
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

47- Clothing Store

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 47

"How long does it take to buy clothes and change into them?" Cassius sighed in annoyance. 

"I am hungry!!!" He howled, throwing his fists in the air like a kid. Vinnie signed at him, "[You are embarrassing me, stop it.]" 

"But why the hell are they taking so damn long" Without waiting for a response, he whipped out his phone to dial his boss.

Diesel picked at the first ring. "What's up?"

"Has the princess had a change of clothes"

Diesel opened his mouth to respond, but Quinn beat him to it. Joaquin grabbed Diesel's arm and held the phone. "If I get you Cassius, I will cut your dick, and shove it u your ass, through your spinal cord and up your throat" 

The men blinked and went silent. Cassius ended the call. He calmly placed his head on the table, feeling defeated. 

Vinnie tapped him. The muted man had a look like he was trying his best and hardest to hold his laughter. "You got threatened?"

"Yes, I got threatened" He muttered. He was just hungry, and he got threatened. Not fair.

In his opinion.

"[Maybe next time, don't call him a 'princess']"

"But like, think about it, it's just alcohol, and it's not like he didn't take a shower back then," Cassius stated, leaning back in his chair as he spoke.

"[He is germophobic, so it is expected]" 

"I have never met a Germophobic person before and after this encounter, I never want to meet them again," he commented.

"[But it is good. At the very least, you are sure they don't live in a dirt household, so it's slightly tolerable."

"Slightly tolerable, my ass, and he had the audacity to deny he isn't a Germophobe," Vinnie chuckled at his friend as he listened on to him.

The sounds of doors opening and walking in were his boss, Joaquin, and Carlos. Vinnie's eyes widen as Cassius continued talking without realization. "~Ah, I can't wait for tomorrow, when he goes back to his country. I swear, I think I have aged 10 times more between yesterday and today"

Vinnie kept on blinking, trying to signal him to shut the hell up, and the devil was already behind him. But he didn't pick his signal. Vinnie opted to tap in Norse code on the table, but it was still of no use, as the man just kept going. 

"You know what?! I would make up an excuse to go on a mission or something, just to get a way from him. Maybe I would go back to The Diamond Lounge and stay there still tomorrow"

"You really think you can run away from me" Quinn asked, clutching his shoulders. He placed a bit of his body on his and gave him a VERY relax smile. 

It was so relaxed, so calm, that it was irritating. It made Cassius very anxious. "What are you going to do with me?"

Quin slid into the space beside him as he continued his plans of tormenting Cassius, "Why do you have to say it like that? Didn't you say you were going to take me to see the best of New York?" he asked, smiling sweetly at him, squeezing hard on his shoulder.

Cassius turned to the other men, but they were all doing one thing or the other and didn't seem to care about the fact that Quin was actively threatening him. 

"Well, since it's my last day here, don't you think I would need to do some shopping?"


"Shopping," Quin replied, crossing his legs, "I can't just go to a whole ass country and return empty-handed for my buddies back home."

"You can't be serious?!" Cassius asked, the dreadful feeling finally dawning on him. 

Giving a closed eyed smile, Quin responded, "Yes I am"

"And also," he added on, "I have a girlfriend, back at home. You know how girls get when you travel out without telling them and still don't come back with anything. Major Havoc, I am telling you!"

"You really have a girlfriend?" Diesel quizzed, as he pulled away from the server and stared at Quinn, giving him a perplexed look.

"I don't remember saying I was lying?"

"But you hooked up with a stripper!!! Just yesterday!!" Cassius hollered at him. 

"[Wow, I didn't know you were an asshole.]" Vincenzo signed, but since Quinn didn't speak sign language, he didn't bother with it.

"That's besides the conversation. Stop trying to divert my attention"

"We are not diverting shit. You fucking just cheated on her, woman. You nasty bro," Cassius stated, looking at him with a disappointed look.

Carlos stared at his boss, wondering how long he was going to drag this his running and overdue 'joke'

Soon Quin blew up laughing, hysterically, to the point other customers were looking at them with a perplexed look. 

"Dude, chill out. People are looking at us like we are creepy"

"Maybe next time, don't arrange brunch in an open restaurant"

"Oh, pardon me, your highness, I should have made reservations in a five-star hotel," Cassius jeered at him.

