
Electric Lust

Talia Maxwell is a risk taker who does what she wants and what she likes. Quitting her job might sound like a bad news for you but when it comes to her, she just looks at it as an opportunity to try and do what she really wants. Her passion for singing introduces her to the one and only Casper Evola, the eligible bachelor who owns a multi-billion entertainment agency that hosts the best and craziest stars. And Timothy Adams the CEO of an agency rival to Casper who has had his heart set on Talia for as long as she can remember. And when her rogue friend gets her into trouble and she finds herself getting tangled up with the handsome Chief inspector, Diego Walker and his intense looks. And let's not forget about Oscar Kimberly, who has been stalking her for a while now and she only ever figures it out after let's say some very interesting events. Just another lust filled story with some of the very eligible bachelor, read more and find out who steals her away.

AvaLawson · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

08- First and Last performance

I woke up to find myself alone in bed, I grabbed my phone from the side table to see the time, it was already late evening.

I have to perform tonight for the auction. I got up and combed through my hair.

I freshened up and walked into my closet to go through all the possible outfits. I wonder when he left.

Diego had been there the whole time while I cried and then dozed off. I don't know if what's going on is right or not.

I met him a day or two back, I had already shared my bed with him, cried to him and let him stay the night all in two days.

I grabbed my maroon jump suit and put it on. It was skin tight with flared pant bottom. I paired it up with a pair of diamond earings and pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

I just put on some blush and nud lipstick when I heard footsteps.

I frown and let out a breath of relief when I see Diego. "You had me scared for a second-"

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah I have an event to attend and perform at"

He nods, "I'll drop and pick you up but I might not be available for an hour or two in between. I've got some work to finish"

I nod and smile, "Its alright, I can drive myself too"

He contemplates for a minute while I finish up and nods, "okay I'll see you once you are back then"

My eyes widen, "you are staying over?" I asked him and he paused, his face slightly red.

"No it just slipped out, I'll see you around and if there's anything you need help with don't hesitate to call. I'll be right there."

I smile and nod.

"Thank you"

He nods and walks out of the room. I hear the main door close after a few seconds and I smile.

I walk out to the kitchen and drink some juice. I grab some pasta but then decide against it, I'll eat after the performance.

I open my shoe rack and put on my nude heels then step out with my car keys.

I close and lock the door behind me and drive to the address that the manager sent to me yesterday after talking on call. I had an hour to reach the destination so I put on some music.

I heard my phone ring. I sneaked a glance at the screen to see the manager calling me up. I pick it up and put it on speaker on the passenger seat


"How long will you take to reach?"

"I'll be there in 20 minutes or so, is everything okay?"

"Yeah just wanted to know your arrival status. Just mention your name for the guest list and they will let you in, you will recieve a masquerade mask so just wear it. The people are a little conscious about revealing their identity so"

"That's alright"

He hangs up and I frown, why does this seem so shady.

I shake off the feeling that something was off with the auction as I drove into the underground entrance for the event.

Before I even stepped out of the car I was handed a black and red mask. That somehow went well with my outfit.

I stepped out and handed the keys to the valet, I said my name and they led me inside after cross checking with the guest list. I was surprised to see the interiors of the place.

The whole place was glowing in dim lights with decoration all in off-white and royal blue.

It looked like a setting for a wedding. I heard my phone ring, it was Casper. "Find the backstage and make your way there."

I make my way to one of the waiters handing out food to the people and he escorted me to the back where I found Casper talking to a man in navy blue suit.

He looked like a gang leader with his white shirt rolled up and tattoos all over his skin. A gold chain hung on his neck. He was holding his blazer over his shoulder. He seemed to notice me and paused his conversation with Casper to look at me.

His eyes trailed over my body as he stepped towards me. He too was hidden behind a navy blue mask.

Casper turned to find me there and whistles, "you look stunning" he said as they walked to me. I smile, "you don't look to bad yourself"

The man grabs my hand softly and kisses my knuckles, "tu es belle ma dame" the man said as he made eye contact with me. His eyes unnerved me.

His eyes were bright blue in contrast with his jet black hair. He held my hand for a few seconds longer than necessary and let go when Casper spoke up, "she doesn't understand french".

He looked annoyed at Casper for interrupting him.

"Yeah true, but I did understand what he said right now, thank you" I said to be polite.

He grinned at me and then turned to Casper, "I'll see you around" he said and winked at me before leaving.

I was looking at the man who I just met and didn't pay attention to Casper who had stepped closer.

He turned my face to look at him, "what are you trying to do?" He asked and I shrugged as I side stepped him when I noticed the manager. His hand on my waist didn't budge and I raised an eyebrow.

