
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

49- Signing Contract.

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 49

Cassius led the way, his bright eyes searching the drawers for the right group. Quinn followed close behind. 

Quinn glanced at Cassius, whose face seemed flushed like a red apple. "What the hell was that all about?" He asked, pulling on a tailored dress shirt.

"Ignore it"

"I would love to do that… But you look like you have a hard situation," Quin said, assessing him from his to toe. His eyes lingered below his waist and traveled back to his eyes.

"Fucking Gay"

Quinn only rolled his eyes, grabbing a white dress shirt and heading to a standing mirror to check himself. "I didn't think you were into things like that"

"Things like what?"

"Degrading. I mean, that was what she was clearly doing with you. But you seemed to get excited about it".

"I was not"

"Denial is a river in Egypt"

Cassius sighed, knowing he wasn't getting away with this one anytime. "She is my ex-girlfriend"

"Ah~ I see. No wonder she let you kiss her hand".

"She didn't let me. Don't you remember her threaten me?"

"A normal girl's reaction is to scream and kick you in the nuts. She let you off easy".

Cassius rolled his eyes. "Shut it. Don't you want to know why we broke up".

"No, not really," Quin answered truthfully. His eyes trailed along the sweater section as he noticed some cashmere sweater and scarf.

"It is getting closer to winter. I guess I could get some of those," He mumbled to himself.

"But I will tell you either way. We broke up because she found out that I was in the mafia and coincidentally her family was killed during a mafia raid shoot out"

"So she couldn't bear the thought of dating the people who killed her parent?" Quinn asked. His attention was split between his clothes picking and listening to Cassius' love story.


"That's rough buddy."

"You really don't know how to comfort someone." Cassius stated, expressing his annoyance. "I literally just told you, my love life, and all you have to say is that's rough, buddy?"

"In my defense, I told you not to tell me. But then again {pause} if I was to give an advice, you still like her so just talk to her about it and making mountains out of mole hill".

"But what if she has already moved on?"

"Then kill the dude and act as her knight in shining armor" Cassius paused on the wristwatch. He was looking at a stared at Quin.

But it was as though Quin hadn't noticed what he had said and was leisurely going through more clothes.

"I don't know if you are serious or playing around."

"It depends on your choice."

"You are more twisted than you let on." 

The don shrugged his shoulder. "I have no idea what you are going about" Cassius stared at the man like he had lost some screws.

"Would you do that to your girl?"

"Yes." His answer came without a missing beat. "I would without hesitation. I am a Don. I know how to get rid of a person"

"And here I thought it was only Diesel that was mentally disturbed"

Now this caught Joaquin's attention. He turned to Cassius, waiting for more explanation. "I thought Diesel had a high tolerance for people?"

"Yeah, he does. That's one of his excellent trait, but you see, if you cross him, he could very much be your worst nightmare. And that's just putting it lightly"

He pulled out a double gold chain to analyze it, "My don can ignore and tolerate some things but when he feels he has given you enough 'tolerance' and you are still acting like some 'god' shit gets crazy"

Cassius turned to him and stared at Quin, who was paying close attention to his words, "You have seen it with Griffith back in the club"

"Hmm, I see"

The men continue shopping for clothes and other things. Before Quin suddenly turned to an attendant, "Do you think this would look good on a girl around my age" 

His sudden question took the girl a back, but she masked her surprised expression with a professional smile, which quin didn't take a mind to.

"Well, it depends on her fashion taste. Does she like gothic, dark type of clothes? Or does she like girly and colorful clothes?"

"I don't know." He answered truthfully, as he was being honest. He had no idea what type of clothes Kehlani liked.

Yes, Kehlani.

He was shopping for a girl he had known for a week and also had an argument with in one week. 

She had strangely been on his mind for a while on, and he didn't know what to make of it. 

The attendant raised her brows, but still quickly masked it with a professional smile. "Um, sir, if you don't know her, maybe we could look for something else to buy for her?" she offered.

"Maybe a jewelry, shoes or a cute purse or bag?" 

