"It felt like every cell of my body was purposefully made to one day defeat Edward Junior Chernyshevsky-Coleman. I had every desire to be better than him. To be stronger, smarter and more loved. It was maddening; a desperate plea for survival. I was on the right track... That was until his eyes met mine and he looked at me the way he did. At that moment I felt like I would die." Connor Leandre Rennison and Edward Junior Chernyshevsky-Coleman. Deputy Captain and Captain. Rugby Royalty and the son of the world's richest man. Fire and Ice. Sworn enemies from the first moment they laid sight on each other. Yet is that all they really are or is their hatred a cover for something more passionate. Something that could burn them both alive and leave them to be nothing but ashes. The third installment of the 'In Love series' by Matli_Unicorn. Check out Edward In Love and Ethan in Love to follow the 'Chernyshevsky-Coleman' family on their journey of love.
"I'm so sick and tired of this thing!" The blaring alarm went flying across the room to land just a few feet away from my head and smash against the wall, breaking into what felt like thousands of little pieces.
I kept a blank expression as I placed the weight bar back on the stand. All my concentration was on the bench press and to be disturbed during a set always threw me off. Yet to have a girlfriend who was practically a mouse on drugs always ended with the same result.
"What is it this time?" I grabbed my towel and wiped my face before standing up from the bench and stretching my back that was already knotting from stress alone.
"You and your alarm!" she screamed, her brunette hair up in a messy bun whilst her body was covered in a see through night dress. "You set it up for 5am every single morning and most times you're up before it. Are you just toying with me to wake me up?"
I rolled my eyes and let out an exhausted sigh, "Listen Lottie, I don't think I have the energy to toy around with you. You do that enough by yourself. It's simply a thing of principle. I have to be up before the alarm rings."
Her hazel eyes went wild as her whole body turned red, "Let's bet he wakes up at 5am."
A sly grin spread across my lips as I nodded, "And that means I must wake up at 4am. The alarm is a test of discipline. A line in the sand that I must conquer every morning in order to be better than him."
"Connor are you fucking crazy! What if he lies and actually wakes up at 3am."
"Then I'll wake up at 2."
"I'm done with you," her voice screeched. Since I was used to the fight every morning I did not even bat an eye as I packed up around the gym, took a long chug of my protein shake before passing her by the door and headed upstairs. "Connor! Are you even listening to me?"
"Lottie, how often are we going to have this argument? You constantly threaten you'll leave me. As if you'd ever leave this house," I waved my hand in a circular motion indicating the glass three level mansion I owned, "Your pink pretty Range Rover. The travels, the hotels and of course the picture perfect rugby boyfriend."
"There's many other men who would want me," she stomped her foot, "Many who would actually pay attention to the fact that I'm practically naked."
"At a point overstimulation becomes boring. You can only see a body so many times before it starts to taste like stale bread," I chuckled.
"Tiffany's boyfriend doesn't treat her like this," she marched behind me as I headed for our bedroom.
"Tiffany's boyfriend loses every match he has ever been in. His stats are the weakest I have ever seen and last time I checked he wasn't in the national team. Can't compare me to a 'nobody' when I'm everything."
Just before Lottie could launch her body at me, almost making the dumb mistake of trying to tackle a heavyweight rugby champion, I caught her body then threw her down on the bed. Her startled expression quickly disappeared when I descended down on the bed and kissed her.
"You think Tiffany's body treats her better," I chuckled as I kneeled down on her side of the bed, fresh from the shower and dressed in my team tracksuit with my duffel bag next to me.
Her swollen lips and puffy face made me chuckle as euphoria was still written all over her face. "Not at all," she yawned, covering her naked worn out body with the light sheets. "You better get going, wouldn't want to be late for practice."
I let out a laugh, kissed her forehead before I grabbed my bag then raced for the garage. I did not plan to get distracted by her which left me thirty minutes behind schedule. With a quick toss of my bag in the backseat of my Range Rover sport, I climbed into the driver's seat and floored it out of my house.
I was still early enough that I knew no one would fuss at practice but I always had to be there first. It set a great example for the team and we needed a boost of morale especially for tonight's match.
"Have you ever thought about having a calm second for a minute of your life," Carter; our assistant coach, tiredly looked at me when I entered the office. His dark hair was up in all kinds of directions as he sat by his desk with a coffee pot and a cup with the steaming liquid creating vapour in front of his face. His skin was slightly red from the universe knew what but I figured with the cold of the outside if I was sensitive to it I would have looked the same.
"Where's the team?" I looked down to him from the length of my nose as I felt a bubble of irritation build in me.
"They'll probably be here in an hour just like how normal people like to stick to time," he leaned back in his chair.
"Having a quick chat with the boss upstairs," he smacked his lips together, "Want a coffee?"
"I don't like to drink poison before a match," I straightened my shoulders.
"I hope EJ fucking knocks the arrogance out of you tonight," Carter hissed which made a roar of laughter burst from deep within me.
"I'd probably kill him first," I did not wait for his response as I spun on my heels and marched out of his office to the locker rooms.
Instead of heading up to meet Coach, I grabbed the white board and a marker to draw out a team strategy for this match. I knew tonight's match was going to be tough and like a demon in my head all I could think of was winning just to see the smug look being slapped off EJ's face.
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