
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 07

I called James as I needed a way out of here, knowing I would be followed by my dear stalkers outside without too much attention.

After a long conversation with James, we concluded that there was no way to walk out of the door without getting attention outside.

That said, it didn't mean I couldn't leave here through some other means.

Yes, James was constantly being prepared for emergencies, he had a tunnel that ran from here to the mansion, and this was my exit; walk right under them to my destination.

James guided me to the secret exit he had prepared through the phone, and upon arriving there, he opened it from the other side, guiding me to the mansion.

*Outside the mansion*

"What the f**k? He's gone!"

One of the watchers placed outside Xavier's house exclaimed, actively trying to pick up a trace of where he went.

"What do you mean 'he's gone, he hasn't stepped out since he got back…."

The female who was talking this time around paused as she tried picking up his location in the house but came out with nothing as well.

"Sh*t! He's gone!"

'Where the hell did he go to?!'

She thought as she frantically began searching harder, almost barging through the front door, but she then picked up a slight trace coming from a distance before it vanished again.

Spinning her head towards the direction, she felt his trace from; she instantly gave out several commands.

"You two, stay here and let me know if anything strange happens. If you pick up the newcomer's trace, let me know immediately.

The rest of you, we're going to cover this angle; I want to know whoever is seen walking on the street and where they stop.

If we don't find him before he asks, just so you all take this seriously, we're all going to die for real.


'We're f**ked if we can't find him!'

The only thought in her mind as she headed towards the last place she felt Xavier's trace.

*In the underground passage*

After walking for about ten minutes, James and I arrived at the mansion, going through the hidden door. I sighed, as I thought to myself,

'I hope this won't be a common occurrence…', As if I were to have to do this each time I need to return to the mansion, that would seriously be unfavourable for me.

I tried not to overthink it as I intended on making my way to the library until I remembered I had no idea where it was.

"James, could you please take me to the library."

I asked as he was the closest person who could navigate the mansion without any problems.

"Of course, right this way!"

After about a minute of walking, we arrived at a library; it was pretty big as it occupied the rows of books stretched so high that I had to tilt my neck to see the top row.

'The book will call to you, he said….' I sighed inwardly, wondering to myself whenever I was going to find this book.

If the book was going to call me, all I could do was wait for it to call, correct?

With that mindset, I sat on one of the chairs that surrounded the sizeable grenadilla blackwood table.

'Lucky me… I get to sleep while waiting for a book to find me.' I said to myself, my inner voice filled with sarcasm as I rolled my eyes and took my seat.

"Is there any way I can help you, Master Xavier?"

After seeing my weird movement pattern, James had to ask, probably confused as to why I would want to come into a library, only to end up sitting without picking up a single book.

"I wish you could, James,"

I paused and took a long sigh.

"Unfortunately, you can't… I appreciate the offer though, thank you!"

"Of course! I will remain outside in case you need some help!"

James said as he walked out; I just nodded my head in response to his kind gesture.

*Sigh* "Let's begin the wait."

And so the marathon of sitting began; I eventually fell asleep on the chair as time flew by until I had jolted myself awake after some amount of time had passed.

'Hmm… when did I fall asleep?'

I thought to myself, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to get me fully awake.

My eyes scanned the table unintentionally, as I noticed a book in front of me that I hadn't noticed previously.


I looked around, thinking to myself, trying to figure how the book made its way to the table.


I called out for him as he came rushing into the room worried.

"Master Xavier, Is something the problem?!"

"How long have I been in here??"

I asked as I was curious as to how long I had been unconscious.

"Just a little over three hours…."

'3 hours?!!'

I thought that falling asleep for that long without being conscious of it was outside my normal behaviour.

"I take it you've found what you were looking for…."

James said, gesturing at the book that was on the table.

"Ah yes… please make sure no one disturbs me, other than when you bring my meals or it being an emergency."

I said as I wanted to fully immerse myself in the knowledge the book would have to offer.

"Consider it done!"

He said, closing the door and exiting the library, leaving myself, the book, and the silence.

'Let's begin!'

Upon James' exit, I picked up the book, moving it closer to myself as I looked at it carefully. The book had a weird design; the symbol was a sun at the end of an ocean.


I thought to myself, mildly confused. The strange thing about the symbol was that it was caved in, inverted, it looked like something was meant to be placed on it.

'The amulet!'

I thought to myself, hurriedly taking it off my neck to check if it would fit.