
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 013

Although I could not see the guide's eyes as we walked into the doorway, I could feel his gaze as he watched my every movement until I crossed into the portal.


The guide said with a monotone voice, waking up the twins from their daze of admiring the school's hallways.

Of course, the halls were with a sense of mystery and magic, but it was buried under the gazes of disdain and belittlement given by the students present.

It was like we were animals in a zoo, only put in the school for their amusement and viewing pleasure.

I knew for a fact that the only reason they did not pounce on us was that the guide was here; without his presence, we would have already entered a much-unneeded brawl.

Then I came across a familiar face, one I had not seen since my first day in the town.


I thought as my eyes widened. On the other hand, the person in question seemed to have made eye contact as well, and knowing who I was, he smirked.

"You know who that is?"

Mia asked, referring to the person in my sights.

"Yes, I do; we had little fallen out because I accidentally spilled his girlfriend's drink on her top. Looking back at it now, I would still say it was a pointless argument, similar to arguing with two children!"

Mia and Mya looked at me in shock, as Mia then broke the silence.

"That is Michael bloodborne, a direct descendant of those who came first, otherwise known as the Diviners, the original magical beings.

His girlfriend is a pureblood witch, although her blood is not as pure as some of the other witches, as time diluted it somewhere along the lines.

This year is his first year in Horizon Academy, but it is said that he is an honour student similar to us in the level of our value, except we are inferiors."


I had to interrupt as the thought of being called inferior didn't sit quite well with me.

"Those from the human world, those without any legacy, lineage, or inheritance; in this case, we are the inferiors.

If we had a choice on the name, we would have chosen something better, trust me, but this is how it has been since the creation of the school.

You should get used to it; when it is time for us to attend 'Angels Edge,' we have another name we commoners are called there."

'What the hell?!'

I expected some level of discrimination, but this level was far beyond what I had expected, it was downright outrageous, but she said we were called something else on 'Edge.'

"What ridiculous name is that?"


Mya answered.

I could still somewhat tolerate "Zero's"; it was just a number without meaning unless you chose to let the word mean something to you.

On the other hand, Inferior was a word that spoke for itself in many different ways with one meaning, one that spoke rather loudly for itself.

Those around us could hear our conversation; they were supernatural races with superior versions of the five senses.

My face was in a frown as I looked around with a face filled with disgust and visible irritation, if before I did not like them in the dark, now I was visibly displaying my disgust towards them.

Some, of course, felt this and, with their overgrown egos, could not hold themselves back, had approached for a fight but were brought to a halt by the guide's gaze.

I was about to go out and brawl it out, but the presence of the guide kept restraining my movements as I felt if I went offline, he would act, and I wasn't too confident about winning such a fight yet!

After a few minutes, I assumed we arrived at a door that led to another room; the guide opened the door and gestured for us to walk in.

The moment we all crossed, the guide was gone before I could even turn around, leaving us in a vast hall, where what I assumed to be an orientation was currently taking place.

Upon entry, the attention turned to us as we were now the center of attention; once again, I did not favour this series of events.

"Why, it is a pleasure for you to join us! Please take your seats."

A lady on the stage said with a bright smile that could charm nothing but an oblivious fool; her smile was more of a death threat than anything near comforting.

There were precisely 100 students present at the moment in that hall, including myself and the twins, based on my analysis.

We took a seat in the front row of the hall, going past every person present in that hall at that moment.

"A human combatant?!"


"When was the last time this happened?!"


Several whispers flew around in the air as we made our way to where we were meant to sit, or rather, the only available seats remaining.

"What is the big deal about human combatants??"

I asked the twins in confusion, not understanding the big deal about it all.

"The big deal about it all is that it has never happened in the history of Horizon Academy; you are the very first human combatant to be chosen by the school!"

"I see…"

We had arrived at our seats and sat down as the speaker began to talk by this point.

"Welcome, to Horizon Academy. My name doesn't matter; all that matters is that I am your principal, and you are a batch of fortunate children to be accepted into this new establishment."

'Pristine establishment?? Talk about overkill!'

I scoffed as her gaze then moved over to me.

'Sensitive much!'

"Welcome, to Horizon Academy!"