
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 011

"So it is fine to place a human in the midst of supernatural's, but not the other way around isn't that method of thinking flawed."

I asked; the only thought in my mind was, 'Isn't this hypocrisy?'

"If you think it is hypocrisy, you are correct. The only thing is that in the face of those in power, the opinion of the weak is irrelevant."

He paused, handing the letter in his hands to me as I opened it and began going through its contents.

"Dwell not on what is already written in stone; focus on the choices that haven't been made; you'll attend both.

If you don't, they will kill you."

Hearing such strong use of the word, my ears perked up.


"The only person to have declined and lived was your father?"


James paused and cleared his throat.

"What do you think happened to your mother?"

What did mother have to do with this? I thought she had died when I was young.

"You and father told me she died."

James sighed before saying.

"The hall put her in a situation of which your father deemed it easier for us all to assume she was dead.

When they came for your father, he refused to go. So your mother decided to make a bargain, her service for his life.

She escaped from the inescapable prison, the dimension in-between, a member of 'Chaos'; her nickname, "Carnage Walking."

Yes, she was from the horizon. They had been searching for her for some time, but they slowly began to give up with no trace of her location.

So upon locating her with your father, she knew they valued her life over his, so she bargained her return to her prison in return for your father's life.

Your mother saw that it was better to live with your father when it was guaranteed that he would raise you without being separated.

Whereas if she stayed, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't have eventually found her and separated her from you or worse, killing you, eventually leaving you either an orphan or dead.

Her choice was as clear as day."

I tried to calm myself as I asked with weighted breaths,

"So you're telling me my mother is alive!"

"I'm not just telling you that she is alive Xavier, I am telling you where she is!"

James said, but this just made me all the more agitated as an influx of emotions flooded my mind and heart.

The space began to fold in on itself as an earthquake shook the mansion; little did I know that this incident had stretched far beyond the mansion and was taking the whole city by storm.

"Space magic!"

James was amazed by the amount of power that I was currently pouring out, amazed by the nature of his magic.

One that mages said to no longer exist.


Upon James' uttering this word, a group of maids swarmed the room and began to utter a chant to seal the outflux of power coming out my body.

"Xavier controls yourself, or you'll bury us all!"

I seemed to have woken up from my anger as the shaking subsided, eventually coming to a still calm.


The suddenly appearing group of maids vanished back into the shadows they came.

"What was that?"

I asked James as my knees keeled over, forcing me into a kneeling position.

"That, young man, was the manifestation of a rare magic that was thought to be extinct, fueled by the largest aether source I have ever felt in my short existence; both belong to you, Xavier."

These were the last words I heard before passing out from the strain that weighed on my mind.

** 3 Days later **

"Ughhh… what the hell happened?!"

I asked the question directed at nobody as I felt an aching pain in my head.

"You manifested your magic for the first time!"

James, sitting on a chair beside me, pushed my head back to the bed, waving his finger left and right.

"You say that like I'm meant to know…."

James cleared his throat before going on to speak.

"Manifestation is an event following the Awakening. The awakened element of the user would erupt out of its host, usually in a small area or zone.

In your case, the ability to even sense the location of the maids and myself in the house just went to show that you had awakened, as these maids should be undetectable.

As for your manifestation, instead of you manifesting in a small area, you shook an entire city to its roots, Xavier.

Your manifestation might be the largest known to the mage world and is the largest in history; it also means many have felt it.

Although they might not know the origin, they certainly know that it is from a human being living on this plane."


I said to myself, realizing just how much attention I had drawn to myself without meaning to.

"If you are thinking to yourself, 'how do you fix this, the answer is simple… you don't! All you are going to do is go silent and let the attention be taken off your shoulders.

During this time, your mother's guardians 'Phantoms of Carnage' and myself will train you in control and manipulation, as well as skills you will need on 'Edge' and 'Horizon,' and of course, some skills you will need on both.

You will not be allowed outside of the house until it is time to commence school; you will prioritize your training the same way your martial arts training was organized, albeit with a bit of difference.

We will focus on control, and depending on how fast you can assimilate…."

By now, I had already zoned out; my mind was not on training but the thought of mother being alive.

I wondered how she was, what she looked like now.

'I will see you soon, mother!'

** The dimension in-between **

My dear boy has finally Manifested his magic.

Those close could feel a difference in her aura as they stared at her, wondering what she could be thinking of in here.

"What is the first seed of chaos doing?"

The 3rd seed of chaos asked the 7th seed, confused at her recent behaviour and antics.

Those of 'Chaos' and 'Order' never addressed themselves by name but rather by their number; this was an unspoken rule between those who watched the dimension in-between.

"I have no idea; it's best when you try not to bother yourself with her!"

On the other hand, the person in question could hear their comments about her, but she could care less; she was more interested in her son's awakening.

"I will be waiting!"