
Eir To Fall

Finding an object in the snowy mountains that had called to you from a young age. Your life is changed and you are caught in a series of events from fighting along side the Avengers, to discovering with Thor that Odin wasn't exactly where he's supposed to be. - Having yourself bewitched by a Trickster is just what some may call part of the adventure. Set around Age Of Ultron, Ragnarok and much further beyond. ***** (This is a Y/N story)

Chocobell · Movies
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26 Chs


**"Don't go.." you pleaded "Please… you can't stay here, you'll die, please. Come with me…"

"I can't, my darling.. you know this." Loki spoke back to you. Standing at the doorway of the escape pod. He mouthed words you couldn't hear before pressing a button releasing the pod. You watched as he drifted away into the distance.

"Hyper jump activating. Setting pod to hibernation m-"**

You sat up. Breathing heavily, you glanced over to your clock '10:23am'. You sighed, moving your legs over the edge of the bed to get up. Walking down the corridor to the kitchenette, finding your father eating at the small two seater dining table whilst reading the paper. It's headline regarding the 5th anniversary of the vanished. He glanced over it to you "Another nightmare?"

"How did you know? Was it the bags under my eyes or the sweat seeping through my pj's?" You said candidly reaching for a bowl to fill with cereal.

"Both. You should probably see someone about this hun.. it's not good for you"

"And tell them what exactly dad? I fell in love with the guy who destroyed New York and now I have nightmares when he saved me by sending me off into space on my own?" You looked at him as you froze from pouring cereal, raising a brow, expecting an answer.

He let out a sigh whilst shaking his head. "They don't have any special ones at that whole Avengers Tower thing.. or HQ. Whatever you call it these days"

Leaving the box on the side and pouring in the milk, you sat opposite your dad with a foot on the chair, hugging your knee as you ate a mouthful "I wouldn't go there even if there were" you said with your mouth still full of food "besides, they've actually been leaving me be lately. I wouldn't want to ruin that."

"Whatever you say dear. I'll be finishing late tonight by the way. So don't be getting yourself into trouble.. not as though you couldn't handle it even if you did." He turned a page of the newspaper. You simply chuckled, eating the rest of your cereal then going to wash up.

Once you were dressed and fresh as a daisy, you went out for the day. Keeping your laptop bag with you. Finding yourself at your usual coffee house.

"Oh hey Y/N, same as usual today?" The barista asked.

"Please and thank you, AL"

"I'll get right on it" he smiled as he wrote your order onto a cup. "If you want, take a seat. I'll bring it out to you"

"Oooh? Special treatment today?" You jested

"Only for you" he chuckled.

You soon found a seat by the window, watching the busy street beside you as you set up your laptop, plugging in your headphones. Your drink was soon served and you were whisked away into concentration, working on papers for geological surveys. You felt a change in direction would be good, given your roots. Whilst you were busy typing away, you felt a tap on your shoulder. When you looked up to the person, a familiar face was there.

"...Danny..?" You pulled out your headphones. Confused.

He smiled at you, as he sat down in the chair opposite. "I can't believe it's really you.. How are you doing these days? I haven't seen you since you left the exhibition."

"You're…" the wires in your brain went dead. "Wait.. did you say, left the exhibition?"

"Mhmm.. you sent us a notice, remember? The find wasn't good so they pulled the plug. You sent a letter with your signature and everything."

You thought about it, but maybe that's how Hydra had covered your disappearance back in the day. Though you hadn't even questioned what happened at all till now. There was just always something else before you ever had time to question anything.

"Anyway, let's forget all that. How have you been? You've not even aged a day." He said chirply.

"Ermm… I've been good." You were hesitating. It all just seemed odd.

"I feel like I've caught you at a bad time.. but hey listen.. if you ever do wanna talk. Or who knows, maybe even go out for drinks. Here's my card." He slid a card to you on the table with his name and number on, before getting up and leaving. You watched him go, trapping yourself in your thoughts before shaking it off and getting back into business. When you left, you hesitated taking the card with you.. but you did. Just in case any questions popped up.