"Hotel might be a bit much," Quin calmly stated as he thought through it like it was a serious matter. "You could have left it in a restaurant. That would have been a lot more enjoyable."

Quinn pulled away, finally given the server, who had been standing there waiting for his attention. He places a simple order, and the server was on his way to bring it.

Looking at the men, Quin sighed, feigning sadness, and empathy as he spoke. "Unfortunately, to be honest, I don't really have a girlfriend."

"You fucking asshole!!" Cassius shouted at him. He had been doing that for quite a while. 

Cassius was dead ass sure his blood pressure had spiked a few rates up since the Don had arrived the previous day. He was definitely going to ask his boss for a time off on Monday, just to get his sanity back. 

"Honestly, it is really hard to figure you out," Diesel pondered.

Quin looked up from his phone, his head bent slightly as he looked at him casually. "I have seen like four emotions on you between yesterday and today"

"Like inside-out movie?" He joked on.

"Dude, the fuck is wrong with you!!" Cassius ‌couldn't understand the Dons' actions, as his emotions were going all over the place. It was really getting on his nerves. But the other men didn't mind, especially Diesel. He didn't mind whatever type of attitude Quin had. It would surely be be‌tter than him being on edge about everything. 

"It is probably the sex, from yesterday" 

"Shut the fuck up, it's not"

Their meal came in, and the conversation continued to flow with no interruption, only jokes and occasional insults.

Carlos scrolled on his phone as he ate. He was chatting with big bill. Apparently, he had just gotten back from his drive practice and was fixing his car at the moment. 

"So, what do you think, Carlos?"

Carlos looked up with a questioning gaze at the men. "About what?" He asked, pulling the earbuds off his ears.

"[Buddy wasn't even paying attention]" Vinnie signed as he chuckled at Carlos confused face. 

He looked like didn't even want to be concerned. As long as Joaquin was causing a problem and being in his usual good and happy mood, conversation could fly over his head for all he cares.

"What?" He asked again, this time giving them his full attention.

"We wanted to know if you are okay with our hospitality from yesterday."

Carlos looked at his boss, who had a clear playful smile on his face. Carlos silently cursed himself out. Since he wasn't paying attention, he had completely overlooked what his boss's respond was "Um… it was fine I guess? The beginning, though, was really fucked up. Like really fucked up and—"

"We have gone over it, and our boss has also apologized for it. Like buddy, let it go," Cassius remarked, rolling his eyes.

"You asked for my opinion. I gave it to you. The fuck is your problem?"

"It is just annoying how both you and your boss keep bringing it up at every giving moment. It is getting old"

"How about next time, you don't make dumb discussions like cancelling other people's Uber and Airbnb payments," Carlos answered with a dry chuckle. 

"You fucker!"

"Bite me"

"What are you? Five?"

"It is alright!" Diesel commanded, placing his palm flat on the table to ensure silence. 

"I realized that was wrong of us to do and—"

Quin waved his hands off at him. "Nah, I am very sure it wasn't your idea" 

"I can bet my wallet that the person who brought on the 'genius' plan was your second in command," Quinn added as he flashed Cassius a sweet smile, that sent disgusted shivers down his spine. 

"Can it, would you?" Cassius replied, not hiding his disgusted look.

The blood devil men chuckled at Quinn's accurate statement, as it was indeed Cassius who brought the idea of them canceling their hotel reservations so they could stay over at their place. 

In his words, it made sense. After all, they were coming to see them, so it would save them time to move from one location to another. 

"But regardless of the previous disappointing scenarios. How has your stay genuinely being?"

"Good," Carlos answered by rolling his shoulders. "The club was good. Very, to be exact."

They turned to Quin to get his on response. "Similarly, it was good. The club too. And besides, I could've the primary goal of coming down here, so I guess it wasn't entirely a waste of time and effort"

"I am glad you like it"

"Hope we to see you in Mexico."

"Definitely" Diesel nodded his answer to Joaquin's statement. He added, placing his check on the table while Vincenzo signalled for the server. "Hopefully, we are done here. Quin still needs to sign the alliance contract"

The men stood up and individually made their way to their vehicles.