
eFate: An MMO Story

Fate, the world's first true virtual MMO. Where realism and fantasy meet. And where fates are shaped and legends are born. Hurricane is a famous game studio, but it has been years since they last released a new game. Amidst dwindling sales and news articles discussing its fate, Hurricane holds a press conference in the main auditorium at G3, the world's largest gaming convention for the first time in years. Here they announce that after almost a decade of silence, their new game is finally ready to be revealed. Follow as one of the greatest guilds of Fate is born, watch as new players burst onto the scene and old legends re-emerge. Come experience the world of Fate! ----------------------------------- Release rate: 3 Chapters a week. I'll do some extra chapters if we hit top 50 or higher. Probably. Scheduled releases on: Mon, Wed, Sat. More chapters may come if I get enough patrons on patreon. I may also be generous and simply release extra chapters if I feel like it. But don't expect that too often ;) ----------------------------------- This novel is primarily about gaming in a VRMMO. The MMO is the main setting of the story. There will not be unnecessary drama in real life. There will not be weird subplots about the implications of VR technology. This is a novel about an MMO setting and I plan to keep it that way. Do be warned that the first ten chapters of vol1 (Fate Revealed) is almost entirely worldbuilding and character development. Hopefully everyone can enjoy the first volume all the same! ----------------------------------- Please review and support the novel! I plan to do my best to keep the quality high ^.^ (And if you could donate, I can spend even more time on the novel and less working on other things :shamelessplug:) Discord: https://discord.gg/9Xrp5H3 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thegameslighthouse ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lighthouse

Lighthouse · Games
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36 Chs

Replanning Session


Kyp has joined the room.

Shinvinicible has joined the room.

Sweet_Temptation has joined the room.

Nelo has joined the room.

OMGio has joined the room.

Boreik has joined the room.

Bogs has joined the room.

<Bogs>: Alright so everyone's heard of the Fate Championship Series right? Ryan you're the one I'm really asking. I told all the other guys at school.

<Nelo>: Hell yeah I saw. This is amazing.

<Boreik>: What's the plan going to be? Are we sticking to the same roles we've already decided on?

<Kyp>: We don't know enough about the game. As long as we're not limiting ourselves by choosing a class and switching later we should be fine. But if we choose the wrong things and switch we might lose too much time. 6 months isn't that long to prepare for the qualifiers.

<Bogs>: Eric's right. We should be able to fix problems without restarting, but we'll still lose time if respeccing is difficult or you need to start a new class from the beginning. I'll take a supporting healing role but I'll try to flex for damage. Everyone should flex to at least one other role apart from their main. Even you Ryan.

<Nelo>: I'm fine with doing more than just DPS. Just don't expect much from me.

<Sweet Temptation>: I'll go tank and support/healer. I can try to flex ranged damage if we need it.

<Boreik>: I'll go tank and flex damage. I'll aim for a bruiser role.

<OMGio>: I'll also go tank. Not sure if I can flex though.

<Bogs>: That's fine. We should be good for tanks now. Eric, Jun, what are you guys gonna do?

<Kyp>: I'll go for ranged dps and flex melee dps.

<Shinvincible>: I'll go ranged dps and flex assassin.

<Nelo>: Same. I'll go assassin and flex as a mage.

<Kyp>: Right, magic damage. Should we assume that some of us should focus on magic and some physical? Or figure that out once we know more about combat?

<Bogs>: I'll focus on magic, that gives us two mages if Ryan goes mage when needed. Griffin you wanna focus on magic for tanking so you can flex if needed too?

<Boreik>: Sure, I prefer tanking as a druid anyways.

<Kyp>: Looks like we've got a decent team comp.

<Shinvincible>: As long as you can actually do your job.

<Kyp>: F*** you.

<Nelo> Lol

<Bogs>: Alright we should be good. You guys should make sure to get your helmets soon. I got mine after school today and they're almost sold out like everywhere.

<Nelo>: Gio, Rob, and I all got ours last week.

<OMGio>: ^


<Shinvincible>: Yeah I ordered mine yesterday.

<Boreik>: I already have a VirtuNet connector. Just need Fate now.

<Kyp> Does that only leave me without it? I guess I'll go out and get one tomorrow.

<Bogs>: Dude you should hurry. I got one of the last ones in ED Games like 4 hours ago.

<Kyp>: Yeah, worst comes to worst I'll order it online tomorrow.

<Bogs>: k. Game comes out in a week and a half. Let's gather as much info as possible before then.

<Nelo>: k

<OMGio>: k

<Kyp>: k

<Sweet_Temptation>: k

<Shinvincible>: k

<Boreik>: k

You have disconnected from chat.

Another small chapter. I plan to always release these either as part of a bigger chapter or as a double release. Hopefully that gives people enough to read ^.^

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