
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

66-Monday Morning

Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 66~

Quin followed behind, maintaining some distance from them in case they needed privacy of some sort. From the distance, he noticed Diesel face visibly contort from shock to pain to anger. 

This time, he didn't bother hiding his concern as he stepped closer to them. His eyes widen at the beaten sight of Vincenzo. 

He had visible slashes running from his neck, and then the navy blue shirt he wore had opened puncture holes on it in both sleeves. 

Quin wasn't stupid. He knew his arms were both stabbed by something. 

Or Someone. 

Vinnie was so weak that he couldn't even lift his hands to sign to them. He left his hand on his thing and signed from there.

{I am fine. Just a few puncture wounds. That's all.} He signed as he weakly smiled at his boss.

"The fuck do you mean by few puncture wounds? You were stabbed in both sleeves, and you can't even lift your arms to sign properly. And look at you—" He shouted, pointing to his left hands that held the staring wheel. 

"You can barely grip the wheel with a full fist" Diesel was angry and stressed and frustrated about the entire scenario. 

His obsession with catching Scarlett Thorn had put one of his most important and trusted men in a critical state. 

{I am fine} He signed again. {And besides, it is not only my blood that is on my body,}

"Quin, does he look fine to you, or am I the only one that has another definition of 'fine'?" He asked Quinn, not turning to face him. 

Quin sighed and folded his arms. "To be honest, dude… you look terrible"

{WOW! I had no idea} He signed as he rolled his eyes. 

Quin leaned forward, analyzing him some more. "Truthfully dude, you look like you are hanging on to life and death thread" This time his voice held no tease as he genuinely had a worried tone lingering at the back of his voice. 

Vinny sighed, and he began signing again. {I am fine. It was a tough fight, but I survived. And she survived, too.}

Diesel's eyes thinned with worry, "I thought I told you not to get hurt and to back away when shit gets crazy"

{I came back alive… didn't I?} Not wanting to prolong this argument, he moved to sign at Quin, {Aren't you going back today? You would miss your flight.} 

Quin clicked his tongue as he turned away from them. 

{You should also leave, too. You know it is out of manner for the Don of a clan not to see his guest off} Vinny signed.

"And leave you here?"

Vinny shrugged his shoulders. {It is not like I am alone in the entire house. There are still other men around.}

"I will not leave you here," He replied, sounding very adamant about his opinion. But Vinny only shook his head. 

{You should} He pointed out again, {Your father will lose his shit if he found out that you didn't treat your guest properly}

Diesel sighed. Now he was right. Well, right about some part. He didn't give a damn about what his father thought of his treatment to his guest. So that's where he was wrong about.

But he was right, in where it would be rude to just leave Quinn in the house of some of his men.

Diesel sighed, knowing he had lost this argument, "Alright, but on one condition, Vinny stays instead." He informed, clearly still not wanting to leave Vinny behind alone. 

Vinny begrudgingly nodded, knowing there would be point arguing some more.

"Not a problem" 

Joaquin walked towards Cassius and Carlos, who had confused looks on their faces.

"It would be best if you go over there," He informed Cassius as he pointed to his back towards Vinny's car.

Cassius squinted his eyes towards the car and back to Quinn. Without any hesitation, he left them and headed to Vinny. 

"Did something happen?" Carlos asked, leaning on the top of the car, still feeling like shit. 

"A mission on wrong" Quin replied. Carlos's eyes turned saucers. "Is he okay?"

Quinn paused to think. He knew and also noticed that Vinny was showing fewer wounds than you had, but since he didn't mention it, Quin chose to remain silent about it. "Well, if they attend to him quickly, he would"

Letting out a sigh of relief, he played his hands off his chest. "Oh! That's good. That's very good" He calmed.


Cassius stepped into view of where they were, and once his eyes landed on Vinny, he held the same reaction as Quin and Diesel.

"What the hell, man!!" He shouted in a surprised tone. Vinny sighed at the attention he was getting.

{I am fucking fine} He signed for the nth time that morning. "You are the furthest thing from fine," Cassius shot back.

Diesel rubbed his brows, "That's enough, Cass." He commanded.


"Enough!!" He yelled his warning. His loud voice caught the attention of Quin and Carlos, alongside other members. Cassius bit the inside of his mouth to shut himself up so he didn't anger his boss any more than he already did.

"Get some men and have Vinnie taken to the hospital. I would go escort Quin to the airport. Ensure he is attended to while I am gone"

"Yes, boss"

Nodding his head, he pulled away from Vinnie's car as he made a move to turn towards Quin's direction. But he stopped short and turned his head back to Vinny.

{I am fine} He signed again with a smile. Nodding and wanting to trust his word, he continued his little walk to where Quin and Carlos stood with worried looks. "Are you alright? OR is everything alright?" Quin inquired once Diesel was within earshot. 

"Hopefully," He calmly replied to him. "Let's drop you off at the airport so you don't miss your flight. Well, not that you can"

Quinn's eyes furrowed. "What do you mean?" 

"We rented a private plane for you," Diesel informed with a goofy smile playing on his face.

Quinn and Carlos groaned for different reasons. Carlos groan because he was still feeling like shit even though he had taken something. 

While Quin groaned because there was a reason they weren't using a private plan even though they could afford it. 

"You know visiting New York Work and the Blood devils was a secret mission, just to keep eyes away from us while we were on the trip"

"So? You are back… it doesn't matter"

"What if they track your plane?"

"Again… So? Remember, I told you it was the plan in the first place. Forming Allies."

"You know there are more than on ways to make your clan larger than forming an alliance with other… right?" Diesel was silent and his eyes darkened. 

"Yes, I know, and I did like to see them try." He answered confidently, not giving room for any argument.

"Alright, if you say so"

The men who loaded their things into the black SUV began hollering at each other. At the end, some of them opted to follow them behind while the other stayed behind. 

Opening the door to the passenger seat, Quin slid into the passenger seat as he closed the doors shut. Carlos did the same, and soon they were on the move.

As they pulled away, Quin glanced back at the mansion one last time, satisfied that he could complete the first outside country mission without his help or even failing to complete it.

The drive to the airport was smooth. The streets of New York blurred past their windows.

"You know, you didn't need to drive us to the airport." Quin said, crossing his legs as he leaned back in his chair.

"It is not really a big deal," Diesel replied, glancing at him before tuning his attention back to the road.

"Are you sure?"


Joaquin stopped asking, as he knew Diesel was getting uncomfortable with it, because of how tight he held his steering wheel.

At the airport, the private plane awaited them. Quin alighted from the car and immediately noticed how tight the security was; Diesel's men scattered discreetly around the perimeter. Seeing as nothing seems to get past Quin. 

Diesel took to tell him the reason for their presence, "They are around to ensure to last-minute surprises," he stated.

He then placed his hands on his chin in a thinking position. "I should have increased the security," He muttered, but Quin heard him.

"No, you didn't need to," He sharply added, which cause a smirk to play on his Diesel's lips

"After what happened to Vinny this morning, I am worried something might happen." He teased. 

Quinn breathed out and threw him a glare, "We are at the airport already… Don't jinx it"