
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

48- Restaurant with Breakfast

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 48

Contract of Alliance

Alliance Contract Agreement between the Blood Devils Mafia Group and the Armani Mafia Group

Date: [16/04/XXX]


Blood Devils Mafia Group: Represented by Diesel Giordano, Don of Blood Devils, location: New York City, United States.

Armani Mafia Group: Represented by Joaquin Salazar, Don of Armani Location: Mexico City, Mexico


The Blood Devils and Armani (also known as the "Parties") acknowledge the advantages of joining forces to improve their operations, boost profitability, and maintain territorial peace. This agreement defines the terms and conditions of their alliance.


Mutual Respect and Non-Aggression: The Parties will treat each other with respect and avoid any acts of aggression, violence, or conflict. Disputes between the Parties will be settled through diplomacy and discussions, with the goal of promoting peace and cooperation within the alliance.

Territorial Respect: Both parties recognize and respect each other's territorial boundaries. They agree not to trespass or disrupt the established operations and activities within their own territories without first seeking permission. The parties are permitted to work together on partnerships, smuggling activities, or any other beneficial projects as long as they are both in agreement.

Information Sharing: The Parties agree to share important and timely information about potential threats, law enforcement activities, or other matters that could affect both Parties. Confidential information exchanged between the Parties will be kept strictly confidential and not shared with any third parties without permission. 

Mutual Support and Help: The Parties will help and support each other in times of need by providing labor force, resources, or financial help. If there are external threats or attacks from rival organizations or law enforcement agencies, the Parties will work together and coordinate their efforts to protect each other's interests.

Duration: This Agreement will continue until either side decides to end it by mutual agreement or as outlined in the terms. Either party can end this Agreement by providing written notice in advance, such as 30 days, to the other Party. Ending the Agreement will not interfere with any existing commitments or duties unless both Parties agree.


# Blood Devils Mafia Group:

[Signature of Diesel Giordano]

Diesel Giordano

Don, Blood Devils Mafia Group

# Armani Mafia Group:

[Signature of Joaquin Salazar]

Joaquin Salazar

Don, Armani Mafia Group

"Oh dear, should I give you a metal or a gold trophy to place on your shelf?" Quin asked after reading through the contract Diesel had arranged for them.

"What do you mean?" Diesel asked, pulling a cigar to light up. 

"It is written beautifully. Not messy, and also straight to the point."

"Given it's my first time?"

"Exactly. It is actually surprising. Is this what you were doing during the ride back home?"

Diesel inhaled and puffed out his smoke as he gave a knowing look at him. "Yes. It was either that or call my old man to draft on for me. But I decided against that, as I wanted to write my first contract with my hands."

Joaquin gave him a big teasing smile. Diesel sighed, knowing that he was about to get jeered at.

"Look at you, making big boy choices."

"You know I am fucking older than you," Diesel countered. But Quin simply waved his hands over him, like he was brushing over his words.

Quin signed over his names and pressed his signature stamp on it. 


Diesel furrowed his brows as he looked at the red stamp on the contract.

AJS? "What is—"

"Don't ask"


"Anyway, the deal has been sealed. It was nice doing business with you." Joaquin stretched his hands out for a shake.

"Like wise" Diesel nodded, joining his arms with his.

"So, what would you do from now?"

Packing up the papers and other documents, Quin lifted his head to answer. "Well, I have plans to go on shopping with Cassius"

Diesel furrowed his brows as his lips played with a goofy chuckle. "You really want to take him along?"

"Of course, like I said previously, it's Canada I am used to, and not the United States, so I need a chauffeur"

Diesel eyes widen at the way Quin called Cassius a chauffeur. "Just don't kill the dude"

"I will try"

Joaquin's casual response made Diesel laugh. Quin stepped out of his office, closing the doors quietly on his way out. 

After a minute of silence, Diesel breathed his cigar and waited a bit. 

"You can come in now," He called out, and a bulky-looking man came in.

"Don," The man greeted.