The manager rushed to me, "just in time. You will be singing a song when the auction is about to start and another at the end."

He said and I nod. Casper signed and let go of me.

He seemed to notice Casper for the first time. "sir you need to be on the stage and address everyone."

Casper nods and straightens up his suit.

He looks at me one last time before moving out to greet the guests. I was called to the stage by him as he finished addressing them. I wasn't paying attention to him till I heard him mention my performance.

He didn't introduce me with my name just as a singer. I wanted to ask further and then I remembered what the manager mentioned on call. The talk about identities was a taboo.

I walked out on the stage and heard people talking in whispers. But after a few seconds they settled down.

I didn't say anything, I just got ready to sing.

I'm trying to hold my breath

Let it stay this way

Can't let this moment end

You set off a dream in me

Getting louder now

Can you hear it echoing?

Take my hand

Will you share this with me?

'Cause darling, without you

All the shine of a thousand spotlights

All the stars we steal from the night sky

Will never be enough

Never be enough

Towers of gold are still too little

These hands could hold the world but it'll

Never be enough

Never be enough

I watched the chandelier as I sang, I close my eyes and lose myself in the music. I could hear the instruments playing in the background.

All the shine of a thousand spotlights

All the stars we steal from the night sky

Will never be enough

Never be enough

Towers of gold are still too little

These hands could hold the world but it'll

Never be enough

Never be enough

I finish the song and take a deep breath, there wasn't a single sound. I opened my eyes and all of a sudden the applause was deafening.

"Are you for auction too?" I heard someone in the crowd and I chuckle in amusement. "No I'm just hear to sing"

I said as I walked out of the stage.

I feel Casper grab my forearm, I frown. "You should leave" he said and my frown deepens.

"What's wrong?"

I asked as I pulled away from him, before Casper could speak he was interrupted by the man who I met before.

"He is worried someone will take you" the man said as he leaned against the wall. I heard the emcee talk about the first item being the most beautiful of the auction tonight.

I was going to retort to that till I see a chest box being taken on the stage. Whatever was in it was trying to get out.

Are they auctioning some rare species, I wondered as I watched the men carry the heavy box inside.

I turned towards the stage to watch and Casper grabbed my wrist tugging me away from the backstage but I didn't budge as I was too curious to see what the emcee was talking about.

I gasp when the chest box pops open and a girl gets up, her wrists were bound at the back with a duct tape on her lips. She seemed to be a teenager, her beautiful golden hair flowed down her waist. Her eyes seemed to panic.

Casper grabs me and pulls me away and I lose it. I turn to him and slap him. He startles. The man looks at us in amusement, enjoying the show while sipping on his whiskey.

"What the hell is going on here"

"I can explain-" Casper tried to speak up but I wasnt listening.

I walk on to the stage. The girl notices me and with wide teary eyes she rushes to me as if begging for help. She seemed frantic.

I pause and then lean down, "are you doing this willingly?"

She freezes up, she avoids eye contact and steps back. Casper grabs my waist and pulls me out of the stage.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"You are auctioning PEOPLE?"

I asked and he grits his teeth in frustration.

"I'm leaving" I said and I rush out of the backstage to the front. I bang into someone and they steady me.

"Are you okay-"

"Diego?" My eyes widen in surprise. He looked just as surprised to see me here.

He frowns and grabs my wrist, leading me out of there. We walk to a secluded corner and he takes of his mask.

"What the HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I asked in anger that he was taking part in an auction like this one. An auction dealing with people, no wonder no one wanted their identity revealed.

He leans down, "I'm a cop undercover, I'm more surprised to see you here. I heard you sing and although it was beautiful I want to know why"

He said and I bit my lip as I took the mask off. " I didn't know it was an auction of-"

"Get out of here for now, once I'm done with my task here I'll talk to you at your place"

He said to me in a commanding voice and I nod. I put on my mask and he fixes it for me. He paused as if he wanted to say something more but instead he nudged me towards the exit.

He walks back in after putting on his own mask. While the valet gets my car, I stand and think about how everything went so wrong within a span of few minutes.

When I was called out after singing, if I was on auction too they were seriously asking. I shuddered as I though about how it would have gone if I was on auction.

I shiver, horrified at the thought. The valet brought out my car and I was about to get in when Casper calls out to me.

I turned towards him and shake my head at him.

"Pay me for my work and we are through." I said as I got in. He knocks on my window and I lower it just enough to hear him.

"Listen to me I didn't want this but I'm an organiser and-"

I didn't want to hear him.

"You owe me for singing and that's all, send my payment and we are done." I drive away without waiting for a reply.

I was shaken up but I managed to reach home safe or so I thought.