
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
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68 Chs

41: Kicked out

Editing in Progress...

Chapter 41

The men entered the Ruby Rendezvous and sat around the table lazily. Diesel had his head hung low behind him as he stared up at the ceiling.

The only sounds that distracted their thoughts were the background sounds playing in the room and the soft bickering between Carlos, Cassius, and Vinny. Though Vinny didn't talk, he did nod and laugh along with them.

The two other Dons sat opposite each other; one stared at the ceiling like something was fascinating about it, and the other casually watched the strippers on the stage while occasionally scrolling at his phone and chatting with Santiago and Xavier.

They each had his location and were asking on and on about the success rate at which their alliance would be formed.

He texted, "{This is not something that happens randomly}" He used the picker to pick at the sugar pineapple and put it in his mouth.

He liked it.

Pineapple on its own was already a sweet fruit, but it was mixed with sugar and drunk down on his carajillo. Overall, the taste experience of carajillo with sugar and pineapple is a delightful fusion of bold coffee, smooth liquor, sweetness from sugar, and refreshing tropical fruitiness from the pineapple. 

This was the bliss he was enjoying at the moment, and he didn't want anybody or anything to ruin it for him. But not all wishes are meant to be granted, as Diesel tapped his ringed finger on the table in front of him.

This not only got the attention of the three other men but also a confused Quin. 

Quin crooked his brows slightly as he stared at the don. Diesel pointed to the door and said, "Take fresh air with me. While we talk?"

Joaquin sighed, giving him a confused look, before his eyes trailed to Carlos for a second before going back to Diesel.

Diesel decided to try again, seeing as he clearly doesn't want to come along. "It is clear we have some things we would like to talk about in private, without unnecessary interference."

Quin sighed, knowing he was right about it. "Alright then," he agreed. But still, inwardly, he felt a bit annoyed that he had to leave his sweet snacks.

As if the universe heard his prayers, a waitress strolled behind them with a tray in hand as she placed both their snacks and drinks on the tray. 

Diesel snapped his fingers at the waitress, inviting her to his side. Leaning down, he whispered something incoherent to Joaquin. 

She replied, his whispered words with a nod as she grabbed her collar. She spoke to someone on her collar mic as she walked faster and ahead of them.

"What's up?" Quin asked as he watched the waitress disappear from their sight.

"Oh no, it's nothing. I just ordered her to prepare a table ahead before we arrive." He answered, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. They walked in silence until they saw their waitress standing by a table, waiting for them.

She bowed to them and left them to their needs. "So what do you want to talk about?" Quin questioned him once he sat down. He didn't beat around the bush; he went straight to the point.

"Let's form an alliance." Diesel answered, not filtering his words either. He had been thinking through it since he was told that he was coming down to New York City. 

Diesel was naturally an awkward person, but this time he was going to start creating his allies without the help of his father. The first was Armani.

This was the main reason for the race, not because he had just 'entered university' but because he wanted to see those who were sharp and wise enough to do a background check on the event organizer, and so far it has only been Armani that even found out about them.

And that was another thing he wanted to ask him: how did they find out it was them, and how did they find out what country made the event? But looking at how tight-lipped Quinn was, he doubted he would get anything from him.

"That was my original plan."


"If everything had been planned out the way it was supposed to be," he calmly stated, "You know, Carlos and I were arriving at the airport and actually seeing our driver, getting to our air bnb, and then contacting you. All this would have been a different scenario."

Diesel sighed as he stared at the man in front of him. "You are really hard to please."

"No, not really. I am very easy to please, but I also easily get angry, especially if someone messes up my plan intentionally without caring for my opinion. Do what you wish with that information."

"So why don't we start from scratch again?"


"Yes, scratch. Forget about me 'fucking up' your plan and start all over again."

"Hmm. I guess that would be a better offer than being enemies."

"Yes, it would."

"Alright then"


"Allies," he answered.

Quin looked around, expecting or looking for something.

"Is something wrong?" Diesel asked, noticing his sudden discomfort.

"The paper?"

"Paper? What paper?"

"Are we not supposed to have an allies contract down and ready? Wait, don't tell me, you did all these without actually having the contract." Joaquinn teased without shame. This made Diesel red in the face.

"It's back at home," he lied. In truth, the don hadn't prepared anything, as he genuinely believed that Quin was going to turn him down.

And besides, he didn't even know what to put in said contract. He would have to contact his father for that. But for now, he would have to bear Quin's tease. 

"You do know it's risky to make an alliance with a mafia don without having a physical contract. What happens if I wake up the next day and decide to break the alliance? There was no contract signed, so I can easily ditch you for the rocks.".

"Well, um, uh, I didn't think you would agree," Diesel answered, scratching his head awkwardly.

"So it never occurred to you that I may possibly, just possibly accept."

"No, not really."


"Yes, seriously," 

Quin furrowed his brows with a slight irritation. "I am not that much of a terrible person," he stated. 

"Well, you kind of are," he flat-out stated. Quinn laughed at his statement as he drank his wine. next line

 Quin rolled his eyes and said, "We will talk more about it when we get home."

"So it's a yes?" Diesel asked again, wanting to be sure he heard him correctly.

"Yes, of course, my old man would kill me. If I didn't make the alliance possible," he answered.

Diesel paused for a moment before his eyes widened. "So this meeting was also important to you, and you were asking all tough and mighty."

"I won't say all tough, but I would say all mighty."

"You have a terrible sense of humor."



They blew up laughing after cursing at each other. 

"So why do you want to particularly form an alliance with me? If you think about it, wouldn't it be more profitable if you were to form one with someone who is in the States?"

Before answering, Diesel signaled to one of the waitresses, "A bottle," which he ordered, waving his already empty bottle at her. She nodded as she left to bring his order. Glancing at the saucer plate in front of Quin, he called out after her, "And sugar-pineapple."

"So?" Quin asked, in reminder of his previously asked question.

"Well, first of all, we are around the same age; I am probably older by a couple of years, or at most a 2-3 year age difference.

Quin nodded as he continued, "While it would be logical for me to seek alliances with families from the states, I was aiming to start with people within my age group of 19–25."

"And you already have a list of them?"

"Just a couple," he shrugged without giving in more information. 

"I see, then good luck to you."

"What about you?"

"What about me, what?"

"Aren't you forming your alliance?"

Quin paused as he watched the waitress place their order on the table before watching her leave. "Well, it is sort of complicated."


"Mhmm, I am sort of still in hiding."

"In hiding?"

"Like I said, complicated," he answered, picking on the sugar pineapple.

"I see. But you are still the next, aren't you?" he asked

"Yes. Yes, I am. He was truthful in his words. He really was going to be the next Don of his family.

"So next question," Diesel said, but this time his tone was deep, serious, and a bit tense.

Quinn nodded as he waited for his question: "How did you find out it was us, the blood devils, that set up the event? How did you find out that we are even Americans?"