Later in the evening you returned home. Opening the apartment door, you walked in towards the living room cautiously hearing voices. As you peered round through the doorway, a familiar face turned to you whilst your father stood in the kitchenette.

"What are you doing here…"

"I let him in." Your father said.


"We may have a chance of bringing the vanished back" Steve said, sounding all too familiar.

"Haven't we gone through this before?"

"You should help them Y/N" your father interrupted. You looked at him, not expecting it. "I know you're still hurt by what happened to you.. and I've been able to spend the last five years with my beloved daughter. Even if the world ended tomorrow, I would be happy knowing I've had that time with you. - So many others haven't been as lucky as me, and you have a chance to change that."

Taking in what he said, you looked back to Steve, remembering how you felt when you declined them last.

"Fine… I will help you, but after that. I am done."

He smiled warmly at you, happy to hear your answer. "Let me get my things"

"I'll wait outside"

You returned to your room, packing up a small bag. Retrieving your cuffs which currently looked like two halves of a jewelry box from your nightstand drawer. That's when the picture of Loki jolted forward from under other papers. You picked it up, admiring it for a moment before returning it to the file within the drawer.

Soon after you met Steve outside who was waiting against a car. It wasn't fancy and looked like any other, making it perfectly discreet for two superheros to move under the dim streetlights. "No fancy gadgets?" You asked as you threw your bag into the backseat.

"Not on this one" he replied before getting into the driver's seat. You followed suit with the passenger side and he began to drive.

"I see you managed to get your bracelets off" he said whilst keeping an eye on the road.

"Yeah, it took some investment though."

"Can you still use your powers?"

"I can. The cuffs were originally meant to awaken my powers and then after just being a way to control it" You said, glancing out the passenger window. Occasionally looking into the side mirror.

"So why bring them with you?" He said, glancing back briefly to your partially open bag.

"Why wear spandex with a star on it?" You jokingly sneered looking at him. He chuckled "I see your point"

You drove for a while as you made your way out of the city to the new facility. You continued to glance in the side mirror. "We're being followed.."

Steve glanced in the rear view mirror, accelerating, the car behind doing the same. It began to take over, coming alongside of you both before slamming into the back of the car, causing it to spin out of control before crashing into a lamp post.

"You alright?" Steve called out to you as he gained his composure, assessing the situation. You winced rubbing your head, glancing back through the cracked side mirror. "Yeah.. but they're coming" you muttered, seeing a male figure coming towards the car.

"On the count of three.." Steve said, already having a plan. "One… two… three!" He quickly grabbed his shield that was in the back before opening the car door, shielding himself from gunfire as you did the same on the other side. The bullets dropped to the floor hitting against your purple illuminating shield. You both got closer and as he reloaded, you swung for him before high kicking him in the ribs causing him to drop his gun. He gripped your leg when you kicked again and whilst stuck in his grasp, you sent a blast to his chest. Instantly killing him, sending blood to splatter across your face. When you looked to see how Steve was coping, he was standing staring at you after knocking his guy unconscious with a concerned look in his eyes.

Breathless he called in help to get you both back to base, and whilst you waited you went over to their car, searching it for any indication on who they were. With nothing of importance you went over to the unconscious one, Steve eyeing you closely. "He's waking up.." you said, crouching beside him.

Steve walked behind you looking down at the man as he came around. You slapped the man a few times to bring him around quicker "Wake up.. "

The man eyed you as his eyes opened with anger before spitting at you. You quickly gripped his throat in response as your hand let off flares of purple. "Y/N…" Steve said in a stern tone.

"Unless you want to end up like your friend over there, I suggest you tell me who you are" you hissed as you moved your face closer to the man. Anger boiling your blood. The man smirked before he muttered "Hail.. Hydra". He then crushed a pill in his mouth and began to foam, quickly killing himself to escape your interrogation. You turned back behind you to Steve who seemed increasingly concerned having heard the man.

Eventually a ship arrived and hovered down from the dark skies, landing in the empty road. Stepping out of it's runway was Natasha. "You guys alright?" She asked.

By now you had cleared the bodies off the road, and with Steve's hand the cars were moved too. You sat on the bonnet of one when she walked over to you both "Seems like Hydra have managed to salvage themselves." Steve said to her, having his arms crossed over.

