
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 014

"Welcome, to Horizon Academy,

At Horizon Academy, we will teach you control, discipline, orderliness, obedience, magic and manipulation.

Let it be understood that delay and any form of misconduct are not accepted here at Horizon Academy.

Should you be caught, The board shall carry out adequate punishment on the said student without leniency.

Upon finishing this speech, you will be given a set of textbooks, including a schedule for every one of you.

You will also be required to have formed a group of five students. These five students will form a team until you graduate from Horizon academy, so choose carefully.

You may choose to have less than five members and may even choose to go solo, but I do caution restraint, should that thought appear in your minds.

Your team will carry out missions that The board will assign to you. For each mission completed, a commendation will be assigned to each member of that team.

At the end of each school semester, your total commendations will be calculated, and the board will raise your team's rank, should you reach a certain threshold.

That said, losing commendations is just as easy as earning them, so I advise you to tread your paths with care.

You may not switch teams, nor may you make additions to your teams unless under certain circumstances.

One of these circumstances would be the death of a team member!"

The voices of several people listening went into a chorus of mumbling and whispers.

'What kind of missions would cause a teenager to die?!'


The hall grew quiet in an instant.


Should a teammate die, you will be given a choice? Switch teams, select a member to replace the fallen teammate or continue with whatever you have left.

Should you choose to switch teams or choose to replace a fallen teammate. All commendations up until that moment will be forfeited; the same applies to the team that donates a replacement.

Unless in exceptional cases unmentioned.

You will have 10 minutes to form your first team and assign your team leader before you are led to your respective first class for the day.

May the strong prevail

Once again, I welcome you to Horizon Academy."

Saying this, she made her way off the stage, walking towards the exit.

A silence permeated before being broken by a set of books landing on every person's lap with much force.

Followed by a shout from someone creating the first group; soon enough, everyone else followed suit.

Students formed groups as some already had a good idea of other students' capabilities; others were immersed in conversations to understand themselves better.

The twins were swarmed by several people in an instant: male and female alike. As for me, well, there wasn't a single person interested in me.

I assumed they figured a human combatant was not so helpful as they would not have the same value as a combatant of a supernatural race.

Did it upset me? No! Hell, it didn't mean jack sh*t as I stepped aside and waited for the twins to break out of their human entrapment.

"We already have a team!"

Mia's voice resounded as she and her sister made their way out of the crowd of humans towards where I stood.

"The war was hard fought!"

I said in an attempt to tease the twins as they looked very much annoyed at the situation they had just been through, and they sent a glare that said,

"Don't you even dare! Couldn't you at least help us?!"

'A lot could be said with the eyes, huh….'

I thought to myself, seeing as I somehow could make sense of the glare they shot at me with much annoyance.

Seeing that they had chosen to join Xavier and form a team, many dispersed as they could read the team composition.

There were already two mages and one combatant; the only spots left could only be filled by a druid, a summoner, or an elf in the worst-case scenario.

Many of those presents belonged to categories outside those three: werewolves, vampires, witches, or mages.

Some of those who were remaining were those who had a superiority complex and were combatants as well.

A vampire had sped up to just a yard ahead of me as he stretched out his claw fully extended, but before he could do anything further, he was stopped in his tracks by two guides that seemingly appeared from thin air.

"You're lucky they were here, but don't forget, they will not always be here to protect you! The same thing goes for you sluts!"

He said as he was pulled away and restrained.

What the vampire did not know was that they did not save me from any harm; they had saved him from me using the katana now strapped to my waist to decapitate him.

I knew, and so did the guides; my reason for this reaction was because he had aimed to kill me as his killing intent was let loose.

One more… one more second, and his head would have rolled graciously on the floor as his body would lie there decapitated.


"Let's find two more members for our team!"

We eventually found two more members for the team, a summoner and a druid. A summoner named Cecilia Alcott was our third female member, albeit with a darker side.

The last was a druid that came to us on his own accord following the incident with the vampire, a rather outgoing white male named Daniel Williams.

He looked mainly harmless, but it was the exact opposite. To me, he looked nothing short of a ticking time bomb.

But what choice did we have? We needed the numbers as I had a feeling that it would be better to have more than to have less.

I was assigned as the team leader and gave our team the name "Embodiment of Carnage," a tribute to my mother, if one would say so.

Upon our exit from the hall, I wrote down the team name and the names of the team members.

In my personal opinion, the team looked solid; it was a good combination of personalities and an even better balance when it came to specialization.

The only way I could confirm whether or not this team was a good choice was by seeing it in action.

Simply put, time will tell!