and done, Allyson took Evelyn back home to which Evelyn went to their houses small library and began to look through books filled with different areas of science. She sifted through book after book until she finally found 4 books on the Elements and their properties.

After collecting those books she went and looked for math books on pretty much every subject.

She left for her room and began reading every book she had found on the elements. She read the books constantly, until the books were commited to memory. Evelyn however, didn't stop their. She continued to read the books until she could recite it in her sleep. She actually did that, she had read it so much that her dreams had turned into her just reading the books.

A month had passed since Evelyn had memorised every elemental science book and every math book in her house. She was currently outside using her quirk, she was creating both a storm and a massive amount a spinning needles. This was her training both her quirk and her brain. She was training her quirk by simply using it in different creative ways, and was training her brain by multitasking with using her quirk.