"Personally I think it was a fluke. Just two idiots trying their luck. Besides, we have more important things to be dealing with. Don't we?" You said, sliding off of the bonnet heading towards the ship, all whilst still having smeared bits of blood on your face.

They watched you walk away turning to each other.

"Still not as chipper as she used to be, huh?" Natasha asked.

"Far from it. You should see the state she left one of them in."

"Was she in control?"

Steve nodded "As scary a thought it might be. That was the most controlled I've ever seen her use her power. I'd actually hate to see it when it's not."

They both looked back to the ship, eventually joining you on it.

It didn't take long until you arrived at the facility. Finding familiar faces as you walked through the building, with your bag slung over your shoulder.

"Looking shabby kid." Stark said, spotting you.

"Sure am" you said, simply walking past him with nothing else to say.

"Well that was a warm welcome.. catch me up?" He said to the two Avengers who were trailing behind you.

"Short version, or long version?" Steve asked.

"Short version. Obviously." Stark replied, whilst typing various things into a holographic board.

"After battling Asgard problems, she fell for Loki who saved her from being killed by Thanos, though this was by sending her in an escape pod on her own through space. He died along with half of the Asgardian population during that time. She's been pissed and grieving since."

"I thought I asked for the short version? - Besides, if she's gonna fall for that lunatic, maybe it did her some good." Stark said, fixated on his board. He glanced over it to see Natasha and Steve giving him a look. "Sorry, was that not sympathetic enough?"

"She didn't have any remorse for killing a hydra agent earlier, Tony" Steve added.

"What's so bad about that?" He asked, confused.

"...She didn't even know who he was yet…" Steve concluded.

"..Oh.." Tony looked towards the direction you walked in. "We should probably keep an eye on that.."

The following morning, you were in a room filled with mechanical equipment. Still in casual attire as you stood besides Thor who reeked with alcohol. You didn't even realize how much of a toll it would take on him. Especially since he had always been so strong. You looked on as Barton was suited up in white and red as they ran a test for what essentially was a time machine and within seconds he was sent into it and came back out holding a glove "It worked.."

Later on you were sat in a room with all of the remaining Avengers, including the new additions you had only met briefly. As Steve and Tony spoke about the planning for which moments in time they needed to jump to, they turned to Thor who you were stood next to once again, as he sat in a chair with sunglasses.

"So, let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve asked.

Everyone looked at him, but he remained silent.

"Is he asleep?" Natasha asked.

"I'm pretty sure he's dead.." Rhodes added.

You nudged his shoulder a bit "Thor…?" He quickly became animated from the motions. "The Aether.. we need your info.."

"Ah right.." he said, attempting to get up from his chair. Though his vision from all the drinking had made him a little unsteady. You assisted him to walk up to the front before he went on to divulge his information. After some rambling and straining emotions. The evening continued with the room filling with takeaway containers as you ate. Still fishing for those important days. When finally it concluded. Three teams, six stones.

The next day, you all came to the machine, all decorated in white and red suits bearing the Avengers symbol. Standing on the platform in a circle whilst Steve spoke:

"One round trip each. No mistakes, no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful, look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck.."

"He's pretty good at that.." Rocket muttered.

"Right?!" Scott agreed.

"All right, you heard the man. Stroke those keys, Jolly Green" Stark called to Hulk.

As you muttered among yourselves, the machine readied and you were joined by Hulk. It began to shift and you all activated your helmets. Next you were sent through the machine. Arriving in the midst of destruction of New York, along with Banner, Steve, Scott and Tony. When your suits retracted you were in casual clothes once more. Seeing as you weren't technically a hero yet, if you were spotted you wouldn't cause commotion.

"All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown. One stone downtown. Stay low, keep an eye on the clock." Steve said, when a thud and crash commotion raged behind him as past Hulk smashed an alien with a car, stomping continuously onto it. He turned back to Banner "Maybe smash a few things along the way.."

