
Electric Lust

Talia Maxwell is a risk taker who does what she wants and what she likes. Quitting her job might sound like a bad news for you but when it comes to her, she just looks at it as an opportunity to try and do what she really wants. Her passion for singing introduces her to the one and only Casper Evola, the eligible bachelor who owns a multi-billion entertainment agency that hosts the best and craziest stars. And Timothy Adams the CEO of an agency rival to Casper who has had his heart set on Talia for as long as she can remember. And when her rogue friend gets her into trouble and she finds herself getting tangled up with the handsome Chief inspector, Diego Walker and his intense looks. And let's not forget about Oscar Kimberly, who has been stalking her for a while now and she only ever figures it out after let's say some very interesting events. Just another lust filled story with some of the very eligible bachelor, read more and find out who steals her away.

AvaLawson · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

07- Breakdown

I didn't speak the whole ride back and neither did Timothy till we reached the familiar lane of my house, "Listen, about tonight I like you and I really want you but I don't want to be caught up with the mafia." he said as he parked the car in front of my house.

I had a lot on my mind but his comment made me scoff. "That's alright I don't expect anything from you but I could use one help" I said and he nodded.

"Could you get someone to grab my car? I left it back at the-" "Dont worry about it, ill get someone to drop it off '' he said, avoiding eye contact. I bit my lip out of habit from slight irritation at his reaction to the entire situation.

I sigh in disappointment but nod and get out of the car, I understand that people just want to save their own back but it's upsetting when you need support the most at that moment.

I walked into the house, switched on the lights and for the first time in a long time I wanted to be around someone, have someone waiting for me at home. Even if it was just mom with her nagging, I missed it.

I got my phone out and decided to video call mom. It rang a couple of times but she didn't pick up.

I throw my phone on the bed and strip out the outfit and place it on the chair in a way that its set right. I removed my make up and pulled my hair in a high bun. I grab my phone and put it on mute.

After setting the temperture for the water i wait for the bathtub to fill, throwing in a scented bath bomb in it and hang my robe before stepping in. I moan as the heated water relaxes my muscles, relieving the stress.

I put my head back and look at the black marble ceiling, my mind wanders back to everything that happened tonight.

I stay in till the water cools down and step out as the water drips onto the mat. I grab the bathrobe, put it on and walk to the kitchen for some fresh juice that I keep stocked inside the fridge.

I put it in a glass and sip on it.

The bell rings and I frown, I look at the time and I feel fear hit me, my anxiety rising as I put the glass down. I grab the baseball bat I kept by the door for humour but now it looked like it would be quite handy.

I switch on the camera outside and find the chief standing there, Diego. He rings the bell again and I keep the bat by my side just in case as I put the chain in to open the door slightly.

"What are you doing here-"

"Let me get inside, there are some men looking for you and I thought it would be better for me to be around in case something happens"

I hesitate but open the door for him to get in, he hurries inside and locks the door behind himself.

He removes his overcoat and I notice that he was in a sweatshirt and joggers.

"What are you doing here at this time, what went wrong?" I ask as I pull my robe tighter around me when I remembered that I wasn't wearing anything underneath.

He notices, "why don't you change, I'll wait in the living room while you get ready and then we can talk '' he said and looked down at me. The height difference was evident even though we werent standing close enough.

Close enough? I internally smack myself for craving his touch. I nod and walk into the room making sure to lock it before letting go of the robe and letting it slip to the ground.

I put on a bra and a long tee with some shorts that were barely visible because of the tee.

I grabbed my phone and noticed that there were a couple of calls from the same number.

I walk out of the room and find him standing by the large glass windows that look over the city. It was a beautiful place but the only problem was getting to the stores as they were slightly far from the place.

He turns towards me and I watch as his eyes trail over and land back on my eyes.

I raise my eyebrow. "Could I get some water?" he asked and I nodded as I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a glass filling it up with water and turned back to find him sitting on the stool by the kitchen island.

I remember getting that built for that exact purpose but because I lived alone I hardly ever had a reason to use it especially tonight. I wanted company and I got it. It's all making me emotional.

I cleared my throat and handed the glass to him and he chugs it down in one gulp. "Would you like some more? I asked and he shook his head.

I grabbed my juice glass and drank from it while he signed and it looked like he was making up his mind about what he had come here to tell me.

"Do you have someone whose place you can crash at?"

I pause and then frown, "no and I don't need to-"

"It's not just an advice or a suggestion, if i have to command it i will because your place is in the outskirts and there's not much that can be done in case someone tries to harm you. We ae yet to figure out who really is behind everything." he said in a low voice without looking away from me.

I observed him for a few seconds. I know he won't back down regardless of what I wanted but I wasn't just going to listen. I nodded and turned towards the sink, "I have someone in the city that I can stay with. I'll go there tomorrow" I said without looking at him in case he catches on.

"I'll stay for the night then just to make sure-" he trails off and I roll my eyes but shrug.

"I have only one bed but I can set the sofa up for you if you really insist on staying over for the night. " I said and turned around to face him. He shrugs, "will do" he said with a chuckle as he pulled off his sweatshirt, my eyes widened.