Now Cassius had come closer to them, listening in on their conversation. 

"I never said I wasn't buying other things. But for now that I am here, I want to buy female clothes."

"What is going on?" Cassius asked.

"I want to buy female clothes," he informed Cassius, opened his mouth to say something, but Quinn was quick to cut him off. "Don't ask."

Cassius put his hands up in surrender, but still stayed to listen in to the conversation.

"Oh, I see" The attendant gave a tight smile. "How about you buy ordinary clothes?"

"Ordinary clothes?"

"Just a simple, and plain type of aesthetic," She advised. 

But Cassius furrowed his brows at him, "Rather than buying her simple clothes, just don't buy it at all"

Quin was ready to debate on his advice, but Cassius could quickly disrupt his words.

"Listen, hear me out first. I don't think it is sensible getting a girl's clothes, especially if you don't even know her size. So just stick to shoes and jewelry, or even make-up and bags," he offered. "Don't girls like that sort of thing?"

"YES ME DO. And it would also be financially better"

"Ignore the financial part," Quin objected immediately, which the sales girl only nodded to.

"Okay, then. Shall I take you to the female section to pick out other ideas?"

"That would be much appreciated" he nodded, following her through the maze of aisles.

He noticed a mini snack shop just at the entrance of the women's section. He slipped away for a moment to buy a couple of snacks and gums to chew on for both him and Cassius.

Coming back, he entered the women's section, and he was bewildered. Maybe it was a woman who owned the store, but it was clear the amount of time put in the female section was a lot more than the men's or even children's section. 

The women's section of the mall was a place of deception and opulence, with the promise of fashionable glory pointed everywhere. They both entered deeper into this woman's haven. They were greeted by a rich array of colors, textures, and techniques that stimulated the senses.

Shelves lined the walls with elaborate handbags and accessories, their glossy surfaces reflecting the soft glow of the natural light. And boxes of sparkling gems in the velvet interior drew attention, adding a touch of charm to the section.

Quin grazed his finger against the fabrics and dresses. They were incredibly soft against his touch. He twirled and clutched the clothes on his palm, wrinkling it on the bottom a little. A cozy, large space in the center of the building beckoned with plush seating and oversized mirrors, providing patrons with a private sanctuary to taste select groups. Soft music playing in the background, creating a peaceful atmosphere. He walked past the aisle, reaching the dressing room.

Coming back to Cassius and the sales assistant. "Well, this place is more luxurious than the other sections"

The sales girl admitted with a nodded as she explained why, "It is simply because the owner prioritized the female group rather than the males. As you would know, the female clothes are usually always more than the males as both the males clothing can also be found in the females section"

Quin only raised a brow as he listened to her. "I see".

"Did you end up finding what you wanted?" Cassius asked. And this got thinking. Not only did he not know her clothing size, he also had no idea what her shoe size was. Therefore, shoes were also out of the question. 

"At this point I would stick to jewelry and Purses," he answered, not elaborating more on his decisions, because why would he?

The men continued shopping, or more accurately, Quin continued shopping. The sales attendant and Cassius were both really astonished at the duration he was taking to pick something for this 'girl'

Quin always made sure to get the opinion of the sales attendant. In the end Quin got three purses, each of the primary and neutral colors a full make-up a set with its attached box, two dozen sets of jewelries also with its box. 

"I guess that would be it," He announced. Quin turned around, only to see Cassius and the attendant exaggeratedly sitting lazily on the bench like they had being over worked. Quin rolled his eyes.

"Let's go" Cassius let out a sigh of relief that the stressful shopping was coming to an end.

"Have you gotten all you need, sir?" The attendant asked. Quin paused, staring at the things he had. 

"Just a minute" Cassius immediately let out an annoyed groan like he was tired of Quin and the entire day.

Ignoring Cassius irritation, Quinn made his way back to the fabric aisle and picked up a light blue chiffon fabric.

"If I can't buy a dress, I can order it to be made" he thought to himself. 

Heading back to them, he walked past them without a word, and they followed him from behind.