
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

68- Leaving for home.

Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 68~

Nodding anxiously, Carlos lifted his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Relax, I was just fooling around. No need to get all angry and shit," He defended.

Rubbing his brows, Joaquin took a couple of breaths to calm his nerves. "So, you think the blood devils will hold up their end of the contact?" Joaquin asked, breaking the silence.

Carlos looked up from his papers as he considered the question. "I believe so. Maybe it is because it is their first alliance contract, and a successful one at that. Maybe that's why they feel homely and accepting" 

Drowning his whiskey, he added, "Despite that, we need to have some sort of self awareness and also think things through when they ask for help and all those extra stuffs" 

Quin grunted in agreement. "We can't let our guards down and act all nice and friendly with them, after all, alliance can shift depending on the other party," Carlos nodded, as he returned the documents to Quin. 

Minutes turned to Hours on the plane flight. The intercom buzzed to life as the pilot's voice rang through the plane.

"Good morning, gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. Our plane is starting to descend towards Mexico City. We are expected to land in approximately 20 minutes. The weather is cool and clear, with the temperature of 22 degrees Celsius."

"Well, be taxiing to a private hangar upon arrival. Thank you for flying with us"

Quin fastened his seatbelt, looking out the window as the sprawling city came to view.

The plane touched down smoothly at Benito Juárez International Airport. Joaquin and Carlos came down from the plane. Once they were down and their feet touch the ground, the familiar sound and smell of Mexico City hit their ears and nose, respectively. 

Santiago and Xavier were waiting for them near the terminal, standing by a black Honda.

Xavier, broke into a grin as the approached. Santiago gave them a dumb nod as a greeting.

"Welcome back home, Quin, Carlos," Xavier greeted, clapping Quin on the back. "Everything went smoothly?"

Quin nodded, as he shook hands with them and did their little bro hugs. "The alliance was made and contracts were signed." He informed, tapping his bag on the side.

Carlos spoke up, his voice light and steady. "Any issues while we were away?"

Santiago shook his head. "All quiet on our end. Nothing spectacular happened on our end here."

Satisfied, Quin motioned for them to get into the Honda. "Let's talk on the way. We have so much to say."

"And you still plan to go to school?"

"Yes," He replied without skipping a heartbeat.

As Santiago drove towards the direction of school, Quin and Carlos filled Santiago and Xavier in on the details of things that happened in New York.

Santiago listened intently, his eyes focused on the road. He began talking from the airport till when they got to their mansion, then their second and third in command. 

Even the bar, their general persona and also the room filled with corpse. 

"They have a room filled with dead people??!!!!" Xavier and Santiago blurted out at the same time. With shock, very evident in their voice. 

Santi glanced at Quin at the back before turning his attention back on the road. 

"Are you serious?"


"Like you saw it with your eyes?" Xavier asked, turning around to face Quin.

"I even touched it… {pause} with gloves, though," Quin answered. 

"And Carlos didn't see it?"

"I went to get laid."

"He went to get laid" 

They said simultaneously. Santiago and Xavier let out a disappointed sigh after hearing his excuse for not being present.

"It is not his fault, and besides, it wasn't like I asked Diesel if he had a cold room where he keeps his dead bodies." Xavier's brows furrowed with confusion. "Who is Diesel?" 

"The Don of the Blood Devils," Quin answered. "Oh, I see. Full Government name?"

"Diesel Giordano." "Hmm? No middle name?"

"What do I need his middle name for, exactly?"

Xavier shrugged his shoulders, "You never know when you will need it" 

"So, how did you find out?" Santi asked, making a turn as the school building was slowly in view.

"Well, his third in command was going on a confidential mission and Diesel was acting all tensed and worried. But since Vincenzo the third in command was mute, he spoke in sign language and I don't speak sign language"

"Mhmm.…" Santiago and Xavier hummed in response as Santiago pulled the car into a stop at their usual parking spot. He turned the gears off as he continued listening to Quin.

"I don't know what compelled him to tell me, but he began telling about some assassin that he was chasing that kept slipping from his grasp. Apparently she goes by the name Scarlett Thorn"

"Scarlette Thorn?"

"A she?" Quin nodded. "Yeah, a she. At first, I didn't want to believe him, but then he said she uses Karambit and stilettos to fight"

This information painted a confused look on the men face, Even Carlos, as he was just hearing this for the first time. 

"Who the hell still uses a Karambit?" Carlos asked. "What age do they think they are in?"

Santi and Xavier looked at each other, looking confused. Their own confused faces were different from Carlos's own, 

"What the help is a Karambit?"

"And Stilettos?" Santiago question. Xavier turned to him to answer, "Those are women's shoes," He answered confidently

Looking more confused, Santi asked again, trying to ease some of his confused thoughts, "She fights with her shoes and walks bare feet?"

Joaquin and Carlos exchanged puzzled looks at their friend's statements. "How do you not know what Karambit and Stilettos are?"

"We know what stilettos are, just not the Karambit"

"It is not a fucking shoe" 

Santi and Xavier blinked a couple of times, before exchanging looks. "Then we don't know what they are," Santi answered.

"I don't believe" Carlos uttered in disbelief.

"Well, sorry, we don't come from high bred primal decent to know every weapon there is," Xavier sassed as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you going to tell us or not?"

Quin sighed as he began explaining again, while Carlos pulled out pictures for reference. "Karambit is a curved knife originally from Asia. The weapon is kind of shaped into a claw. You get the picture?"

"Kind of?" They replied. While Quin sighed, Carlos thrust his phone to their faces.

"This is a Karambit"

Their eyes widened in shock. "She uses this to fight?!!!"

"Yeah… So you can imagine the kind of wounds they would have on their bodies."

Santi looked like he was mentally checked out of this mafia killing shit he was into, While Xavier looked liked he never wanted to meet her.

"And the Stilettos?" Xavier asked as he wondered what sort of deadly weapon this was.

"Those are a slender, pointed dagger. They make like puncture holes in the body"

Plain disgust morphed on their faces as they looked like they could not bear the thought anymore. "What happened to simple guns and knives?" Santi asked, removing his sights from the bloodies stilettos on the screen. Because, for some stupid reason, Carlos thought it would be funny to show him a picture of it already being used.

"This is one sick chick," Xavier said.

"You should have seen the bodies that she killed."

"She killed his men!!" 

"She killed like five of them"

"Fucking crazy, that's what I'll say." Carlos added, shaking his head.