
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

50- Shopping Day

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 50

"I see you have gotten a girlfriend," Kayla asked, signing off their goods. She glanced shyly at Cassius before looking back down at the items.

It was only for a second, but she definitely looked at him. 

With hopeful eyes? 

Quin didn't understand, nor did he care to probe deeper. He just chucked it up to them being horny teenagers but except for the teenager. Looking at Cassius, it was clear he was older than Diesel. Maybe not too old, but still certainly at the older range.

"Not really," he answered, his eyes not leaving Kayla's. "It's his," his fingers pointing towards Quinn.

It was as if she now finally realized Quinn's presence since he came in. Her eyes lingered for a moment before rolling back to Cassius and leaving it there. 

"I see." She had relief playing in her voice after she responded. A soft smile balanced on her face as she kept on packing up.


"Should I send it to the Don's mansion?" She asked once Cassius was about to talk. Cassius flinched at the word Don, like a word he was not expecting her to say, and also a word that was like a constant reminder of the reason they broke up.

"Yes. Yes, send it to the Don of Blood Devils," He replied, begrudgingly. Squeezing on his left hand, he aggressively slammed a golden credit card on the counter-top and glared at her before leaving without saying a single word.

Kayla watched as he left. She lifted her arms in a stretch, wanting to call or even pull him back.

"Drama Queen." Quin muttered to himself, but Kayla could hear it, and that was what brought her back to her senses.

"Right. I would send this to the mansion, and it would arrive by tomorrow"

"I need it by tonight. Heading back to Mexico tomorrow"

"I understand" she nodded, and her professionalism was back on. She typed on the system, occasionally mumbled and furrowing her brows. "Alright then." She blurted suddenly with a clap of her hands. "Your package will arrive this evening, without delay"

"Thank you," He appreciated, whilst she nodded. 

Kayla took the credit card Cassius had slammed on the table as she paid with it.

"You know the pin?" Quin asked, chewing on some sweets he had bought from the mini shop.

Kayla lifted her eyes up to stare at him for a moment before looking back down to the machine. "Yes, I do. It's the same card they all use for shopping" She tore the receipt and handed both the card and receipt back to Quin.

"Thank you for coming. Please have a nice day and be sure to come back next time," Quin hummed a response as he stepped out. When Quin opened the car door, he was met with a slopped out Cassius. 

"You look miserable" 

"She makes me feel miserable" Quin said nothing to respond to his statement. He had no idea what to say in this type of situation. 

"I don't you buy her things. You are rich, right? Just buy her things, and I am sure she would fall back in love or something," He shrugged without care of his words as he scrolled through his phone.

Cassius, for the life of him, didn't pay attention to him, as he switched looking at the road and glancing lazily to the side mirror. 

It was clear he felt dejected and also worried by whatever was going on between Kayla and him. And truthfully, Quin was feeling off-putting for the sudden and drastic change in Cassius' attitude.

"Where to now?" Cassius asked. 

Tapping on his chin light, Quin thought to himself, "I haven't gotten shoes for my men so, a shoe stuff would be next then home"

"Shoes? Why didn't you buy it back then?"

"I need like the shoes there"

Cassius sighed, feeling too tired to argue or even comment on it. He just sat quietly as he drove them to a shoe store.

"We are here," Cassius announced. Gleaning up at the tall building, Quin stepped up and Cassius followed suit.

He paused on his feet as he turned to Cassius, "There is no need to come with me. I would just order some set of kicks and come back. I don't think I would take much time."

Cassius sighed, waving his hands off at him, "It's alright. And besides, Diesel says to escort you everywhere" He muttered, running his hand through his hair messing it up the more.

"If I remember correctly, you didn't even want to come along, but now it's Boss's order?" Quinn rolled his eyes at his silliness. 

They entered the store and were immediately hit with the fresh smell of new leather and bright lights.

Cassius headed to the counter and tapped twice to get the attendant's attention.

"Oh Cass, nice seeing you around again. More shoes for the don?"

"No, not at all. We have a guest, and he wants to order some shoes," He introduced, pointing at Quinn. The male attendant turned to Quin and nodded. 

"Well then, the store is your to shop"

And as Quin promised, he didn't spend time looking for the shoes he wanted and no sooner that they came in did they leave, as well.

Cassius and Quin drove home in silence. Cassius was lost in his thoughts while Quin was on his phone. They didn't have anything to say to each other and preferred to keep to their own thoughts. 

"So" Quin began, breaking the silence. His sudden need to start a conversation pulled Cassius from his thoughts to glance at him. "You are going to the club with Carlos and Vincenzo?" He questioned, closing his phone to talk.

"Yes, but not with Vinny. He isn't much of a fan of club. He just goes with Diesel anytime he wants to. But now that Diesel got his card taken. I doubt he would necessarily go there again," he replied with a shrug.

"Hmm, I see. Just don't robe Carlos into your gambling habits." A loose smirk played on Cassius' face as Quin said that.

"We would see about that. I guess"


Mexico City

Areas x19

Skateboarding race

Under the dimly lit streetlamps of the abandoned industrial district Called Areas x19, the air was thick with giddy excitement as the 'illegal' skateboard race was about to begin. Among the racers stood Hugo, known in the underground skateboarding community for his reckless maneuvers and win-at-all-costs mentality, regardless of the other participants' wellbeing.

As the race started, Hugo quickly sped ahead, moving so fast that it seemed like his skateboard was cutting through the air. He skillfully navigated each turn, smoothly maneuvering around obstacles with precision. Just like every other night, Hugo didn't just want to win. He had a personal issue to settle, something he wanted to prove.

Approaching a narrow corner, Hugo saw his rival, Jake, getting closer. Fueled by adrenaline, Hugo made a sudden sharp turn, blocking Jake's path and causing him to lose balance. With a loud crash, Jake fell to the ground while his skateboard spun out uncontrollably.

Ignoring the shouts from other racers, Hugo continued racing, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. However, his moment of triumph didn't last long. Turning another corner, he noticed Max, a talented newcomer, catching up from behind. Panic surged through Hugo as he realized he couldn't afford to lose.

Acting quickly, without thinking twice, Hugo took out a small object from his pocket and threw it onto the ground behind him. In an instant, there was a loud explosion as the object burst apart, sending pieces flying everywhere. Surprised by this unexpected event, Max lost control of his skateboard and crashed into a nearby wall with a sickening sound.

After everything settled down and the dust cleared away, Alex raced past the wreckage with a wide grin on his face. 

"Damn it!!" A man shouted, wrinkling the pamphlet in his hands as he stared daggers at Hugo.