
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

67- Accident?

Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 67~

Diesel chuckled at his statement. They watched as the men alongside Carlos began moving their luggage onto the plane. "Will I see you soon?" Diesel asked, talking to him over the roof of the car. 

"I am still in school, so probably summer vacation"

"Summer Vacation? That fucking next year."

"Then I hope you don't die before then," He smiled with a playful grin. "So, did you end up buying something for the girl?" Joaquin rubbed his eyes over his gloved fingers. 

"Well, besides the things I bought at the store." He answered with a shrug.

"That should give you the motivation to come around some time again." Diesel grinning happily, "You look like I kid, you know that, don't you?"

Diesel clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "I better go check if everything is in perfect order. We wouldn't want something to happen to you now, do we?"

"Of course not, Or else you want to wage a war, then please burst an engine," He joked back on Diesel words.

Leaving Joaquin by the car, he went to the plane as he spoke with the pilot, flight attendance and everyone who worked there.

"Boss, we are ready to leave now." Carlos informed as he came close to Joaquin.

"Alright". He answered, grabbing his handy things. He turned towards the entrance of the plane. 

Joaquin stopped right beside Diesel and handed his phone to him. On the screen had the contact view.

Diesel smirked as he nodded, punching in his phone number. "You know, I wanted to ask you but I dead ass thought you would ignore me or something like that"

Quin chuckled as he called Diesel's line. His number displayed across his screen. Quin boarded the plane as he paused and turned to face Diesel.

"Save it, you might not know when you would need me"

"Yeah, of course. In fact, I would put it as part of my emergency number so that if something detrimental happens to me, the almighty Joaquin Salazar would come to my rescue."

Quin nodded in understanding and pride. "You are finally speaking my language. You should have done that from the start," He said, reaching to pat him on the shoulder like a proud father. Diesel cringed at him before an idea of tease clicked in his head, "And likewise you should also save my number… You know, in case you need help or advice on how to ask a girl for her number"

Low snorts of laughter came off from the workers nearby who heard his words. "That's a draw." Quinn nodded, playing a tight smile across his face.

Chuckling at himself, Diesel waved his phone at him, "I will text you later"

"It would better to call him instead. Quin doesn't know how to either text, reply, or even hold a text conversation," Carlos mentioned, poking his head from the opened window.

Shouting out a very unknown secret. "This fucker, I will kill you once we get back home" 

Carlos flinched as he duck his head back into the plane. "Ignore what he said," he complied.

"Oh! No, I can't do that. I dare I forget such an important info. You know it could be useful to me in the nearest future"

"Very funny," Quin replied. Diesel just laughed in response. He lifted his hand for a manly handshake between them both.

"The meeting was more profitable than I thought it would be," Diesel confirmed his previous worry. "Though we started off on the wrong foot, But I am very glad that we are somewhat past acquaintances"

"Yes. You are right. And I can't wait to shove the contract in my old man's face once I get home"

Diesel nodded as he stepped away from the plane stairs, while Quin finally entered. Diesel watched as the plane accelerated down the runaway as it slowly took off from the ground. 

He watched until the plane was out of sight. He immediately turned around and headed back to his house to check up on Vinny.

His phone rang, and the caller ID chimed 'Cass'. He picked it and place it on the loudspeaker as he continued driving.

"What up?"

"Boss. Vinny is in critical condition"


Joaquin and Carlos slumped into their plush seats on the plane. Quin leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment. Though the signing was successful, it didn't mean it wasn't a bit stressful. 

A female flight attendant approached them with a courteous smile, "Good morning sirs, what can I get for you? Drink? Food or both?" She asked.

Carlos wiggled his finger. "A bottle of whiskey," He requested. Quin cocked his brows and gave him a pointed look.

"More alcohol? Aren't you already drunk out of your mind?"

"No, not really, and that was yesterday. And besides, it's a five hours flight. I am sure I will survive till we get home." He shrugged as he nodded to the woman.

Quin sighed but said nothing as he placed his own order. "I would like a strong espresso"

She nodded and wrote down their orders. "Two Bourbons and one Star Radler" She bowed and gave them their privacy.

Quin leaned back and placed his headphone over his ear as he began listening to songs. The attendant soon came back with their drinks, but she added two bottles of water along with it. 

As they sipped their drinks, Quin pulled out the contract paper and handed it to Carlos. He grabbed it and looked through it. "Have you looked through their facilities?" Carlos asked.

"Hmm… A little? And it wasn't exactly planned, too," He answered. Carlos lifted a confused look as he stared at Quin from the top of the document.

"A little?"

Quin nodded, leaning in as he continued. "There is this underground training room like the one we have at the family house." Carlos nodded, signalling him to continue, "Well, after the training room, there is this some sort of cold room where they keep dead bodies"

"Keep dead bodies?" Carlos repeated, wanting to be sure he heard right. 

"Yes, keep dead bodies. Corpse."


"Don't know, didn't ask." Carlos thought about this newfound information. "Maybe they have their own hospital, like the way Juan Miguel has his own?"

"It is more than Juan Miguel's hospital {Pause} well, it's not more than Juan Miguel's hospital, but it's like a big cold room, just filled with dead bodies, laying down or being hung on the wall."

"Is that weird?" Carlos asked, taken a sip of his drink. Leaning back in his seat, he shrugged his shoulder before replying, "It depends. It is the first time we are seeing something like that, so it is weird for us. But it might not be the same for another person."

Carlos got quiet for a moment as he thought through all Quin had just told him. It wasn't unheard of about a room filled with dead bodies. They could literally be found in hospital, funeral homes or even forensics.


"Do they have a forensic doctor?" Carlos asked

"Umm… Not to my knowledge, but with a full room like that, I doubt they are just keeping it for gun practice"

"Yeah. That makes sense." Carlos responses came out thoughtful. Then, in seconds, his once serious face turned into a play one. 

This caught the attention of Quin as he lip bent to a deep frown. He didn't like the smile on his face, "What is your weird brain thinking about now?" He asked, not even hiding his suspicion.

"Well, I was thinking… Why don't we make our own cold room filled with corpses?"

Joaquin didn't bother to give it any thought, his face immediately formed into a disgusted look, "Underneath whose house?" He asked, 

"Well, the family house already has the training room beneath it, that makes only—"

"I will throw you out the window if you suggest that"

"But really think about it. We could—"

"No, thank you very much. I would not like to wake up to the smell of rotten bodies." Quin adamantly replied.

"It would be inside the room and also beneath you." Carlos sang in a persuasive voice.

Joaquin, feeling shreds of annoyance climb up his back, he shouted angrily at Carlos, "No!! And that is final." He was repulsed and disgusted at the idea. Dead bodies in his house? Never in life would that happen. 

Not even in his next life. 

Quin didn't only have problems with the dead bodies. The corpse was one thing, and the other was the fact, his house, what is only opened to his immediate friends, will be opened to strangers he didn't know. 

They fuck with the clan, doesn't mean they fuck with him. He doesn't even know what sort of disease or virus they would bring to his house.

His bones shivered at the idea of his germ-free house being contaminated. He lifted his eyes and glare at Carlos with the look of but utter disgust and anger, "Never"

Authors Note:

Joaquin is Mysophobic or Germophobic {which ever one you know it as} He knows he is one. But he hates when people point it out, which leads him to deny it a lot. 

Mysophobic or Germophobic: This is a person who is scared of or hates dirty places or generally being dirty.