You joined Tony and Scott to his tower. Seeing they had just about wrapped up. With Tony's assistance you flew to the broken window, quietly entering the room. You and Tony peered through a decorative wall separator, as the Avengers of the past huddled around a face you weren't quite expecting to have seen during this mission. Your heart ached.

Hearing the elevator behind you coming, you all moved elsewhere, watching them closely. "Who are these guys?" Scott asked through the headpieces as he perched on Tony's shoulder.

"They were S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, actually Hydra but we didn't know that yet" Tony replied. You glanced at him in curiosity before looking back to the ones of the past. You shifted slightly accidentally knocking something over. Tony ducked further behind the counter as he pushed you out "Act like you work here.." he muttered through the coms.

You stood frozen as numerous Avengers looked to you. Even catching the eye of Loki. You continued staring before past Tony spoke to you.

"What'd you doing here kid?"

"I.. urm.. I'm here to check if urm.. to prep for the clean up."

"Well you're certainly doing a good job, knocking more things over.. - What's with the staring?"

You were internally panicking, but the clock was ticking. "I'm sorry.. I'm just a big fan.." you said putting on a fake, cheesy smile.

"That's not going to wo-" Current Tony muttered before past-him replied

"Oh, well. There's autographs in one of the drawers over there. Take one." He nodded, having his ego flattered.

"Honestly, how do you keep your food down.." Loki whined to past Thor. Thor then slapped a muzzle over Loki's mouth telling him to shut up before they all headed for the elevator. You could only watch, feeling less anxious in your spot. Still your heart ached seeing him, knowing you couldn't just go to him. You started acting natural as they packed things away, including the Tesseract. That's when Tony flicked Scott into the case and leaped back out the window. Preparing yourselves. You remained on the same floor, pretending to clean things as you watched the elevator doors.

"Hey, hey, hey. Buddy. Maximum occupancy has been reached." Past Tony said to Hulk who growled back. As you watched, placing your hand to the coms. You noticed piercing blue eyes staring at you, before the elevator doors closed, concealing them. Your heart skipped a beat. You then eyed the Hulk as he moved to the stairs, speaking into the coms.

"The elevator is descending. Are you in position Tony?"

"Check.. I've got my eyes on the prize. - Its go time"

You started to reposition yourself, getting ready for both extraction and be on hand ready to aid Rogers if it went awry.

"Oooh we blew it.." Stark's voice chimed through the coms as you made your way through the Tower. When an alarm started to blare.

"What's going on Tony, please tell me you found that cube." Steve replied, before going silent. Tony also did the same.

You were in the midst of the Tower when you heard glass shatter. Running, you made your way towards the bridge sections. Finding Steve.. and past Steve. In a breathy tone you asked "Are you alright?"

He nodded as he got up, collecting his pocket photograph. Staring at his lifeless counter self.

"That is America's ass.."

You rolled your eyes and shook your head before you both jogged on having the scepter in your possession. Eventually you and Cap found your way out of the building. Meeting up with Tony and Scott, finding out they lost the Tesseract. Whilst Scott panicked over how they were meant to mend this. It occurred to Tony how they will be able to get the stone and more particles.

"Y/N, you and Scott take this back to the compound" Steve said, handing you the scepter. Scott scrambled in confusion as he tried to grab their attention whilst Tony and Steve spoke amongst themselves.

"Look, if you do this and it doesn't work out. You won't be coming back.."

"Thanks for the pep talk pissant. Y/N make sure bug boy doesn't hold that thing." You nodded, having some confidence in Tony's idea.

"You trust me?" Tony asked turning to Cap.

"I do" Steve replied.

"Your call…"

"Here we go.."

The two of them suited up in white and red before warping into time. Leaving both you and Scott, you loitered around for a moment to allow you some time, when before you knew it you were sent back through time into the Avengers Facility.

Glancing around there were smiles as you presented the stones to each other, when everyone turned to Clint, noting a missing body.

"Clint, Where's Nat?" Steve asked. He went to his knees, staring out with a saddened look controlling his expressions. Tears filled his eyes as he gasped slightly looking to Steve and Banner. She was gone. Sacrificed herself to retrieve the stone which was felt amongst everyone.

