
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

46- Mexico * New York

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 46

"Clothing store first," Quin said, but it was more or less like a demand. 

"Why what's up?" Diesel asked, coming closer to him, but instinctively took steps back from him. 

Diesel raised a confused brow at him. He repeated his actions, and walked closer to him again, but Quin also repeated his own action, by taking steps away from. 

"The fuck is wrong with you now?" Diesel asked. He was sort of getting annoyed at Quinn's fluctuating mood. There was really a limit to his patience string he can tug on.

"Don't me, I still smell of sex, and I am also still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, which defeats the entire point of the bath I had. Therefore, don't touch me, and we are going straight to a clothing store. The closest one will be more preferable"

"Are you kidding me? You are a Germophobe?" Cassius asked. Quin was silent for a moment, not meeting their eyes, before deciding to give him an answer. "No"

"That is a FUCKING lie!!" Cassius exclaimed loudly, making Quin cringe.

"Do you not come with an off button?" Quin asked, feeling very irritated, both at Cassius but also at the fact that he was still wearing dirty clothes.

He didn't find it amusing as the men did.

"Why didn't you get from the club?" Diesel inquired.

But the disgusted look Joaquin gave as a response was more than enough to get him to shut it, "Well, then, It is just 11 in the morning, Vinny please take a car and make reservations in a restaurant while we take Quin to change his clothes," He ordered, and Vinny nodded in agreement.

Quinn wasted no time in getting inside the car. He sat at the back whilst Diesel and Carlos sat in the front.

"How far is the closest store?" Carlos asked. 

"About 15 minutes' free traffic," He answered. Carlos silently peered his eyes on the front mirror, monitoring Quinn's reaction. 

Quin had a hard glare at Diesel, who was finding this entire scenario amusing. 

"15 minutes?"

"Yes, give or take. It's better for you to bring out your bible and pray for a free road." Diesel teased some more. 

Quin only groaned in annoyance as he laid back down and gave no other response.

"How was your night yesterday?" Carlos asked, "After you both left, we didn't hear from you both. Vinnie, Cassius and I eventually came out looking for you both"

"Oh? Right. We got laid," Quin said with a teasing expression plastered on his face. He looked as though he had greatly achieved something with that statement. Well, he did, or he had achieved something. And was the shocking expression on Carlos's face. It was priceless.

"I was worried sick about you!!" Carlos yelled, whipping to the back to glare at his boss.

"Why didn't you call?" Quinn asked, looking up from his phone. 

"I FUCKING DID!!" You could see literally fumes coming off Carlos's ears as he continued talking to his boss. But Quinn was mercilessly joking around with his feelings. Diesel watched all this and said nothing. He has been seeing different versions of Quin since he came. 


The dude was a fucking Germophobe. He had never seen a Germophobe before, so he wondered how long it would take Quinn to get prissy. Because, in truth, there was a store close to the nightclub, it wasn't even a 10 minutes walk. Which meant Diesel had been driving around to see how long it would take Quin to snap again. 

20 minutes

20 minutes before Quin snapped, "It's being 20 minutes, and there is no traffic"

"Calm down, we are almost there" Diesel turned the car around and started heading for the major store as he listened to the men argue.

"We are going back on Monday," Carlos argued.

"I have school that day," Quinn answered without hesitation. Carlos groaned sadly at his boss's answer. Diesel pulled the car to a stop as they had arrived. 

The men stepped out and headed inside. 

"Boss, I need to get laid. Come on, please!!" 

"You say it like girls don't exist back in Mexico?" Carlos went silent after Quin said that. Thought for a moment about his counter option.

"But it's white girls," he whined. That was the only counter he could actually think of.

"I want to buy for myself," Quin said to the lady at the desk. She nodded and smiled as she called for another lady. 

The new attendant greeted them as she led them to the men's section. 

"Why don't you go today?" Diesel offered as he too began looking through some clothes to buy. After all, Quinn had made him feel dirty by wearing the same clothes as the previous night.

"Yeah, why don't you go this night?" Quin offered with a sweet smile, which wasn't doing anything to fool Carlos.

