
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 09

"Master Xavier, I'm coming in with your meal!"

James walked in with my dinner. I put the book aside and rubbed my temple before getting up for a stretch.

"How long has it been since I came in here?"

"It's been almost five hours since you first went in… I figured you could use a meal right about now."

James placed the meal down on the table right in front of where I sat.

"Yeah, I should eat."

Understanding where James was coming from, I sanitized my hand with a towel he brought in with the meal picking up the fork and the knife, but he interjected before I could dig in.

"This is about your parents, isn't it?"

James has always been wise about people and their actions; although it was easy to tell, it still showed he was paying attention to my actions.

I froze as I looked back at him, and with a sigh, I said, "Yes!"

He nodded.

"It's about time you gained some insight about where you are from; finish your meal first before doing anything else, young man!"

'It's about time??'

Did this mean he was aware of my mothers' origins before me?? Before I could even voice my question, James had closed the door with a smile plastered on his face, leaving me with even more questions.

'Why am I even surprised?!'

I chose not to think too deeply about it, as most of my questions had their answers in the book beside me.

I got through my meal quickly and was now ready to continue reading.

"Mmm, where was I… ah here."

** Both sides formed a circle, otherwise known as the Hall of the Abyss. A select group of consistent, intelligent, and uniquely lethal in their way, numbering ten.

Children of the Abyss, they called themselves.

A single side could occupy only five seats at any given time.

Each member of a single seat was sworn in for life; this meant that the hall could appoint no other person to this seat until the death of that said person.

Each seat existed in word and was not physical as they had not yet agreed on where they should be situated or based.

This group of individuals kept the balance on both sides, as they prevented themselves from being put out by the opposing half of the table.

Over time, the "Hall of the Abyss" decided to accept followers to assist them. These people were called the Pillars of the abyss, the others, the servants of the Abyss. So they established a base of operations.

They would raise children from the womb to become loyal, obedient servants of the abyss, willing to die for a cause they were not given a choice on whether they wanted to be a part of or not.

As for the pillars of the Abyss, only ten pillars were allowed for each Child of the Abyss. They were allowed to swear in one of the ten pillars that would serve under them.

As for the other nine pillars, each of the other children of the abyss would select them for the sworn Child of the Abyss.

This method was a way to keep each Child of the abyss in line, should one ever start to stray off the path or fall out of order.

Over centuries and millennia, peace triumphed as The "Hall of the Abyss" maintained the balance, but not for free; it came at the cost of several deaths, betrayals, and deceptions.

With time, some humans began developing particular traits, abilities if you would say so, Powers that defied the natural order of nature and some beyond that.

The initial gathering of this unique set of eight people was known as the Diviners. The name was because they saw themselves closest to the one actual Celestial existence, "God!"

The fact was they could have chosen any other name, but of course, the ego they had did not give them the allowance to choose other names.

They grew pompous and decided that they could not live on equal terms as humans; they felt superior in every way possible, so they decided to make their plane.

They created a superior plane to earth, overflowing with fine aether particles, causing their magic to be several times stronger within that plane.

The second child of the origin, "Horizon."

Of course, with their greed, this set of eight just wasn't satisfied with what they had. In the exploit for more strength, they had ended up infecting themselves and creating demons.

This event was the birth of the eight magical races, Werewolves, Witches, Druids, elves, Summoners, Vampires.

The eight being demons, the last member of these eight was infected with by the ritual to gain power; instead, they gained an insatiable hunger for power, blood, and destruction.

The only choice was to banish the member turned demon. They waged war and carnage on Horizon; all seven members, still with their sanity, fought against the fallen member.

The fight went on for days until the most vital member of the group, the mage, used all their aether to bait them to the origin and used all their aether and half of the origins absolute aether to create a new plane.

Origin's third child, "Plague."

The creation of this plane by a single person would cost the plane's creator their life, but not before sealing the Demon in "Plague" they had created, along with themself.

The whereabouts of the entrance to "Plague" were lost to the remainder of the initial group of eight.

And to those of "Order" and "Chaos."

They dubbed their group "Diviners Sanctum." The difference separating them and the "Hall of the abyss" was that their followers were only from their side and preference and of the same kin.

In agreement, they then formed the first generation of Diviners, the purebloods.

The diviners watched the seal placed to restrict Plague with extreme attention; there was no effort spared when it came to keeping the demon kin sealed.

Knowing what they had to go through, they could not risk it, as they knew that the seal needed to be watched by those of the origin and edge as well.

A new group was formed, "Order," birthed with a sole purpose, to keep "Plague" sealed no matter the sacrifice or cost.

Those of the origin and edge were given the space to choose five members, and the agreement gave horizon the same leniency.

They trained each member rigorously, making each member equivalent to a hundred of their kind.

The safety of theirs and their children's future depended on it, so they dared not overlook any method of training.

The First Diviners blessed each member of "Order" with nigh immortality; the side effect of this spell gave them increased strength, agility, endurance, and regeneration.

The first escape of demons happened, and 107 demons came through Plague; the third-order lost their life that day after successfully eliminating all demon kin.

The third order had sacrificed himself in exchange for the 6th, 9th and 10th order. A noble sacrifice that the diviners would use against human kin, but no one knew.

The Diviners sanctum decided that the humans were too weak to protect the gateway and declared that their group of 10 would be an extra security measure.

They dubbed them "Chaos." After training a new set of people to fill in the empty spots, the humans retained the name "Order." **

I paused to take a stretch.


'I should probably go to bed.' I thought to myself as I checked the time on my phone. Somehow I had forgotten it was in my pocket earlier.

I usually am not forgetful, but this entire ordeal has made me highly sloppy; I needed to bring it to an end as soon as possible.