
Element Master in BNHA (DROPPED)

A woman was born with an extremely strong quirk, Elemental Control. She never had any hate against Heros nor Villains, so on her adventure, will she choose the path of a Hero, or Villain?

Khiione · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Time Skip

It had been a month since Evelyn began school. Currently, Evelyn was in her backyard preparing to try using her quirk to build things rather than just manipulate elements. Holding out both her hands infront of her, many different types of atoms came together and after two seconds Evelyn was holding two handguns in her hands.

(The handguns look like Reaper's shotguns from Overwatch)

This was the moment of truth for her. She used her quirk to generate bullets into the clip. She shot the guns with a smile on her face. She was happy that she could actually make things with her quirk. It was a great revelation from her because her training had somewhat stagnated and now she had something she could train.

Evelyn dematerialized her guns and began her walk towards school. During this month Evelyn had gotten closer to Momo, but they weren't at the point of being able to call eachother friends. Evelyn as expected had been doing very well in her classes and was pretty bored of school. She had studied very hard in both math and science whilst picking up English along the way. She was far ahead of the curriculum in both of those subjects.

Arriving at school, she walked in without talking to anyone. Sitting down, give Momo her usual greeting and pulled out an engineering book. The engineering books were giving her both ideas and the ability to actually make said ideas. She would occasionally read a history book in class because at times they gave her some fun ideas.

Like most days inside this middle school, Evelyn just went through the motions. She never tried very hard in anything, mostly just reading her books to further her knowledge on how to use her quirk.


Time Skip: 2 Years

There was 1 week until U.A's entrance exam. Evelyn was a bit stressed for this and was simply working on her quirks speed. Currently, she could hold 15 different actions at once, and she could create most items in less than a second. She could create her handguns in barely an instant. She also got an idea with graphene. She would put 5 layers of graphene on both the outside and inside of each pair of clothes she had. She could do this and it not be noticed because graphene was so thin even when it had 5 layers stacked ontop of eachother it was still counted as 2 dimensional.

Evelyn not having any ideas on how to innovate her quirk currently just decided to continue and try to increase her ability to multitask, even though she could think and do 15 different things at once at this point. So, she went back to training.


UA Entrance

The week had passed by very quickly and it was time for the entrance exam. She was walking towards the door to the building where the exam would be explained to them. She chuckled a bit seeing a kid trip over nothing and get caught by someone. She began to tune everything out and just walked inside the building and took her seat in the auditorium.