"Can I?" Carlos pleaded with his hands clasped together and his eyes looking very hopeful.

Quin sighed with a smile, "Of course you can—"


"If we can conclude the deal today"

Carlos' joy was cut short as he watched his boss's retreating form leave to a changing room. "Don't worry about it," Diesel stated calmly.

Carlos crooked his brows, asking for more explanation. Diesel, with a smile, expanded some more. "He had already agreed to the alliance, so you can go get laid, if that's what you want and besides (pause) I am sure Cassius would go today again. That fucker can do without gambling"

Carlos's eyes widened as excitement littered his face. If Diesel didn't know how goofy and playful he was, he would have suspected he had other motives of wanting to get laid, as his reaction was exaggerated for just some mundane activity, "But if you want to go to Diamond Dominion, you would have to take Vinny with you"

"I don't need to go there, there is no difference" 

"There is, actually, the pool." 

Carlos rolled his eyes at the so-called 'difference', but he said nothing as the main point was, he could go out and get laid.

"I am going to change," Diesel said, throwing the car keys towards him. Carlos couldn't believe his luck. Finally, a chance to enjoy himself without worrying about work or his boss. 

It was his free time.

Diesel and Quin eventually came out from the dressed and looking clean. Quinn had this satisfying smile on his face with the feeling of being and also looking clean. 

Quinn casually strolled through the clothing store, effortlessly displaying his charm. He wore a charcoal sweater that felt warm in the cold late autumn air. His faded denim jeans were rolled up at the bottom, creating a laid back feel. Completing his look were a pair of loved suede desert boots, adding a touch of sturdiness to his outfit. His tousled hair peeked out from under his beanie, enhancing his appearance.

Diesel followed out shortly after him. Diesel, on the flip side, went with a more rugged and outdoorsy vibe. He was wearing a plaid flannel shirt, with earthy tones that matched the season. Underneath, a simple white t-shirt peeked out for an added comfort. His bottoms were sturdy olive cargo pants, complete with plenty of pockets. To conclude his outfit, he wore leather boots. A beanie sat atop his head, its neutral color seamlessly blending with his overall appearance.

Reaching the front desk again, he flashed a flirty smirk to the lady who ‌go flushed by him, "I would love to pay for the clothes" He pointed to Diesel behind him. 

"Yes, of course" She smiled nervously. She brushed her hair behind her ears as she punched in the amount. She slowly and light bounce on her feet. This made her boobs bounce. Quin smirked as he waited for her to tell him the price. Her seductive antics caught his eyes. 

"Your total would amount to $2600." She uttered. The attendant had made her voice soft and small, very pleasing to the ears. 

Quin gave her a cheeky smile, placing his card in her palms rather than sliding it across the table. "I see." His voice was clearly honeyed to the ear, that the lady literally swooned over him.

Diesel and Carlos coughed to get their attention. "If you are done with your -um- flirting, we need to get going, you know, as we have only eaten sugar pineapple and drunk alcohol."

"Can we leave already?" Diesel's authoritative voice came out. He wore a smile across his face, which was vastly different to his authoritative tone.

The attendant nodded as she immediately tore their receipt and handed it to Quinn. He took it, along with his card, finally waving her goodbye, which she reciprocated.

Leaving with them, Quin tucked his card back into his wallet. He raised the receipt up as he analyzed it. And he saw what he was searching for.

Her number.

As expected, "Let me guess, you got her number?" Carlos asked, slipping into the back seat as Diesel took the passenger and Quinn drove.

"Yeah" he mused. Quin crumbled the receipt and as he threw it out the window. 

"I thought you were going to saving it and call her back?" Diesel asked. 

Quin was very apathetic, which was a very large contract to his attitude with the lady back at the store. "Not really. I was just happy I could change out of the old clothes. It is not my fault that she thought I was flirting with her. And besides, she is not my type"

Diesel and Carlos went silent, "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you!!" They yelled at the same time. Their sudden outburst caused Quinn to burst out laughing.

"Quinn, you are the worst"

"I know."

"It wasn't a compliment"

"I know"