Diesel's face turned ashy as though he was going for a kill. "Did you get any information on Scarlet Lady?"

"Are you ready to go?" Quin asked, tying the lace of his kicks. 

Groaning his reply, Cassius lazily laid back down on the couch, "I don't even want to go"

Quinn rolled his eyes at the lazy man, "I can't believe the boss permitted you to drag me around with you"

"Why won't he? We are allies. Of course, he would, as far as it doesn't implicate your organization. And I don't think going for shopping will create any damages to your organization".

"~Sigh~ I am so tired. Can't we go late in the evening? The sun is out and burning."

Quin paused at what he was doing. He sent a hard glare at Cassius. The latter took his eyes off his own and nodded. 

"I would be ready soon"

Quinn got out of the sleek black car, looking out at the busy streets of New York City. The energy of the air was alive, a stark contrast to the quiet streets of his native Mexico. Adjusting the collar of his leather jacket, he takes a deep breath, inhaling the smell of street vendors and smoke from the air.

The Don had yet again changed from the clothes he had on previously. Cassius stepped out after him, standing right behind him.

"Where to, Quinn?" He asked, his voice cutting through the noisy city.

"Hmm? First clothes, then jewelries and then candies and sweets. Some toys too," he answered as he leveled his steps so that Cassius could line up with him.

"Toys?" Cassius asked, trying to understand his reasoning.

"Yes? Is there a reason I can not buy toys?"

"Dude, do you have—"

"No, I don't. Quit asking".

"Alright then"

"So where do we go to buy the clothes?"

"Regal Threads. Diesel purchases the majority, if not all, of his clothing from this establishment, which is also an extension of his mother's business".

"Hmm, I see"


The boutique "Regal Threads" stood as a beacon of luxury on Fifth Avenue, with smooth black jewels and gold trim that caught the eyes of passers-by as Quinn and Cassius made their way in. They were greeted by the soft light of crystal chandeliers and the subtle scent of expensive perfumes.

The interior of the store was a study in luxury, with plush velvet chairs and bright display cases lined with the latest trends and floor-to-ceiling glass, and it allows customers to check out from anywhere.

Quinn's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him, the complete overwhelm of it all overwhelming his thoughts. From designer dresses to handmade shoes, there was no shortage of stylish clothes.

"Ah Cassius. It is good to see you today," a young adult female greeted.

"How are you doing Kayla" he responded to her greetings with a smile. A flirty one at that. He placed an unnecessary kiss at the back of her palm.

Kayla pulled her wrist away from and gave him a tight smile. "This is sexual harassment, Cassius. I will call the cops on you".

"Oh Kayla, you play a lot"

"I. WILL. CALL. THE. COPS. ON. YOU." She repeated with a similar close eyed smile.

"Alright, Alright" He stepped away from her.

"Does the boss want additional sets of clothes? If he did, he could have just placed an order, and it would be sent to him. You didn't need to grace us with your 'presence'" 

"Kayla, you are being mean. You know I could get you fired?!" 

Kayla turned her head, ignoring his statement. He could get her fired, but he won't.

"And besides," Cassius added on, seeing as she wasn't saying anymore, "I came with someone"

Kayla finally turned her attention to Quin, who seemed not interested in the girl.

"Good Afternoon, sir. What can I get for you today?" She asked, turning on her professionalism.

"I would like to check out the clothes you have"

"Then I would show you around and you can select your choice"

"Nah, it's alright. I will take him myself," Cassius interrupted.

"Would that be okay?" She asked.

"You act like you are doing your work. If you had your way, you would gladly sit in one of those changing rooms and waste your time watch K-Drama".

"Any, it is a time well spent."

"Again, you know I could get you fired"

"It would be nice if you could take the guest to his desire section. MASTER. CASSIUS," Kayla slanted her eyes and gave him one of her seductive smile. 

Quinn looked at Cassius for his own response. But he simply squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fist.

Seconds later, he tapped on Quin, "Let's go"