
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 012

** A month Later – The first day of school **

A month had passed since I had manifested my magic; I had gained a considerable amount of control, if not perfect, control of my magic and was currently dressed in my uniform for school.

This development greatly surprised James and the expressionless 'Phantoms of Carnage'; the speed of growth was nothing short of being called "Breakneck speed."

It was unnaturally fast, which made them harden the training regime, but this did little to nothing as the speed I improved did not show any signs of slowing down.

With the drive I had behind my training, it would be more surprising if I improved any slower than I did.

I could now make space pockets that I used to keep some items I could not carry around regularly.

You would think the weapon on my back was one of them. This Katana was given to me by the 'Phantoms of carnage' themselves.

The only remaining thing they had was my mothers', a gift she had made for me but could never give to me herself.

The Katana had a bright silver surface, a pitch-black hilt with a white weave on the hilt to improve the sword's grip.

It was currently hanging on my back, wrapped in an enchanted bandage cloth. This item was the closest thing I had to my mother, so I took extreme care of it.

As for how I was going to attend schools, I attended 'Horizon Academy' from Monday through Wednesday, whereas I was to attend 'Angels Edge' from Thursday through Saturday.

I was to go to a predetermined location and wait for my guide to take me to the horizon, so I made my way there.

Upon getting close to the location, I could see two other people, a pair of females.

'Identical twins!'

I thought to myself, seeing them up close. I already knew I couldn't be the only one; what it didn't know was the number of the others who Horizon chose as well.

They both were highly similar in looks, with curly puffed-up hair similar to mine. They had different coloured eyes.

Their eyes complemented one another as one had emerald green on the right and turquoise blue on the other, whereas her twin had the opposite combination.

They were pretty tall, being at the height of 5"10' with an athletic build that showed that they could hit hard if they chose to.

"It seems we were not the only ones to be chosen, a good-looking one too!! The names' Mia! So which group do you belong to, combatant or caster?"

'Combatant or caster??'

I was confused at the terms she used as I thought to myself.

"Pardon my sister… I'm the half with better manners, Mya, Mya Daniels! A pleasure to meet you, you are?"

She stretched out her hand for a handshake.

'This one at least has some patience.'

"Xavier Adonis King, pleasure is all mine!"

I said, receiving her handshake before asking.

"What did she mean, combatant or caster?"

I asked as this was another piece of information. I had not the slightest clue as to what it meant or referred to in any way whatsoever.

"She means do you fight with your hands, or do you use spells?"

Mya explained.

"I mean, could it be more obvious?"

Mia interjected.




Waking me up from my second of stupor, Mia asked as I stood there clueless once more.

"Combatant or Caster?"

"Ahh… I'm b- a combatant."

I said, pointing to the katana on my back. I almost said I was both, but hesitating in time, I changed my answer to combatant without causing suspicion.

It was a card I would instead hold in my pockets, only revealing it if I had no choice but to show it forcefully.

"Oh, a combatant, nice! My sister and I are Casters! I use Light magic, and Mya uses Darkness magic."

Mia yelled out as her sister stood there with a wide mouth before flicking her head and calling out her name.


"Ow… I have a good idea; how about we all become friends?!"

Mia cried out in pain before returning to her regular character and personality.

"I don't mind; what's the harm!"

If all that the 'Phantoms of Carnage' and James had told me were true, I would need many allies, and what better allies than two users of mythical magic.

"Great, we're friends!!"

Mia uttered, leaving Mya momentarily speechless before she said,

"Mia… I guess there's no harm in having a new friend."

We all seemed to agree, but there was something else that was on my mind,

'Where was the guide?!'

I instantly appeared beside Mia as I mover her head towards her left, barely getting her out of harm's way as a person appeared with their hand stretched out to where her head previously was.

The expression on her face had changed so many times within the time frame of two seconds, from confusion to shyness, to a bashful face and then a few more, before arriving at her current horror-filled face.

"Combatant or caster?"

It seems the question Mia asked earlier was more common than I had thought; it was probably just me that was new to that question.

The person with an all-white garment asked while he looked at me; his voice was deep and very baritone-like, his face covered with a white cloth.


"Good awareness and reaction speed."

He said with an emotionless voice before turning around and chanting something, not even bothering to look at Mia or Mya.

The twins, on the other hand, stood there confused at the fact that they had just been attacked without being able to react, not to even talk about defending themselves from the attack.


Mya asked as she had not even felt a trace of the guide until he stopped.


The truth was I was confused; the guide had crossed over 110 yards in one instant as that was the range I passively observed.

I could only get a trace of him when he was less than 30 yards away and even more fortunate to react in time to move Mia out of the way.

This phenomenon was because of my "Zero Zone," a spell I had created to deal with magic users.

It cancels out any spell outside a range of 50 yards, needing them to recast the spell after entering and exiting the range of my zone.

Due to the speed enhancement spell, the guide had cast being cancelled; the guide had slowed down by a reasonable amount, giving me knowledge of his location.

The truth was that I had felt his entry the moment he stepped into my spells range but was only able to react upon the guide reaching the 30-yard mark; this was too slow.

Soon enough, a doorway opened, as we could see a hallway through the portal. The guide gestured for us to walk through it, which we did.

"One step!"

I mumbled to myself.