You watched them conversing at the end of a pier. You felt the loss of her not being here, though with having lost already, your tears were dry. You looked on from a bench, sipping a beer. Watching as they argued. It wasn't long before you were instead in the lab. Seeing similar arguments unfold as they decided just who would wear the glove and snap their fingers.

"Lighting won't help you here pal…" Banner said to a distressed Thor convinced on taking the job "its gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos.. they almost killed him. None of you could survive."

"How do we know you will?" Steve asked.

"We don't, but the radiations mostly gamma. It's like… I was made for this."

Later that evening you all stood in the lab again. Tony did the run down with Banner, he was to bring the vanished back, and just that. Not changing anything that has happened since. When it was agreed, you all armoured up. Yourself had regained a new suit from Tony, it was much more intricate than the last and consisted of black, gold and purple. Fitting to your body form like spandex, with metal plates covering weak points, such as your abdomen.

You stood with your shield illuminated beside Thor. Ready for what might happen.

"Friday, do me a favour and activate Barnyard Protocol will ya?"

"Yes boss" Friday responded to Stark.

Shutters closed around the building, even covering the skylight above your heads. Dimming the room.

"Everybody comes home" Banner said as he slipped the glove onto his hand. When it was on the power surged into him causing him pain, making him fall onto his knee.

"Take it off! Take it off!" Thor shouted.

"No, wait! Bruce are you okay" Steve added as he continued to groan in pain.

"Talk to me Banner"

"I'm okay.." he muttered.

"You can do this Bruce.. just stay with us." You said not knowing if he heard you through his pain.

The stones surged through him, when finally. He snapped his fingers. He collapse to the ground and the glove dropped off. You all rushed over to his side and as Tony sprayed his arm to cool it, you took to work straight away trying to heal him.

A phone buzzed in the distance and Barton went to answer it. You stayed by Banners side when Scott called out "Guys.. I think it worked"

Suddenly, the building turned to rubble from missiles. You collapsed down into the lower levels of the building along with Banner, Rhodes and Rocket. Water was already pooled around you when you found yourself trapped under some of the debris.

"I can't breathe!" Rocket called out being trapped on the other side. Banner stood, holding up more of the building, preventing it crushing you all when Rhodes escaped his suit, crawling over to help free Rocket. You were still trapped still by your legs and an arm.

"I can't get out.." you muttered as your wet hair stringed over your face, whilst blood dripped down from the side of your head.

"Rhodey!" Banner called as more water poured in. Washing over you, submerging your body and head. Feeling your body weak you were lost in your mind.

**Loki stood with you in a field, looking out to the distant ocean that followed over a cliff. "You're not allowed to be here yet"

"What do you mean?"

He looked at you, tucking your hair behind your ear "You have much more to do.. more power to find. You touch all living things and can do more than you know. But you know this, you're just too scared to find out. You need to return.

"Will I ever see you again?" You asked, looking at him with a pained expression.

He smiled "Even if I could answer that, I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Now go. You will be alright until we meet again. Whether in this life or the next."

He placed a kiss on your lips before everything went white.**

Vines wrapped the debris covering you, slowly dragging it off of you before they slithered away, setting you free. In pain you swam up, gasping as you breathed some air that was slowly shrinking as the water continued to rise before a large hand cupped you and everyone else. Dragging you out of the building and placing you onto the ground at the cusp of battle.

With your body still dripping, you were prepared for battle as Valkyrie swooshed by. Throwing you your sword with it landing next to you.

"Avengers!... Assemble!" Captain called before everyone charged to the mass alien army in front of you.

You launched forward, running towards them with a scream of battle cry. When they approached, you slammed your hand to the ground, which shot vines through it wrapping up multiple enemies before you sent a beam blasting through them with your other. When others came close, you swung with your sword, slashing them and tearing them apart. In the midst you helped others, when you saw T'challa run past you being caught by Corvus. You ran to help him when missiles began to rain from the sky from Thanos' ship. You propelled your shield above your head, gradually expanding it bigger with all your force, shielding multiple others who were fighting near you.

