
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 08

'The amulet!'

I thought to myself, hurriedly taking it off my neck to check if it would fit. I began looking at it more carefully in case I had missed anything earlier on.

Unfortunately, to my disappointment, I found nothing new. It was nothing outside the ordinary.

'It had to have been in the envelope for a reason… maybe there was a box around here that I could use the key for….'

I thought to myself as there was just no way they were for the fancy; my parents did not have that much free time on their hands.

That, and the fact that they were not one for playing tricks on people, just was not a part of their character.

I got up from the chair and frantically searched for a box or something that required a key to open it.

Almost as if fate was looking over my shoulder with good intentions, I found a small box that could contain the shape of the item I needed.

I immediately moved the small box over to the table, took off the key resting on my neck, and brought the key close to it.

The key upon getting close did something that made me widen my eyes in surprise or amazement; it could be both, and just that I did not have words for what I was seeing.

The shape of the key's head changed to a different shape as I slowly placed it into the keyhole of the box, and to my expectations, there lies the sun-shaped piece.

That was not all; someone placed a note under the sun-shaped piece.

I took the key out as I watched its shape change back to its original form. That's said, I did not miss the disappearance of one of the sun-shaped engravings disappear from its side.

'So it has two more uses… what about its original form, is that another use??'

Contemplating this, I took both the sun-shaped piece and the note, placing both on the table as I took my seat and picked up the note to read it.

There were a few words written in a language I identified as Greek.

**Γεννημένος από το ίδιο αίμα**

'Born of the same blood?'

I was starting to grow impatient, tired of all the back-and-forth work of this puzzle-solving, piece-finding loop, but I barely managed to keep my calm and retained my patience.

'For mom and dad.'

I told myself. Naturally, I'm patient, but the fact that this could bring me closer to my and my mothers' origins made me incredibly agitated, hence the impatience.

I was in a rush to find the origin of my ancestor, leading to me being overly eager to get to what was in the book.

The amulet was in the shape of a circle, but it needed to be a sun with spikes protruding out the sides.


"Deep breaths."

I said to myself as I began repeating the words on the note, trying to understand what it could mean.

'Born of the same blood.'

Then it came to me, how else does one know if you are of the same blood, other than through the persons' blood itself!

I instantly bit my thumb as I placed it on the sun key, pressing it down to push more blood out of my finger, but the sun key sucked in a reasonable amount of my blood into itself, surprising me.

"What the hell!"

I pulled my thumb back as I watched it heal at speed visible, but this was not surprising to me in any way as I was used to this.


The sun key suddenly made a quiet creaking sound, turning until the spikes of the sun key protruded out of its sides, much to my happiness.


The straps that covered the book immediately began retracting themselves, where they retracted themselves. I did not have the slightest clue, and I didn't care.

What was important to me was that the book was now open, and I could finally start reading its contents.

*Haah Fuuu*

Taking a deep breath, I flipped the front page and met the exact words written on the note I found in the box.

**Γεννημένος από το ίδιο αίμα**

(Born of the same blood)


The sun key popped out of the book as it flew and found its way unto my neck, magically forming a necklace around my neck.

'Oh? Convenient.'

Putting that to one side, I instantly flipped to the next page, and just by running my eyes through the page, I could see it was a narration.

'A story?' I thought to myself, but I delved into the story right away.

It said,

** In the beginning, there was only one realm, one plane, one world, the beginning of the world, or so many called it.

Life was easy, simple if one would be so bold to say, everything was straightforward, man lived it in a straight line.

At least it was until the first evil deed was committed, disobedience! A line was drawn, splitting one world into two.

The side of the good and evil, or so it's called. Many didn't know that this would be one of the more forgiving sins known to exist.

Murder, Theft, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride and the worst of them all, Blasphemy!

These were birthed from the initial sin of disobedience, and they spurted into existence with a blooming entrance.

The origin and the Edge.; the origin being the initial plane for humankind and of existence; the Edge, on the other hand, was a fruit and a child born from the origin.

The first of its three children. A child that infected its mother, poisoning her almost beyond recognition.

The only saving grace were those who still had a sense of purity and order, preventing the encroachment from spreading any further than it already had.

But of course, like any paradise would have it, there was always some evil that kept it a paradise; in this case, there was an evil lurking in those who were good.

The same applied to evil people; there lurked good somewhere in them, although so small that it was easier to believe they had none.

Both sides in agreement formed the fi-**

*Knock Knock*

"Master Xavier, I'm coming in with your meal!"

I was about to continue reading until James interrupted me, who came in with what I took to be my dinner.