I took in a deep breath that I didn't realise I was holding till I noticed he was wearing a sleeveless tee inside. He fixed it as it rode up when he pulled the sweatshirt off.

I could see the slight smirk at the corner of his lips, I scoffed and turned around at his next words.

"And here I was hoping you'd offer your bed, I'd refuse politely leading to a banter and at the end of that banter you'd smile and suggest we share the bed."

"I didn't think you were the type to read such genre of books or watch"

He chuckles and walks to me, I stand my ground and fold my hands till I notice his gaze drop to my bust and I smirk when his gaze lingers.

I bend over the island top and he pauses, "What are you doing Chief" I asked in a low and soft voice. He gulped and looked away scratching his head.

"I- uh- nothing I'll go settle on the sofa then" he said with a sharp nod and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I watched as he grabbed his phone and shirt, placing it onto the table by the sofa. He lifts up his tee and gets the revolver out too.

My eyes widened at that.

"Is that really necessary" I asked in a low voice almost to myself as the fear started to build up, he heard and turned around to face me.

"Mostly it won't be but-"

"Just in case.." I completed it for him and he noticed the slight anxiety that was building up.

He walks to me and I smile, "I'll be fine-" he surprises me with a hug and my knees buckle but I grab onto his tee for support. I didnt realise I had tears streaming down my face till i notice it soak on his tee.

"I won't let anything happen to you as long as I'm around." he whispered and rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

I pull away and sniffle, I look up and find him looking right at me. I met this man today and-

I shove him away when I hear the bell ring and rush towards it. Diego grabs my forearm before I reach and motions me to wait for him. I watch as he grabs the revolver and stands by the door while I turn on the camera.

I breathe out in relief when I notice it's Casper standing there- wait, CASPER?

I freeze up and Diego nudges me and I ask him to lower his gun. "I know him" I said and he hesitates but nods, lowering the gun as I open the door for him.

He looks at me and I raise an eyebrow. "What are you here for at this time, its almost early morning" "yeah i had something to talk to you about-"

He steps in and notices Diego, he frowns at him and looks back at me while I shut the door. I walk in leaving the two standing there in a staring contest.

I grab some snacks packets from the cabinet and sit on the kitchen stool munching on it. The two of them turn to me and walk towards me. They come to a stop in front of me and I lean back to look at them because of their height.

Diego grabs the stool beside me and sits beside me. Casper follows suit and then turns to me, "so what's going on between you two" he asked and I shrugged.

"It matters to you because?" I asked as I paid no heed to his tone that almost sounded like jealousy.

Diego extends his hand, "I'm Chief inspector, Diego." he said and Casper raises an eyebrow, "celebrity to cops can't say it's an upgrade" he said and I glared at him.

"Stop with the spoiled brat attitude, it doesn't suit you '' I said with a glare and he leaned forward, "So what does, you do?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is he your boyf-" "NO" "Yes"

I glared at Casper who just smiled and shook his head, "I know you are mad at me baby girl but i'm here for you" he said and I got up, picked up the empty wrappers and threw them in the trash.

"I will never let a man with complicated relations with other women to be with me"

I said and he sighs, Diego looks at me and I smile at him. "He is not my boyfriend, never will be. I dont stick around people who treat me like an option or a choice but I do mess around with him if that makes a difference." I said to him and walked to Casper whose eyes wouldn't leave me.

"I want to talk to you its important"

Diego makes his way to the balcony as he understands what Capser meant.

"You were being so rude to him-" he grabbed my arm and pulled towards him. "Why is he here?" he asked and I looked up at him. "That's what you wanted to talk about?" I regretted looking up as there was hardly any distance between us.

I pull back and sigh, "let's talk tomorrow when I come for my first day at the event, I got your managers message and he said I'll be singing for some auction." I said and he nods.

I step back and look towards the balcony, I could see Diego's silhouette through the glass door.

"Do you like him?"

I turned back to Casper and shrug, "i find him perfect to be with but I don't have any genuine feelings for him yet." I said and Casper looks at me.

"I don't want you messing around with another when we have something going on." he said to me and for a second i stop breathing.

"If we ever do find ourselves having genuine feelings for one another or someone else we will let the other know" I said with a nod.

Casper nods and walks backward towards the door. Not breaking eye contact and I couldn't either.

"I'll see you tomorrow, also blue suits you" he said with a wink and turned. He walks out the door closing the door behind him.

I bite my lip and lock the door, i hear the balcony door open and close.

I turn to Diego, "I'll fetch you a blanket, you can grab water from the kitchen". I said as I walked to the room and stand on my toes to reach the handle of the loft and from behind me I see Diego reach out and open.

I could feel him behind me and I sucked in a breath.

He grabbed the blanket and closed it. I could still feel him and he hadn't moved away while I was pressed against the cupboard over which the loft was there.


I said his name and he stepped back.

I turn back and his eyes had darkened. I look away and move to the bed. Luckily i had grabbed my phone with me so I just snuggled into the blanket and turned away from him.

"Good night Diego"

He chuckles at my behaviour. "Good night Talia" he said in a deep voice.