The missiles paused, when you squinted through your shield, they had redirected. Retracting it you watched as a yellow glow shot through the ship, damaging it enough to disable the guns.

Valkyrie came beside you on her Pegasus, extending her hand. You took it flying up to sit behind her, before landing with other female Avengers. Glancing over to the cluster of Aliens ahead walking towards them before you sprinted into a charge along side the others. Taking them out one by one, creating a runway for easy access to get the glove to the van that contained another machine. In the distance Tony fought Thanos who had regained the stones. You were still in the middle of cutting aliens down when you swung at one, and it turned to dust under your blade. Stood confused, you glanced around as the aliens began to all turn to dust. Much like half the population had done five years ago. You heard a yell for help in the distance, causing you to run finding a Wakandan in need of healing. Staying there to do so, you looked around noticing all the enemies had dissipated, curious to the cluster of others you knew well in the distance, and seeing that the healing was mostly done you asked if you could be excused. Them being more than grateful to your hand shooing you away.

You then made your way over to others, standing beside Thor and Steve, watching on as Pepper comforted Tony. You stood with your brows furrowed about to step forward when Thor placed his hand to your shoulder, looking back at him to see the wells of water in his eyes. He shook his head and tears then welled in your own.

A couple of days passed since everyone came back and you returned home briefly to see your father before you left again, dressed in black. You stood outside Tony's home with others when Pepper came out holding flowers, finding yourself soon next to Thor as she lowered them into the water.

A day later, you were stood with Banner, Steve, Sam and Bucky. Working on returning the stones.

"You sure you don't want me to go?" You asked Steve as he made his way over to the platform, pausing to turn to you.

"I'm sure. Make sure you look after yourself while I'm gone."

"I always do"

He then went turned to Bucky who was stood next to you. "And you, don't do anything stupid till I get back"

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Bucky replied, before the two hugged. "Gonna miss you buddy" Bucky added when he moved away. The comment causing a single brow to arch.

The machine then whirred up and he took his place on the platform suiting up.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked.

"For him, as long as he wants, but for us, five seconds" Banner replied, with you, Sam and Bucky stood at the side watching.

"Going quantum in, three… two.. one" Banner called, Steve then vanished instantly when Banner went on; "Returning in five, four, three, two.. one"


He didn't return and you looked in in confusion. "Where is he?" Sam asked.

Banner conversed trying to figure out what went wrong when you saw Bucky looking over elsewhere.

"Sam.." he called.

You all looked over to a bench in the distance where an elderly man sat. When Sam walked over to him, you stood beside Bucky realising who he was.

You smiled softly as you spoke to the man next to you.

"He went back for her.."

He glanced to you, tightening his lips letting out a sigh as he replied "That he did…"

(The following events are no longer Canon to most of the MCU series/films and future)

Almost a year passed since Thanos was defeated and you returned home to live your life comfortably to the best of your ability, though you had noticed you weren't ageing which you figured was due to your mother. You were on your laptop when your phone started to buzz and seeing it was Fury, you hit reject.

He called you again, only for you to do the same, when suddenly your laptop froze, and despite all your efforts it wasn't willing to work. You sighed when a message popped up on your screen

'Nobody rejects Fury…' you rolled your eyes when a video feed popped up on the screen.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked in a stern voice.

"I did, if that's a problem you can feel free to come and talk to me in person about it." you replied.

"I would but for some strange reason you're no longer living in Queens" he said, seeming frustrated.

"I'm sorry but is it my life, or yours? When you're constantly being contacted and have people constantly at your door wanting you to suit up from your normal life. You kinda just get tired of it. - By the way.. I take it the kids helping you?"

A hand waved into the screen as Parker came into view, "Hi Y/N, he forced me into this too. I'm really sorry."

Fury glared at the boy while he left the feed, causing you to smirk.

"What do you want Fury?" You asked.

"I need you to come see something down at the new quarters."

"What exactly?"

"You'll find out when you get here, but since I can't get a hold of Thor. You're the next best person to ask."

You were confused by his request but concerned seeing as you and Thor being the options meant possibly issues for New Asgard, which in the end you agreed, and though it would take a while. You made your way to the new facility.