
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

An Agreement


Several guides were lined up in front of the principal, presenting their find and overview of the new students.

"Any promising students?"

She asked as she kept her eyes on the paperwork. This question was designed, so the only answers were the name of a promising student or no response at all.

"Xavier Adonis King!"

A guide responded, but the guide's voice indicated that it was the same one who had led Xavier and the twins to the university's grounds.

"Oh? How so??"

The principal inquired.

"The boy has superior awareness, able to react to and defend an attack launched by myself from 100 yards away."

Her ears perked as she looked up at the guide, saying

"Reacting to an attack from you? Now that's impressive, regardless of the distance; more so for a new student!"

"I agree! His teammates are also commendable; first, a set of twins, Mia, and Mya Daniels, Light and Dark magic users, respectively, with large aether reserves and reasonable control.

Daniel Williams, a druid with a vast arsenal of healing, control, and blessing spells. The druid also has a fairy as a companion.

Cecilia Alcott, nicknamed the summoner with a darker side. She has the rare ability to summon both normal and phantom creatures, also with an ability to communicate with them freely.

All are from the origin and possess note-worthy control. Xavier, Mya and Mia, on the other hand, are attending both Edge and Horizon."

Her eyes were already wide open by the time the guide was halfway through, not to talk of the entire explanation.

"All in one team? That is truly remarkable; presenting the question, do you believe they are ready?"

"I believe so!"

The guide said, confident in his choice.

"Then let's get them their first mission!"

**BACK WITH Xavier**

Our group was composed of residents of origin alone; while searching for the final two, those of horizon took it as an insult to be grouped with us.

Their superiority complex got the better side of them, as they could not, to their misfortune, a group with others that were not of the horizon.

In other words, anyone who was not a pure-blooded mage was extradited as inferior to them. I could see where they got the name "Inferiors."

That did not mean that I despised the name any less than I already did; if anything, it only made me hate it all the more.

That said, I had concluded that those from horizon did not tend to listen well when it was not a person from the horizon, leaving one with only a single choice.

An overwhelming authority that would forcibly make them listen, with or without their consent or approval.

On my way outside the hall, I was curious about the difference in schedules, so I took a look at Mya's, with her permission, of course.

To my surprise, they were identical, and it made me even more curious about whether we all had the exact schedules, so I took my time going over the others as I made my way to my first class.

Eventually, I got through all of them, not too far away from the classroom, and I could see that the only ones identical to mine were the twins.

I wondered why but I already had my suspicions, but to ascertain, I asked, I turned out my assumption was correct.

They had told me they were selected for "Angels Edge" and "Horizon Academy!", this was enough explanation for me as I got the complete picture.

They were in the same situation as I was, required to attend both academies on the specified dates and times mentioned, which apparently would change weekly, and the institute will inform us.

We entered the classroom as it grew silent from all the mumbles and the whispers; again, the discrimination was present.

It was ever so present that I dare say it was worse than any racial, gender or ethnic discrimination, known on origin.

I had unknowingly grown so accustomed to the name origin that I didn't even use the word "earth" any longer.

There were a few seats at the back of the classroom to which the three of us sought to occupy, a straight row of three seats.

The stares broke off as they continued indulging in our conversations, waiting for the first class to begin.

A man who I presumed to be the teacher walked in and placed his books on the large desk before turning back around to close the door.

*Ding Dong*

The bell followed suit as the class drew to a pin drop silence.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I go by the name Evan Carlson, but for you newborns, you may call me Mr. Carlson; that is not a suggestion!

I would say I am the teacher in charge of your ability to cast spells, but of course, you have to know already that to be seated here, except of course in exceptional cases."

Mr. Carlson said as he was scanning through the class as he was interrupted.

"Mr. Carlson, if I may?"

A male student inquired.

"And you are??"

Mr. Carlson inquired.

"Caleb Harrison, sir, if I ma.."

Caleb certainly was keen to either ask a question or make a point, but the listening party, on the other hand, was not as interested in listening as she said,

"That was a rhetorical question, and no, you may not!"

Mr. Carlson retorted, but Caleb didn't intend on backing down just yet.

"Mr. Carlson, you said this is a class for spell casting, correct? So why is combatant that is even more so, a non-magical human-being attending this class?!"

The man being questioned looked at Caleb with a stare that was not all too pleasant.

"Caleb, was it?"


Caleb replied.

"Firstly, you are to address me with either Mr. Carlson or sir! Second, the next time you interrupt me while I'm explaining or talking in general, I will send you out of my class. Do I make myself clear?!"

Mr. Carlson said in a not-so-friendly tone.

"Yes, Sir!"

Caleb's response was tamer, with less of his previous pushy demeanour.

"Glad we have agreed!"